
gonadotrophin n.【生物化學】促性腺激素。


Background : in - vitro maturation ( ivm ) of human oocytes would be an attractive alternative to gonadotrophin stimulation for in - vitro fertilization ( ivf ) . it could avoid the complications of gonadotrophin stimulation and reduce the cost of drugs . however , the efficiency of existing ivm technique is suboptimal because embryos resulting from ivm oocytes exhibit frequent cleavage blocks and low implantation rate 研究背景:近20年來,輔助生育技術有了突飛猛進的發展,體外受精、卵漿內單精子注射技術( intracytoplasmicsperminjection , icsl )和種植前遺傳學診斷技術的成熟標志著人類生殖醫學進入了嶄新的領域,但同時也不能否認,在這一領域中還存在諸如妊娠率低、藥物副作用和多胎率高等問題。

Established in 1991 , mainly produce human choroinic gonadotrophin ( hcg ) , human menopausal gonadotrophin ( hmg ) , urofollitropin ( fsh ) , heparin sodium , chondroitin sulfate , sodium benzoate , polyaluminchloride ( water clarified reagent ) etc . , we are the largest and the only enterprise which produce urinary items from crude to the injectable 成立于1991年,主要生產絨促性素、尿促性素、卵胞激素、尿激酶、肝素鈉、硫酸軟骨素、苯甲酸鈉、聚合氯化鋁凈水劑等,是中國最大的唯一的從尿液做到原料藥的生產廠家。

It involves stimulation of ovaries by daily injection of gonadotrophin , egg collection through the transvaginal route under the guidance of ultrasound , fertilization in the laboratory and replacement of good quality embryos into the uterine cavity 整個療程包括每天到醫院打針刺激卵巢抽取卵子處理精子受精及胚胎移植等,各步驟均需夫婦主動及積極參與,難免面對生理及心理負擔。

The immature mice were also used to see the expression and regulation of stat3 by gonadotrophin treatment . additionally , the expression and regulation of stat3 were examined during the formation and regression of corpus luteum 此外,還研究了促性腺激素對性未成熟小鼠子宮中stat3表達和激活的調節,并對stat3在小鼠黃體形成和退化過程中的作用進行了研究。

Anterior pituitary gonadotrophin 垂體前葉促性腺激素