
golconda n.1.戈爾康達〔印度南部古都,曾以出產金鋼石著名〕。2...


Night came on ; the train passed on at full speed , in the midst of the roaring of tigers , bears , and wolves which fled before the locomotive ; and the marvels of bengal , golconda , ruined gour , murshedabad , the ancient capital , burdwan , hugly , and the french town of chandernagor , where passepartout would have been proud to see his country s flag flying , were hidden from their view in the darkness 人們既沒有看見孟加拉的美景,也沒有看見各爾貢和吉爾的廢墟既沒有看見印度以前的京城穆爾希加巴,也沒有看見布爾敦既沒有看見烏各里,也沒有看見法國在印度領土上的那個據點昌德納戈爾路路通如果能看到祖國的旗幟在這個據點上空飄揚的話,也許還會更得意呢!

Each word that fell from his companion s lips seemed fraught with the mysteries of science , as worthy of digging out as the gold and diamonds in the mines of guzerat and golconda , which he could just recollect having visited during a voyage made in his earliest youth 可是,盡管無法理解他的同伴所說的話,但從他的嘴里說出的每一個字,似乎都充滿了科學的神秘,就象早年他在航行中,從古拉到戈爾康達印度的兩個地方。

Her delicately formed ears , her vermillion hands , her little feet , curved and tender as the lotus - bud , glitter with the brilliancy of the loveliest pearls of ceylon , the most dazzling diamonds of golconda 在她那曲線對稱小巧玲瓏的雙耳上,在她那紅潤的雙手上,在她那一雙象兩朵青蓮一樣豐滿而又柔軟的小腳上,

Taste this , and the mines of peru , guzerat , and golconda are opened to you 嘗嘗這個吧,秘魯,古拉,戈爾康達的金礦都會打開在你眼前的。

White, in his new capacity, was anxious to exploit his grievance against golconda . 懷特有了新的職權,急于發泄他對戈爾康達的不滿。