
godson 教子。

System functions of gsmb based on “ godson “ cpu was programmed by the discussion of “ godson “ cpu micro - system structure finalization and by the introduction of “ godson “ cpu performance requirements . this essay also specified on gsmb board level system structure , bios level solving and selection of important chips . moreover , problems related to high speed circuit design such as mensurability , pcb layout signal integrity , electromagnetic coexist were researched 通過對“龍芯1號” ( godson ) cpu微體系結構定型的討論和關于“龍芯1號” cpu所需達到的的性能指標的介紹,規劃了基于“龍芯1號” cpu的高速服務器主板gsmb的系統功能,并敘述了根據系統功能所設計的gsmb板級系統結構、 bios級解決方案和重要芯片的選型;另外還研究了高速電路設計所涉及的如可測試性、信號完整性、電磁兼容性等一系列問題,并依據研究構建了基于ibis的軟件仿真模型,同時借助eda仿真分析工具對關鍵線網與關鍵模塊進行了板級仿真。

Beatings were very common . after some years , when jackie s mother joined his father in australia , master yu adopted jackie , making him his godson . jackie was invited to join “ the seven little fortunes “ , a performing group at the opera which performed at several locations in hong kong 在這十年間,父親曾回港探望過成好幾次,為了于師傅能更加照顧好孩子,父親要成拜于占元師傅為乾爹,但這卻沒討到便宜,反而管束得比別人更嚴厲。

On april 25 2003 , “ a multifunction secure web server based on godson _ l and client ssl proxy “ passed the appraisement of sichuan science and technology department 2003年4月25日, “基于“龍芯”的多功能安全web服務器及客戶端ssl代理程序”通過四川省科技廳專家組鑒定。

Elizabeth was again deep in thought , and after a time exclaimed , “ to treat in such a manner , the godson , the friend , the favourite of his father ! 伊麗莎白又深思了一會兒,然后大聲說道: “你是他父親的教子,朋友,是他父親所器重的人,他怎么竟這樣作踐你! ”

This paper stressed on the design and research of gsmb ( godson mainboard ) which based on “ godson “ cpu 本文重點敘述了基于“龍芯” cpu的高性能安全服務器主板( gsmb )的設計與研究。

“ spoken both like your mother and father ' s son and sirius ' s true godson ! “說得好,不愧是你父母的兒子、小天狼星的教子! ”


Based on investigations of memory access behavior , through experimentations of spec cpu2000 benchmarks running on godson - 2 processor , several policies that can improve performance of cache and memory system significantly are proposed and evaluated in this dissertation . the proposed techniques can increase memory access bandwidth while decrease access latency so that ipc of the processor is increased 本文從提高處理器的ipc值和優化處理器的訪存延時及帶寬的角度出發,結合分析龍芯2號處理器運行speccpu2000測試程序的訪存行為特征,對存儲系統性能優化技術進行研究,提出了一系列存儲系統的性能優化技術并對所提出的優化技術進行性能評測與分析。

System functions of gsmb based on “ godson “ cpu was programmed by the discussion of “ godson “ cpu micro - system structure finalization and by the introduction of “ godson “ cpu performance requirements . this essay also specified on gsmb board level system structure , bios level solving and selection of important chips . moreover , problems related to high speed circuit design such as mensurability , pcb layout signal integrity , electromagnetic coexist were researched 通過對“龍芯1號” ( godson ) cpu微體系結構定型的討論和關于“龍芯1號” cpu所需達到的的性能指標的介紹,規劃了基于“龍芯1號” cpu的高速服務器主板gsmb的系統功能,并敘述了根據系統功能所設計的gsmb板級系統結構、 bios級解決方案和重要芯片的選型;另外還研究了高速電路設計所涉及的如可測試性、信號完整性、電磁兼容性等一系列問題,并依據研究構建了基于ibis的軟件仿真模型,同時借助eda仿真分析工具對關鍵線網與關鍵模塊進行了板級仿真。

To achieve this , an architectural power model for multi - port register - file is presented firstly . based this model , several practical optimization techniques are applied to reduce the power of register - file . the experimental results show that these techniques can reduce about half power of register - files in godson - 2 并進一步提出通過減少偵聽浮點總線的項數以及減少指令立即數域的保存等方法減少發射隊列中相應部分的開銷,有效降低了面積和功耗; 4 .提出了物理寄存器堆的低功耗訪問方法。

Beatings were very common . after some years , when jackie s mother joined his father in australia , master yu adopted jackie , making him his godson . jackie was invited to join “ the seven little fortunes “ , a performing group at the opera which performed at several locations in hong kong 在這十年間,父親曾回港探望過成好幾次,為了于師傅能更加照顧好孩子,父親要成拜于占元師傅為乾爹,但這卻沒討到便宜,反而管束得比別人更嚴厲。

This thesis focuses on low power research on the high performance general - purpose processor design , which is based on godson - 2 processor core . many creative methods are raised in this paper . the following is the main contributions of this thesis : 1 本文針對當前高性能通用處理器設計,結合龍芯2號高性能通用cpu的研制,對高性能通用處理器核的低功耗技術進行研究,提出了一系列實用有效的低功耗技術和方法。

According to godson - 2 issue queue analysis , we modify the conventional issue queue ’ s structure for low power without loss of performance , thus reduced area and power . 4 . low power techniques for accessing register - file are proposed 針對龍芯2號發射隊列的設計特點,提出了一種變全相聯比較為部分相聯比較的低功耗結構,在有效保證處理器性能的基礎上實現了發射隊列的低功耗設計。

Probably more anxious will be seven american students from cascade high school , idaho , who built the bio - reactor after mr godson heard how they used similar technology to filter water in a nearby lake 也許會更著急七名美國學生在高中串、愛達荷州、誰建的生物反應黃干兒子聽到后如何用類似技術過濾水湖附近

Barry bonds is the son of former major league all - star bobby bonds , who is the godson of hall of famer willie mays , and distant cousin of hall of famer reggie jackson 巴里邦茲是前大聯盟全明星鮑比邦茲的兒子,鮑比邦茲是名人堂威利梅絲的教子,且是名人堂雷吉杰克遜的遠親。

On april 25 2003 , “ a multifunction secure web server based on godson _ l and client ssl proxy “ passed the appraisement of sichuan science and technology department 2003年4月25日, “基于“龍芯”的多功能安全web服務器及客戶端ssl代理程序”通過四川省科技廳專家組鑒定。

Elizabeth was again deep in thought , and after a time exclaimed , “ to treat in such a manner , the godson , the friend , the favourite of his father ! 伊麗莎白又深思了一會兒,然后大聲說道: “你是他父親的教子,朋友,是他父親所器重的人,他怎么竟這樣作踐你! ”

These two systems both work under linux for godson server , and translate the elf file of x86 isa to godson isa ( mips likely ) 兩個系統都是在linux下,把elf格式的x86文件翻譯到godson (類mips )指令集并在godson服務器上運行。

He is his godson , she added in a tone that suggested that prince vassily would be highly delighted to hear this fact 她補充一句,那語調聽來仿佛這個消息必然會使瓦西里公爵分外高興似的。

This paper stressed on the design and research of gsmb ( godson mainboard ) which based on “ godson “ cpu 本文重點敘述了基于“龍芯” cpu的高性能安全服務器主板( gsmb )的設計與研究。