gonorrhea n.淋病。
n. 淋病。 “acute gonorrhea“ 中文翻譯: 急性淋病“black gonorrhea“ 中文翻譯: 血尿性淋病,出血性淋病“bloody gonorrhea“ 中文翻譯: 血淋“chronic gonorrhea“ 中文翻譯: 慢性淋病“consumptive gonorrhea“ 中文翻譯: 勞淋“gonorrhea infantum“ 中文翻譯: 少女淋病“gonorrhea strains“ 中文翻譯: 淋病菌株“gonorrhea tests“ 中文翻譯: 淋病檢測試劑“haemorrhagic gonorrhea“ 中文翻譯: 血尿性淋病, 出血性淋病“heat gonorrhea“ 中文翻譯: 熱淋“hemorrhagic gonorrhea“ 中文翻譯: 出血性淋病; 血尿性淋病“incidence of gonorrhea“ 中文翻譯: 淋病發病率“milky gonorrhea“ 中文翻譯: 膏淋“ophthalmic gonorrhea“ 中文翻譯: 眼淋病, 淋病性結膜炎“stone gonorrhea“ 中文翻譯: 石淋“tubal gonorrhea“ 中文翻譯: 輸卵管淋病“urethral gonorrhea“ 中文翻譯: 尿道淋病“urogenital gonorrhea“ 中文翻譯: 尿生殖器淋病“acute gonorrhea of genitourinary tract“ 中文翻譯: 急性泌尿生殖道淋病“anterior urethral gonorrhea“ 中文翻譯: 前尿道淋病“fluorescent gonorrhea test“ 中文翻譯: 熒光淋病試驗“gonorrhea cloudy urine“ 中文翻譯: 白濁“gonorrhea complement fixation test“ 中文翻譯: 淋病補體結合試驗“gonorrhea venereal disease“ 中文翻譯: 性病,淋病“gonori“ 中文翻譯: 戈諾里“gonorhynchiform“ 中文翻譯: 鼠魚喜目
gonorrheal |
The contrast experiment shows that the combination of yuanji treatment and traditional chinese and western medicines exerts an obvious effect in preventing and curing gonorrhea of young shrimps , in increasing the disease - resisting ability , the survival rate , and the growth vitality , in shortening the hatching and growing period , and in improving the production of young shrimps 通過對比試驗表明,元極處理結合中西藥物對防治羅氏沼蝦“白濁病”有明顯效果,能提高蝦苗抗病力、成活率和生長活力,縮短雌蝦孵出幼體及幼體發育成蝦苗的時間,促進蝦苗增產。 |
B class infectious diseases shall include viral hepatitis , bacillary and amebic dysentery , typhoid and paratyphoid , aids , gonorrhea , syphilis , poliomyelitis , measles , pertussis , diphtheria , epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis , scarlet fever , epidemic hemorrhagic fever , rabies , leptospirosis , brucellosis , anthrax , epidemic and endemic typhus , epidemic encephalitis b , kala - azar , malaria , and dengue fever 乙類傳染病是指:病毒性肝炎、細菌性和阿米巴性痢疾、傷寒和副傷寒、艾滋病、淋病、梅毒、脊髓灰質炎、麻疹、百日咳、白喉、流行性腦脊髓膜炎、猩紅熱、流行性出血熱、狂犬病、鉤端螺旋體病、布魯氏菌病、炭疽、流行性和地方性斑疹傷寒、流行性乙型腦炎、黑熱病、瘧疾、登革熱。 |
Class infectious diseases shall include viral hepatitis , bacillary and amebic dysentery , typhoid and paratyphoid , aids , gonorrhea , syphilis , poliomyelitis , measles , pertussis , diphtheria , epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis , scarlet fever , epidemic hemorrhagic fever , rabies , leptospirosis , brucellosis , anthrax , epidemic and endemic typhus , epidemic encephalitis b , kala - azar , malaria , and dengue fever 乙類傳染病是指:病毒性肝炎、細菌性和阿米巴性痢疾、傷寒和副傷寒、艾滋病、淋病、梅毒、脊髓灰質炎、麻疹、百日咳、白喉、流行性腦脊髓膜炎、猩紅熱、流行性出血熱、狂犬病、鉤端螺旋體病、布魯氏菌病、炭疽、流行性和地方性斑疹傷寒、流行性乙型腦炎、黑熱病、瘧疾、登革熱。 |
