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golden oldie golden oldy 曾風靡一時的(仍為人喜愛的)作品...

Over 1 , 000 participants , both young and old , were attracted to the football tournament , games , jumbo sales and “ the golden oldies “ music and dance 舉行的慈善足球嘉年華節目包括足球比賽手工藝攤位競技比賽超級大特賣及懷舊金曲表演,吸引了約千名觀眾入場參觀。

Over 1 , 000 participants , both young and old , were attracted to the football tournament , games , jumbo sales and “ the golden oldies “ music and dance 包括足球比賽、手工藝攤位、競技比賽、超級大特賣及懷舊金曲表演,吸引了約千名觀眾入場參觀。

It ' s important to keep the golden oldie in mind when delivering a speech : “ it ' s not what you say , it ' s what people hear . 重要的是,在演講時,必須牢記這樣的老話: “關鍵不是你說了什么,而是人們聽到了什么。 ”

golden opinions

Over 1 , 000 participants , both young and old , were attracted to the football tournament , games , jumbo sales and “ the golden oldies “ music and dance 舉行的慈善足球嘉年華節目包括足球比賽手工藝攤位競技比賽超級大特賣及懷舊金曲表演,吸引了約千名觀眾入場參觀。

Over 1 , 000 participants , both young and old , were attracted to the football tournament , games , jumbo sales and “ the golden oldies “ music and dance 包括足球比賽、手工藝攤位、競技比賽、超級大特賣及懷舊金曲表演,吸引了約千名觀眾入場參觀。

It ' s important to keep the golden oldie in mind when delivering a speech : “ it ' s not what you say , it ' s what people hear . 重要的是,在演講時,必須牢記這樣的老話: “關鍵不是你說了什么,而是人們聽到了什么。 ”

If they are older , play a few golden oldies , and if they are young give them more contemporary stuff 如果他們比較老,就演奏一些老歌金曲,如果他們是年輕人,就給他們多演奏些當代曲目。

2 - gold cd pack , featuring 34 eternal golden oldies of teresa teng , with bonus photo album and lyric cards 首批特別豪華限量版,附送20頁鄧麗君成長歷程相集,歌詞卡

There are other golden oldies in germany waiting for one last shot at the big time 其實,德國隊還有很多王牌老球員期待在此次世界杯中最后一次大顯身手。

3 - cd pack , featuring emil s 30 mandarin classical hits plus 10 english golden oldies 3 - cd套裝,輯錄30首國語及10首英語經典名曲

' a golden oldie for a golden oldie . ' 《閃光的日子》

Oh , the music i ' ll make . how ' s this for a golden oldie - - 嘔,我將吹奏的音樂。吹一段老金曲如何- - ?

A collection of 15 golden oldies of agnes chan 歷久彌新,懌動您心!

A collection of tsai chin s 14 golden oldies 最值得珍藏的完美呈現,最感人落淚的經典歌曲