
goitre n.【醫學】甲狀腺腫。goitered adj.

Symptoms include unusual weight loss / gain , deteriorating school performance , irritability , hyperactiity and prominent eyes . “ only a few children deelop obious symptoms like goitre , “ says dr 癥狀包括:異常的體重減少或增加、課業表現差、易怒、多動和突眼征。


Symptoms include unusual weight loss / gain , deteriorating school performance , irritability , hyperactiity and prominent eyes . “ only a few children deelop obious symptoms like goitre , “ says dr 癥狀包括:異常的體重減少或增加、課業表現差、易怒、多動和突眼征。

Auricular acupuncture combined with iodine salt for treatment of juvenile endemic goitre 耳針配合加碘鹽治療青少年地方性甲狀腺腫及其對甲狀腺激素的影響

High goitre rate 甲狀腺發病率高

Clinical study on endemic goitre treated with auricular - acupuncture 耳針配合加碘鹽治療地方性甲狀腺腫療效分析

Relations among urine i , salt i and goitre 鹽碘關系的探討

The epidemiological study of high iodine goitre caused by water 水源性高碘致甲狀腺腫的流行病學研究

Medical instruments - goitre grasping forceps type lahey 醫療器械. lahey型甲狀腺腫夾持鉗

The cause and treatment of non - endemic goitre 非地方性甲狀腺腫的病因及其防治