
gondolier n.(意大利威尼斯的)平底船船夫。


He did not wear the gondolier s blouse : only the knitted blue jersey . he was a little wild , uncouth and proud . so he was hireling to the rather doggy giovanni who was hireling again to two women 他有的粗野和驕的神氣,他是那卑鄙的佐萬尼的受雇者,而佐萬尼卻是兩個女子的受雇者。

As the gondolier serenades you , float elegantly along the graceful canals into the open harbor waters . this is by far the most romantic attraction in tokyo disneysea 由美麗的運河至寬闊的大海,熱情活潑的船夫將為您高歌一曲,享受優雅浪漫的時光就要搭乘東京迪士尼的貢多拉游船。

Conveniently located on piazza topolino sud at the edge of the palazzo canals , this counter - service snack facility is gondoliers favorite hangout 這間義大利冰淇淋專賣店,是快樂的貢多拉船夫們休息時經常聚集的地方。

There was a pause . after which he asked : do the signore want a gondolier for the twenty days or so that they will stay at the villa esmeralda 過了一會他又問道: “太太們,在這二十天內要不要雇一只艇子?

Then giovanni got another gondolier to help him , because it was a long way and he sweated terrifically in the sun 那時佐萬尼多用了一個舟子來幫助他,因為路達遠了,而且他在太陽下面汗流如注。

He was a regular gondolier in a white - and - blue blouse , not very good - looking , not at all impressive 那是個普通的舟子,穿著件藍帶白的寬外衣:相貌并不很好看,一點特別的地方都沒有。

He was not a regular gondolier , so he had none of the cadger and prostitute about him 他并不是真正的游艇舟子,所以他沒有那種賣笑男姐的神氣。

Join the happy - go - lucky gondoliers for a refreshing gelato or fresh - brewed coffee 來一球清涼爽口的冰淇淋,或一杯香濃醇美的咖啡,小歇一下吧

Highly respectable gondoliers . and skeweyed walter sirring his father , no less 還有那個斗雞眼沃爾特,竟然對自己的父親以“先生”相稱。

I have been the gondolier for a gentleman there . but a fair distance out 那里的一位先生坐過我的船,但是離這兒很遠呢。 ”

That gondolier is a bad character 那個船夫性格不太好

The gondoliers wore green and white livery and silver plaques on their chests . 船夫們穿著白綠兩色的制服,胸前別著銀質徽章。

The gondoliers were green and white living and silver plaques on their chests . 船夫們穿著白綠兩色的制服,胸前別著銀質徽章。