
god n.1.〔G-〕 上帝,造物主。2.〔有時作 G-〕神;...

god booster

I will pray to god for your safety . 祈求上帝保你平安。

God only helps those who help themselves . 天助自助者。

God forbid that he should injure you ! 他決不會害你的!

Thank god i had a wife who understood me . 感謝上帝,我有一個好妻子,她能理解我。

God made the country and man made the town . 上帝雖制造了自然而城鎮必得由人建立。

Blessed be god for the mercies he continually sends me ! 感謝上帝不斷賜予我恩惠!

We do not address the unforgettable gods . 我們沒有請求值得銘心刻骨的眾神的幫助。

The outcome of this experiment is in the lap of the gods . 這實驗的結果要看天意。

Necessity, says the greeks, compels the gods . 希臘人說,需要會迫使神祗俯首就范。

God , what a stupid thing to do ! 天哪,多么愚蠢的事呀。

Sir, it is not my fault. it is the act of god . 老爺,這不怪我。這是上帝的安排。

She will get better one day , please , god . 她總有一天會好起來的,愿上帝開恩。

It is because he has renounced god . 這是因為他不信上帝。

What god do they worship there ? 他們那里祭奉的是什么神?

I wish to god he would turn that radio down ! 我真希望他把收音機的音量調低些!

God blessed the seventh day, and made it holy . 上帝賜福第七天,把它定為圣日。

Granny bore the standard for god . 姥姥一絲不茍地信仰上帝。

Yes , i want to devote my whole life to god .. 是的,我想把整個生命獻給上帝。

They are better than their own god . 他們勝過了他們的上帝。