
gold n.1.金,黃金;金幣。2.財富;財寶;黃金一樣貴重[富...

gold amalgam

He has a heart of gold . 他有一顆高貴善良的心。

Yano's whole money supply is convertible into gold . 雅努國的所有紙幣都是可以換成黃金的。

To investors he promised maintenance of the gold standard . 他向投資者保證維持金本位制。

They sport in the mancipatory possession of their gold . 她們在炫耀她們可以轉讓的黃金。

Gold shares jumped yesterday . 昨天黃金股票猛漲。

The cheater boasted that he could turn stone into gold . 那個騙子吹噓道,他能點石成金。

The rising sun danced in water like molten gold . 初升的太陽猶如熔化的金子在水中蕩漾。

This beam of particles was directed at a thin gold foil . 該粒子束對準一塊薄薄的金箔。

Does it look to you like gold ? 你看那個像金子嗎?

Westerners took some time to discover that gold . 西部人過了若干時間才發現了這種黃金。

His promise is as good as gold . 他的保證非常可靠。

Fruit and gold are important products of south africa . 水果和黃金是南非的重要物產。

The gold market is where frightened people go . 黃金市場是驚慌失措的人們光顧的市場。

No man loves his fetters be they made of gold . 黃金所造的腳鐐,也沒有人愿意戴上它。

Many found gold in the hills of california . 許多勘探者在加利福尼亞山區發現了黃金。

Platinum exceeds gold in value . 白金的價值高于黃金。

Pure gold is tempered in a blazing fire . 烈火煉真金。

Former british gold coin , originally worth one pound . 舊時英國金幣,面值一英鎊。

The child had a little necklace on of gold beads . 那小孩帶著金珠穿的一條小項圈。