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good book 【宗教】《圣經》。

good cheer

In one room next to him i found a lot of good books 在他隔壁的一個房間里我發現很多好書。

Good books are irrefutable , and bad books refute themselves 好書難以辯駁,而壞書駁倒自已

Sometimes , a good book can help you reach a new level 讀一本好書,就如同和一個偉人交流。

That ' s a good book that will help you a lot 那是本對你很有幫助的書。

Reading good books is one of the greatest pleasures in life 讀好書是人生最大的樂趣之一。

Time passes quickly when you ' re reading a good book 當你沉醉于一本好書時,時間會過得很快

Good books are an enrichment of life 良好的書藉是使人生變得充實之物。

A good book is the best of friends , the same today and forever 好書如好友,情誼永不渝。

It ' s hard to find a good book about the chinese language 很難找到一本好的漢語方面的書。

The coming about of a good book is the result of hard work 好書的產生是努力工作的結果。

Would you rather spend the day hiking or reading a good book 你今天要健行還是讀本好書?

Many good books have been written on the subject 人們已經撰寫了很多有關這一主題的書籍。

A good book is the best of friends , the same today and for ever 好書如好友,友情永不渝

A : my hobbies are reading good books and listening to music 他的愛好是讀好書和聽音樂。

As good almost kill a man as kill a good book 毀掉一本好書與殺人無異。

It ' s a good book . you ' d better read it carefully (這是一本好書。你最好用心地讀它。 )

I ' ve not read such a good book for many a long day 我已經好久沒有讀到過這樣好的書了。

It is true that we can derive benefits from good books 不錯,我們能從好書中獲得益處。

A : this is a really good book . i want you to read it 這真是一本好書,希望你能看一看。