Gonorrhea leads to several complications in the female genital tract , including acute inflammation with abscess formation as well as chronic inflammation with tubal scarring ( and a greater likelihood of ectopic pregnancy ) and pelvic inflammatory disease 淋病可導致多種女性生殖系統病變,包括急性化膿性炎癥、慢性炎癥導致的輸卵管瘢痕化(異位妊娠的發生率隨之升高) 、盆腔炎癥性疾病。 |
Objective to evaluate the antibiotic susceptibility of neisseria gonorrhoeae epidemic strains to macrolides in hengyang and provide a referrence for the prevention and treatment of gonorrhea 摘要目的了解淋病奈瑟菌流行株對大環內酯類藥物的敏感性,為淋病的防治提供實驗依據。 |
A certain number of gonorrhea bacteria will resist treatment , making complete recovery relatively difficult , so the patient must take medication accordingly to avoid complications 因部份病菌有抗藥性,在醫治上比較困難,所以淋病患者切勿胡亂用藥,以免耽誤病情。 |
As late as the 19th century it was given as a treatment for worms , coughs , colds , sore throats , asthma , indigestion , bad breath , gum disease , and gonorrhea 十九世紀的時候,它是用作治療蠕蟲病,咳嗽,傷風,咽喉疼痛,哮喘,消化不良,呼吸不暢,齒齦疾病和淋病。 |
This infection is caused by a different type of bacteria from gonorrhea , so it is important to follow your doctor s instructions carefully and be treated effectively 由于可能由不同的病菌所引起,因此必須聽從醫生的指導,小心治療,以確保根治。 |
Rapidly kills extinguishes can cause gonorrhea , the incisive condyloma , syphilis , aids and so on the many kinds of venereal diseases pathogenic bacteria 迅速殺滅能引起淋病、尖銳濕疣、梅毒、艾滋病等多種性病的致病菌。 |
Like all real heroes , charley had a fatal flaw . he refused to believe that he had gonorrhea , whereas the truth was that he did 就像所有真正的主人公,查理也有一個致命的缺點。他拒絕相信自己有淋病,而事實是他真的有。 |
Conclusion azithromycin can be used as first - line agents to cure gonorrhea and roxithromycin used for alternative agents 結論阿奇霉素可作為衡陽地區淋病治療的首選藥物,羅紅霉素可作為淋病治療的替代性藥物。 |
Symptoms are similar to those of gonorrhea , and although they are usually mild , the disease can have the same complications if untreated 病徵與淋病差不多,一般比較溫和,但能產生同樣并發癥。 |
As the statistics show , in the u . s . gonorrhea is mainly a disease of young people , especially of female teenagers 統計所示,美國的淋病病例以青年人為主,尤其以女性青少年為甚。 |
Analysis of pathogeny in infection of urinary and reproductive systerm without gonorrhea and its drug resistance to antibiotics 非淋菌性泌尿生殖道感染患者病原體及耐藥性分析 |
Comparison of results of pcr and gram staining microscopic examination for chronic gonorrhea 檢測法與革蘭氏染色鏡檢法同時檢測慢性淋病結果的比較 |
And i ' m betting we ' re gonna see abnormal incidences of chlamydia , gonorrhea , herpes 我敢打賭我們將看到變種的衣原體,淋病,皰疹的射入 |
Gonorrhea can occur in the reproductive organs , urethra , rectum and throat 淋病可以發生在生殖器、尿道、直腸和喉嚨 |
Clinical evaluation of sparfloxacin in the treatment of gonorrhea 蘆氟沙星治療非淋菌性尿道炎和宮頸炎的臨床觀察 |
Gonorrhea . often used with the 淋病。通常與the連用 |