
gondola n.1.(意大利威尼斯的)平底狹長小船。2.大型平底船;...

Don t miss the fun aboard a seashell gondola suspended from colorful puffed - up blowfish and experience a thrilling “ under - the - sea “ spin 宛若氣球般鼓脹的可愛河豚,將銜著貝殼載您參賽。請別錯過這場轉個不停的海底賽跑。


Too many people in the piazza , too many limbs and trunks of humanity on the lido , too many gondolas , too many motor - launches , too many steamers , too many pigeons , too many ices , too many cocktails , too many menservants wanting tips , too many languages rattling , too much , too much sun , too much smell of venice , too many cargoes of strawberries , too many silk shawls , too many huge , raw - beef slices of watermelon on stalls : too much enjoyment , altogether far too much enjoyment ! connie and hilda went around in their sunny frocks . there were dozens of people they knew , dozens of people knew them 皮亞沙的人太多了,麗由的人類肢體太多了,游艇太多了,汽船太我了,輪船太多了,鴿兒太多了,冰凍飲食太多了,醇酒太多了,等小帳的仆人太多了,不同的語言太多了,陽光太多了,威尼斯的氣味太多了,一船船的楊梅太多了,絲圍巾太多了,大塊的西瓜,生牛肉片似的擺在貨攤上,太多了,娛樂太多了,唉!

Punts are simple , gondola - like boats for navigating the cam , the calm and stately stream that flows through the campus of one of the world s foremost universities . those who took a three - day pass on punting to come to the xmlopen conference see 龐特( punt ,一種平底船)是在卡姆河(流經劍橋的一條河)上航行的一種簡單的、類似剛朵拉小船( gondola ,威尼斯常見的一種平底船) ,這條河平靜而莊嚴地流經世界上最著名學府的校園。

She did not want michaelis or anybody else trailing her . the happiest times were when she got hilda to go with her away across the lagoon , far across to some lonely shingle - bank , where they could bathe quite alone , the gondola remaining on the inner side of the reef 有時,她把希爾達說服了”陪著她渡過淺湖,遠遠地到了一處荒寂的沙灘上,那兒,她們可以怪孤獨的洗浴,把游艇停在礁石的后面,這便是康妮最快樂的時間了。

With a fascinating gondola ride to the top of the sulphur mountain will accomplish an excellent view of scenery . the visit will even complement with a short stop at the bow falls and shopping time in the banff city center area 山峻嶺,繼而參觀班芙市內之弓河瀑布拍照留念,各團友更可在市中心隨意選購紀念品及午膳,繼前詩情畫意的露意詩湖,面對長年累月為冰雪掩蓋的維多利亞冰川,超然脫俗。

Including : butchar garden , bc ferry , lunch in victoria , columbia icefield snowcoach , sulphur mountain gondola , calgary tower lake cruise , and entrance fee to all national parks mentioned here 門票含:寶翠花園哥倫比亞冰河雪車硫磺山吊車卡技利塔乘船暢游奧根娜根ok湖各國家公園入場費維多利亞午餐乘稻草車及一午膳。

There will be cheerful decorations up all around the park , including plenty of beautiful flowers in mediterranean harbor , on the venetian gondolas and adorning the disneysea transit steamers 地中海港灣周圍及航行于海面上的威尼斯貢多拉游船以及迪士尼海洋渡輪航線上也將擺設許多嬌艷的花朵,整個樂園到處充滿了熱鬧的色彩。

Admission included : columbia icefield snowcoach , sulphur mountain gondola , calgary tower lake cruise , and entrance fee to all national parks mentioned here , plus butchart garden , victoria ferries 門票含:哥倫比亞冰河雪車硫磺山吊車卡技利塔各國家公園入場費維多利亞午餐寶翠花園卑斯渡輪。

Now he made a third in the gondola , and he bathed with them across the lagoon , and was their escort : a quiet , almost taciturn young man , very advanced in his art 他現在陪著她們乘游艇出去,在淺湖的彼岸和她們一起洗浴,處處護從著她們。這是個沉靜的差不多寡言的青年,對于藝術的造詣是很深的。

Crane used for the mobilization of painting equipment and plant , including the fixing of gondola will not be separately reimbursed , but shall be provided by the company upon requests 起重機用于啟動粉刷設備,包括小長船的固定,不單獨予以補償,但如果承包商價格,應由公司提供。

Sulphur mountain in the banff national park and take a gondola ride up to the peak with a height of 7 , 500 feet to enjoy a full view of banff 早上出發直抵班芙國家公園,乘坐纜車登上高達七千五百尺之硫磺山遠眺群山,團友可俯瞰全市景色。

This ride provides a rotation movement . as the ride starts , the gondola rocks back and fourth then under gravity , rotates 360 degree 這一游樂設施做的是旋轉運動。隨著游樂設施的啟動,吊臂便前后搖擺起來,隨后在地心引力作用下,回旋360度。

If time permitted , you can take cable car gondola to the top of sulphur mountain . in afternoon , the 4 - day tour will fly back to hometown 時間許可,也可漫步游覽班芙市鎮商店或自費搭乘纜車,登臨硫磺山,俯視群山環繞弓河蜿蜒的班芙全景。

All scaffolding and staging required for the works , except for works to tanks where gondolas are to he used , will be provided by the company 除了要用到小長船的水槽這樣的工程外,所有要用到的腳手架和分段運輸架子都應由公司提供。

Including : columbia icefield snowcoach , sulphur mountain gondola , calgary tower lake cruise , and entrance fee to all national parks mentioned here 門票含:哥倫比亞冰河雪車硫磺山吊車乘船暢游奧根娜根ok湖各國家公園入場費。

Rows of flimsy houses with gaping doors . rare lamps with faint rainbow fans . round rabaiotti s halted ice gondola stunted men and women squabble 一群矮小的男男女女圍著停在這里的拉白奧蒂的平底船型冰淇淋車1 ,爭爭吵吵。

Don t miss the fun aboard a seashell gondola suspended from colorful puffed - up blowfish and experience a thrilling “ under - the - sea “ spin 宛若氣球般鼓脹的可愛河豚,將銜著貝殼載您參賽。請別錯過這場轉個不停的海底賽跑。

Presented by juchheim s co . , ltd . enjoy a relaxing ride along the waterways of mediterranean harbor on an authentic gondola operated by gondoliers 讓活潑好客的貢多拉船夫為您撐篙劃船,在美麗的運河享受羅曼蒂克的時光。

No doubt you imagine yourself taking a romantic gondola ride along narrow canals and under delicate bridges 毫無疑問你一定會想象自己乘坐浪漫的平底船,沿著窄窄的運河航行,從一座座別致的橋下穿梭而過。