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gold rush 搶購黃金;涌往新金礦,淘金熱。

Skagway was boomtowns at the gold rush days . this “ gateway to the klondike “ is preserved as a national historic park and features one of the oldest narrow - gauge railroads in existence . step back in time and stroll the wooden boardwalks of this historic town 朱諾是阿拉斯加首府,即使水上飛機忙碌地起落,碼頭游輪櫛比鱗次,擠在海峽與青山間,這個只有船和飛機才能抵達居民不及三萬而以淘金奠基的城市,彷佛缺少首府的氣派,卻更像淳樸的小鄉鎮。

gold size

The tour programme introduces an itinerary covering a mix of history and heritage the australias gold rush history and chinese settlement , soft adventure and ecotourism the great barrier reef and the rainforest habitat centre , and lifestyles and culture managing health care in australia 正如是次澳洲游學團,當中融合歷史與傳統課堂:澳洲淘金歷史和華人遷徙歷險與生態之旅課堂:大堡礁與熱帶雨林生態中心生活方式與文化澳洲的健康服務等。

Skagway was boomtowns at the gold rush days . this “ gateway to the klondike “ is preserved as a national historic park and features one of the oldest narrow - gauge railroads in existence . step back in time and stroll the wooden boardwalks of this historic town 朱諾是阿拉斯加首府,即使水上飛機忙碌地起落,碼頭游輪櫛比鱗次,擠在海峽與青山間,這個只有船和飛機才能抵達居民不及三萬而以淘金奠基的城市,彷佛缺少首府的氣派,卻更像淳樸的小鄉鎮。

London , reuters ? using plants to feed our fuel needs may be a great idea , and the biofuel gold rush could be a money - spinner for several poor countries , but some experts warn people may go hungry as food prices rise 倫敦,路透社?以植物滿足我們對燃料的需求似乎是個好主意,而且生質能源對幾個貧窮國家來說,可能會是一個金雞母;不過一些專家警告,在食物價格水漲船高之際,有人可能就得捱餓了。

From the humble orgins of a small fishing village known as yerba buena , the san francisco grew rapidly due to the california gold rush starting in 1848 . devastated by the 1906 earthquake , san francisco was rebuilt quickly 舊金山是美國最美的城市之一,三面環海,以海灣大橋和金門大橋與對岸城市相連,金門大橋彷佛長虹橫跨金門灣上,其優美的身影已成為舊金山最耀眼的地標。

Founded in 1849 , sacramento was at the heart of the gold rush , pony express and first continental railroad . in the afternoon head through the famous donner pass and enter nevada - nicknamed the silver state . stay overnight in elko 早上出發,由80號公路啟程東行經沙加緬度sacramento唐那山口doner pass進入內華達州,越過大旱湖及40哩沙漠,夜宿艾可市。

Founded in 1849 , sacramento was at the heart of the gold rush , pony express and first continental railroad . in the afternoon head through the famous donner pass and enter nevada - nicknamed the silver state . overnight stay in elko 早上出發,由80號公路啟程東行經沙加緬度sacramento唐那山口doner pass進入內華達州,越過大旱湖及40哩沙漠,夜宿艾可市。

We are in kind of a frenzy right now , almost a gold rush , where people are in some cases even going overboard , being a little bit over - optimistic about how quickly it will take place 我們現在在一狂暴的類型中是,幾乎一個淘金潮,在人們正在某些情況甚至自船上落下去的地方,有關它將會發生多麼的快實在小一點點結束-樂觀的。

People had made false claims before that they had discovered gold , so it wasn ' t until december of 1848 , when president james polk backed up the discovery , that the gold rush began 在他們發現金子之前,人們總以為加州有金礦的說法是假的,所以一直到1848年12月波爾克總統支持開挖計畫后,真正的淘金熱才開始。

The vcs and bankers , who were late to the domain gold rush , assess names by calculating the pay - per - click ad revenue and attaching a multiple based on how long it would take to pay off the investment 馬丁是域名淘金潮的遲到者,借助計算每次點擊支付廣告的收入和需要花多久時間收回投資來評估域名。

Head back a hundred years to the time of the gold rush , where you ll board a train that thunders through the eerily deserted canyons and abandoned mine of big thunder mountain 數十年前一度是淘金客所向往的礦坑,曾幾何時已成廢墟,詭異傳說接二連三,無人駕駛的采礦列車在礦坑峭壁里高速穿梭!

California gold rush : in a message before the u . s . congress , us president james k . polk confirms that large amounts of gold had been discovered in california 1848年加利福尼亞淘金熱:在美國國會前宣布的一條消息中,美國總統詹姆斯k ?波爾卡證實在加利福尼亞州已發掘出大量的黃金。

The 19th century gold rush brought cantonese ; by the turn of the century the city was home to bustling communities of greeks , lebanese and italians 19世紀的淘金熱中來到悉尼的有來自廣東的中國人,而在上個世紀末前,這里又成了希臘人、黎巴嫩人及意大利人的家園。

He had been reading about the sufferings of the gold prospectors in the klondike . he decided to make gold rush , which was to be one of his most famous films 當他讀到克朗代達河金礦勘探者的悲慘遭遇時,決定拍攝《淘金記》 ,該片后來成為他最知名的作品之一。

1977 charlie chaplin , english / american film star , director and producer , died , he starred in the gold rush , city lights , modern times , etc 英國/美國影星、導演、制片人查利?卓別麟逝世。他主演過的電影包括《淘金記》 、 《城市之光》 、 《摩登時代》等。

Gold was discovered in california and thousands of people rushed there to look for gold , so it became known as “ the gold rush ” 有人在加州發現了黃金,成千上萬的人急急忙忙地跑到那里去尋找金子,于是這種熱鬧場面就成為人們所熟知的“淘金熱” 。

Founded at the end of the 17th century , ouro preto ( black gold ) was the focal point of the gold rush and brazil ' s golden age in the 18th century 歐魯普雷圖鎮(意思是黑色黃金)建于17世紀末期,它是18世紀淘金熱和巴西黃金時代的主要見證。

In 1848 , james w . marshall discovered a gold nugget at sutter ' s mill in northern california , a discovery that led to the gold rush of ' 49 1848年1月24日,馬歇爾于北加州蘇特礦場發現金塊,引發隔年的淘金熱潮。

Also are featured . shows include the dueling pirates stunt spectacular , the magic screen theatre and the gold rush theatre 有激流探險,巴黎碰碰車,跳傘等一系列刺激的活動,還可以體驗海盜決斗等生活。