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golden hours 幸福日子。

A better job be done especially in the initial phases of the drill , as many fire fighters were observed standing around doing nothing and the “ golden hour “ was slipping away very fast for the victims 在演習的開始階段需要更好工作,許多消防員被發現在現場周圍站著無事可做,讓對于受難者來說的“黃金時間“很快的溜走了。

golden jubilee

A better job be done especially in the initial phases of the drill , as many fire fighters were observed standing around doing nothing and the “ golden hour “ was slipping away very fast for the victims 在演習的開始階段需要更好工作,許多消防員被發現在現場周圍站著無事可做,讓對于受難者來說的“黃金時間“很快的溜走了。