
goldstone 【地質學;地理學】沙金石。


In quantum chromodynamics ( qcd ) , vacuum is not trivial , that is , vacuum carry quantum numbers . such a behavior is embodied by non - perturbative con - densates of quarks and gluons . since hadrons are excitations with respect to the vacuum , hadronic properties are ultimately related to properties of the vacuum . based on the vacuum structure , some hadron properties have been described well . in the low energy region , qcd has two very important proper - ties : chiral symmetry spontaneous breaking and confinement , which are closely related to the vacuum characteristics of qcd . much experiments and theoretical studies have shown that chiral symmetry spontaneous breaking is very important to understand the low - energy feature of the strongly interacting physics , and the quark condensates give an expression to chiral symmetry spontaneous breaking . according to goldstone ' s theorem , the goldstone bosons with zero mass will emerge as the chiral symmetry is spontaneously broken . there are two ways : inear and non - linear methods to carry out this constraint . in our paper , we will use the non - linear method 大量實驗和理論研究表明,手征對稱自發破缺對于理解低能強相互作用十分重要,而夸克凝聚又是導致手征對稱自發破缺的因素。按goldstone理論,伴隨手征對稱自發破缺應該會有零質量的goldstonebosons產生。而對于這一條件的實現有線性和非線性兩種方法本文將用非線性的方法將手征對稱自發破缺應用于su ( 3 )模型即重子八重態,得出描述其強相互作用的手征對稱自發破缺lagrange密度。

Above ) this 34 - m antenna , called dss - 13 , is one of those large dishes of the deep space network in goldstone , california and is primarily used for receiving echoes reflected from asteroids when they are beamed by groundbased radio signals (圖上)這座口徑34米的天線,編號dss - 13 ,隸屬美國加州的深空網絡。當天文學家從地面向小行星發射無線電波時,小行星會把部分電波反射回地球,并由dss - 13所接收。

Above this 34 - m antenna , called dss - 13 , is one of those large dishes of the deep space network in goldstone , california and is primarily used for receiving echoes reflected from asteroids when they are beamed by groundbased radio signals 圖上這座口徑34米的天線,編號dss - 13 ,隸屬美國加州的深空網絡。當天文學家從地面向小行星發射無線電波時,小行星會把部分電波反射回地球,并由dss - 13所接收。

Scientists at nasa ' s jet propul - sion laboratory in pasadena , california , collected the data using the facility ' s goldstone solar system radar 該數據是利用美國國家航空航天局噴氣推進實驗室的金石太陽系雷達收集的,月球南極的地形比科學家們之前預想的要更加崎嶇不平。

According to goldstone theorem , the goldstone bosons with zero mass will emerge as the chiral symmetry is spontaneously broken 由goldstone理論可知,當手征自發破缺時會生成零質量的goldstone玻色子。