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golden mean 1.中庸(之道)。2.=golden section.

Second part , recommend and the purchase three extremely representative countries of evaluation and analysis legislate of u . s . a . , britain , germany , u . s . a . mainly concentrates the legislation type , and because of the reason of the national system , legislate to assign to and legislate for the union with two layers of structure of state law again , britain belongs to the typical self - disciplining legislative system , purchased and amalgamated the committee to control and supervised by london mainly , germany is that in some cases the commerce is used to having legal effect , synthesize above - mentioned various countries “ characteristic , propose our country while purchasing legislating , should walk the doctrine of the golden mean , the due course of law that purchase should follow in operation all kinds of being must be exhaustive and having operating nature 第二部分,介紹并評析了美、英、德等三個極具代表性國家的收購立法,美國主要是屬于集中立法型,并由于國家體制的原因,立法又分為聯邦立法與州立法兩層結構,英國則是屬典型的自律性立法體系,主要由倫敦城收購與合并委員會來進行控制和監管,德國則是在某些情況下商業習慣具有法律效力,綜合上述各國特點,提出我國在進行收購立法時,也應行中庸之道,對各類收購行為在操作上應遵循的法定程序須詳盡且具操作性。

The notion of “ sincerity “ , which is sublimated into the top philosophical category , serves as the logistic premise of the “ golden mean “ doctrine and out of this basic concept is deduced an integrative theory of ethic and politics 摘要《中庸》以“誠”作為其整個思想體系的邏輯起點和理論前提,并將“誠”上升為最高的哲學范疇,由此推演出了一整套完整的倫理政治理論。

golden number

Second part , recommend and the purchase three extremely representative countries of evaluation and analysis legislate of u . s . a . , britain , germany , u . s . a . mainly concentrates the legislation type , and because of the reason of the national system , legislate to assign to and legislate for the union with two layers of structure of state law again , britain belongs to the typical self - disciplining legislative system , purchased and amalgamated the committee to control and supervised by london mainly , germany is that in some cases the commerce is used to having legal effect , synthesize above - mentioned various countries “ characteristic , propose our country while purchasing legislating , should walk the doctrine of the golden mean , the due course of law that purchase should follow in operation all kinds of being must be exhaustive and having operating nature 第二部分,介紹并評析了美、英、德等三個極具代表性國家的收購立法,美國主要是屬于集中立法型,并由于國家體制的原因,立法又分為聯邦立法與州立法兩層結構,英國則是屬典型的自律性立法體系,主要由倫敦城收購與合并委員會來進行控制和監管,德國則是在某些情況下商業習慣具有法律效力,綜合上述各國特點,提出我國在進行收購立法時,也應行中庸之道,對各類收購行為在操作上應遵循的法定程序須詳盡且具操作性。

I , through comparing the research approach to analyze with the case , from culture , legal culture , legal changes and lead legal culture into meaning in which the economic law study set out of culture , on the basis that the theory is analyzed , particular background and reality formed and developed on the basis of the economic law , study and regard power culture and right culture as the economic law culture of two major key elements among them from the standing of angle of legal culture . from the meaning of the culture of economic law at the same time , necessity and feasibility of studying in culture of economic law , economic law characteristic modernity and national characteristic of culture , , economic law culture with modern to rule by law civilized angle set about , carry on economic law analysis of culture ; secondly , certain difference exists in formulation and development of chinese and western economic law culture , the development of the culture of western economic law is shown as the cultural transition to power culture of the right rotates . with germany and historical retrospect and review , carry on real example investigate and combine western law sociology ideological trend research and western economic law culture of development , economic law of u . s . a . , i inner link , the essence around the culture of eastern economic law is the power culture at the same time , its form of expression is confucian culture , the course of development is shown as the transformation to right culture of power culture , and golden mean culture is the inside information of china ' s economic law culture 筆者從文化、法律文化、法律文化的沖突與變遷以及經濟法制度的法律文化土壤的思路進行研究,在理論分析的基礎上,基于經濟法形成與發展的特定背景與現實,闡釋經濟法以社會本位為價值取向、以權利與權力均衡為主旨、以平衡協調為內核、以人為終極關懷的內涵;經濟法文化的路徑考察由經濟法文化演進與國家角色的變遷、經濟法嬗變中的平衡協調精神、經濟法文化孕育中的社會本位思潮、經濟法文化熏陶下的經濟法制度催生四個層面展開;經濟法文化的特性表現為現代性和民族性,經濟法文化與現代法治文明的關聯涵蓋兩個方面,挖掘發揚傳統法文化中的合理因素、警惕傳統法文化中不合理因素的侵蝕;由于中西經濟法文化的產生與發展存在一定的差異,西方經濟法文化的發展表現為權利文化向權力文化的過渡轉型,筆者以德國和美國經濟法發展的歷史性回顧與反思進行實證考察并結合西方的法社會學思潮研究與西方經濟法文化的內在聯系,同時圍繞東方經濟法文化進行探析,其表現形式是儒家文化,發展的過程表現為權力文化向權利文化的轉移,其中中庸文化是中國經濟法文化的底蘊。

The notion of “ sincerity “ , which is sublimated into the top philosophical category , serves as the logistic premise of the “ golden mean “ doctrine and out of this basic concept is deduced an integrative theory of ethic and politics 摘要《中庸》以“誠”作為其整個思想體系的邏輯起點和理論前提,并將“誠”上升為最高的哲學范疇,由此推演出了一整套完整的倫理政治理論。

The nature garden includes a rainbow wall , sweet garden , golden mean plaza , windmill station , liberal learning centre , hilltop lookout and heritage centre 大自然公園的主要設施包括彩虹墻意中園金律廣場再生能源基地通識學園鳥望臺及古跡館等。

The style feature of sun li ' s prose written in his later years is mainly that the experiences of many vicissitudes of life are under its pursuit of golden mean 摘要孫犁晚年散文的文體特色主要表現為,在溫柔敦厚的外表下書寫沉郁滄桑的人生感觸。

The other is the handling of emperor power and the exercising of panel law should accord with the golden mean 包公的法律思想的基點在于:一是謀求天道、民意和法律的協調;二是維護皇權和刑法必須符合中道。

All realities are created based on the numeric blueprint of sacred geometry - consciousness - the golden mean - phi ratio 所有的真實性都是建立神圣幾何學的數學藍圖的基礎上? ?意識? ?中庸之道? ?菲爾比率。

Teachers shall get the hung of this golden mean and let kids fully advocate themselves in class 教師要善于利用這一特征,在活動過程中,讓他們充分進行表現,并對所取得的成績給予充分的肯定。

The purpose of the doctrine of the mean is to demonstrate the usefulness of golden means to gain perfect virtue 《中庸》的目的是證實運用中庸之道達到完美德行的絕妙方法。

As the ideal moral integrity , golden mean thought is reflected in the unification of benevolence , wisdom and courage 作為理想人格的中庸,表現為仁智勇的內在統一。

Golden mean plaza 金律廣場

The golden mean plaza at the front entrance represents the law of nature 位于馬灣公園正門的金律廣場,展現大自然的黃金規律。

On the end of golden mean in core confucianism compared with middle use of aristotle 與亞里士多德的中道相比較

The ethics golden mean for the high - techs 高技術的倫理中道

The sending micro of the using intermediate for feasibility in golden mean 中庸之用中思想現實性發微

The understanding and application of the golden mean and its modem pattern 中庸的體用及其現代形態

Modern explanation on doctrine of the golden mean 中庸之道的現代解讀