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golden jubilee 五十周年,金婚禮。

It includes “ literature and its characters - dream of the red mansion ii “ stamp set of 6 issued by macau post ( top left ) , “ the queen s golden jubilee “ stamp set of 5 issued by royal mail ( top right ) and “ the lord of the rings “ self - adhesive stamp set of 6 issued by new zealand post ( bottom ) 包括由澳門郵政發行的文學與人物紅樓夢(二)一套六枚郵票(圖上左) 、由英國皇家郵政發行的英女皇登基金禧紀念一套五枚郵票(圖上右)和由新西蘭郵政發行的魔戒一套六枚自動黏貼郵票(圖下) 。

Professor ng continued : “ in addition to bu ' s 50 - year tradition and foundation , the golden jubilee celebration has proved the university has the cohesion and energy to ensure its sustained development . 吳清輝教授續說:在浸大五十年來建立的傳統和基礎之上,金禧校慶作出了一次強而有力的凝聚工作,為浸大的明天儲備了所需的能量,以支持大學持續發展。

golden key

Chung chi college , the department of music , and the univeristy library system are jointly presenting an exhibiton of eight decades of cantonese opera in hong kong ( 1920 - 2000 ) from 1st march to 30th march 2002 at the elisabeth luce moore library to commemorate the golden jubilee of chung chi college 為慶祝崇基學院金禧校慶,崇基學院、音樂系和大學圖書館系統合辦崇基學院金禧校慶展覽:香港粵劇八十年( 1920 - 2000 ) ,于崇基牟路思怡圖書館展出音樂系收藏之薛覺先藏品、任白藏品、神功戲資料,以及大學圖書館系統的有關藏書,展期至本月三十日止。

The golden jubilee memorabilia include ( 1 ) dvd : anniversary tv programme , alumni tv programme , anniversary concert and various festivities ; ( 2 ) publications : hkbu history book , hkbu alumni 2 , research papers and dissertations ; ( 3 ) souvenirs : stationery , jacket , tie and golf umbrella as well as photos of more than 60 festivities 移交大學圖書館珍藏的校慶文物包羅萬有,錄像光碟類有校慶電視特輯半世紀的蛻變、校友電視特輯我是浸會人、校慶音樂會等;書刊類有《校史》 、 《我是浸會人》第二冊、學術論文集和活動剪報;金禧紀念品類有杯墊、外套、領帶、文具、哥爾夫球傘等,以及超過六十項活動的照片集。

It includes “ literature and its characters - dream of the red mansion ii “ stamp set of 6 issued by macau post ( top left ) , “ the queen s golden jubilee “ stamp set of 5 issued by royal mail ( top right ) and “ the lord of the rings “ self - adhesive stamp set of 6 issued by new zealand post ( bottom ) 包括由澳門郵政發行的文學與人物紅樓夢(二)一套六枚郵票(圖上左) 、由英國皇家郵政發行的英女皇登基金禧紀念一套五枚郵票(圖上右)和由新西蘭郵政發行的魔戒一套六枚自動黏貼郵票(圖下) 。

Her interfaith work has included being a member of the advisory group set up to assist on the faith aspects of a range of golden jubilee events , and she also helped organise the golden jubilee young people s faith forum 這個網絡是一個咨詢團體的一部分,主要工作包括在一系列五十周年紀念活動中協調人與人之間的信仰溝通。克萊伯特里女士也協助組織過五十周年青年信仰論壇。

Professor ng continued : “ in addition to bu ' s 50 - year tradition and foundation , the golden jubilee celebration has proved the university has the cohesion and energy to ensure its sustained development . 吳清輝教授續說:在浸大五十年來建立的傳統和基礎之上,金禧校慶作出了一次強而有力的凝聚工作,為浸大的明天儲備了所需的能量,以支持大學持續發展。

After the incident of the golden jubilee school , the government made some disposition to guarantee normal communication between management and teachers . those periodical meetings can assure a certain degree of transparency 為保證校董會和教師之間的溝通,在金禧事件后政府作出了一些措施,一些定期的會晤可以增加校董會的透明度。

The man is now residing in golden jubilee sheltered workshop and hostel in tseung kwan o . anyone who knows the identity of the man is urged to contact the report room of chai wan police station at 2595 2200 or 2557 1878 任何人如得悉該名男子的身份,請致電二五九五二二或二五五七一八七八,與柴灣警署報案室聯絡。

The golden jubilee anniversary of the shun hing group in 2003 was a magnificent occasion celebrated with a large assemblage of distinguished guests and messages of congratulations and good wishes from all over the world 二零零三年信興集團慶祝創業金禧紀念,其時賓客盈門、賀辭紛至,馳聲顯赫,盛況空前。

He was one of the speakers at the college s golden jubilee celebration distinguished alumni lectures in 2001 . he also officiated at the dean s list presentation ceremony 2001 of the faculty of social science 陳先生亦曾在社會科學院二零零一年院長榮譽錄暨優異新生頒獎典禮上作主禮嘉賓。

In 1961 , the golden jubilee year , five congregations were held and 24 honorary degrees were conferred . this is still a record in the university s history 一九六一年港大慶祝金禧校慶,當年共舉行了五次學位頒授典禮,一共頒發了二十四個名譽學位,至今仍是一項驕人記錄。

Queen of pop madonna is being lined up for a concert at buckingham palace next year to mark the queen ' s golden jubilee 為紀念英國女王登基50周年,白金漢宮將在明年6月3日舉辦音樂會,在被列入演出名單的歌星中,流行歌后麥當娜榜上有名。

Diarmuid : for instance , the wedding of prince charles and lady diana ; and the golden jubilee of queen elizabeth ii 查爾斯和戴安娜的婚禮以及英國女王伊麗莎白二世登基50年的大慶。

This year ' s golden jubilee 1 ) celebrations mark the 50th year that queen elizabeth ii has sat on the english throne 今年的金禧慶典是英國伊莉莎白女王二世在位五十周年的紀念。

Efe 15633 london arriva routemaster golden jubilee livery 金象牌t字型廣告巴士模型banner

Wing lung bank golden jubilee sheltered workshop and hostel 永隆銀行金禧庇護工場及宿舍

My parents are celebrating their golden jubilee 我父母正在慶祝他們的金婚紀念。