
good adj.(better; best ) (opp. ba...

good book

This practice is not good by and large . 一般說來,這種做法并不太好。

He attained a good mark in the examination . 他在考試中得到好分數。

Dry goods are staples of the store . 織品是這家商店銷路穩定的商品。

He is a top student , a really good one .. 他是個尖子學生,沒有說的。

Plotters come to no good end . 搞陰謀詭計的人,必然要落得可恥的下場。

She is very good at putting her ideas across . 她非常善于表達思想。

Aspirin is a good stand-by for headaches . 阿司匹林是必備的頭痛良藥。

Austria has a good side , and should win . 奧地利隊陣容強,很可能贏。

Goods are sold with money-back guarantee . 售出商品質量不符保證退款。

He may be a good man for anything i know . 據我所知,他可能是好人。

He is a good batsman but a poor bowler . 他擊球不錯,但投球不太好。

I can bear testimony to his good character . 我可以證明他的品德良好。

That will make a good ending to the book . 那就成了這本書很好的結尾。

She speaks english with a good pronunciation . 她的英語語音很正確。

We felt buoyed up by the good news . 我們覺得這個好消息很令人鼓舞。

It does n't pay to grow feed crops on such good soil . 種飼料劃不來。

The good news has taken a load off my mind ... 這好消息使我如釋重負。

Both teams have shown good sportsmanship . 兩隊的隊員都賽出了好風格。

The store keeps a large stock of goods for winter sale . 供冬季銷售。