
gobble vt.,vi.1.狼吞虎咽。2.〔美俚〕急急抓住;任意花...

T - bag : i don ' t protect you , then rugheads gonna gobble you up like a plate of black eyed peas “我不罩著你的話,就等著黑老冒們吞掉你吧。就象大嚼特嚼一盤黑眼豆子一樣。 ”

I don ' t protect you , then rugheads gonna gobble you up like a plate of black eyed peas “我不罩著你的話,就等著黑老冒們吞掉你吧。就象大嚼特嚼一盤黑眼豆子一樣。 ”

“ pharaoh gobbles donkey goobers , “法老貪吃落花生

Papa would pretend to gobble , to emphasize this “ excellence . 爸爸假裝狼吞虎咽,以強調它的“可口。 ”


Goldilocks was right , but it was too cold . she grabbed the third bowl and gobbled it down . it was just right 金發姑娘說對了,但那碗燉肉太涼了。她抓過第三碗燉肉狼吞虎咽地把它吃掉了。第三碗剛剛好。

Kids gobbled fruits and vegetables in an agriculture department school snack program , but it only reaches 14 states 在農業部的學校餐飲計劃中,孩子們更多的食用蔬菜和水果,但是這只在14個州實行。

Lo and behold , during the night the demons came in their true frightening forms and gobbled up all the weak defenseless beings 當夜,惡魔以駭人的原型前來,貪婪地吞下這群毫無防備的虛弱的生物。

Therefore , the king of qin didn ' t think it was time to gobble up other states to unite the country 蘇壽秦這次遠游秦國,是要說動秦王,與函谷關以東的?些國家聯合,同其他的國家聯盟作較量。

Image will occupy 40 , 000 bytes , which is a small indication of how browsing a web page can gobble up memory 圖像將占用40 , 000字節,這只是瀏覽一個網頁會占用的內存的很小一部分。

Some have been spotted in the outer reaches of miami , where they have been gobbling up local pets 其中一些生活在邁阿密的地區的外圍,當地的寵物正在成為它們的“盤中餐” 。

T - bag : i don ' t protect you , then rugheads gonna gobble you up like a plate of black eyed peas “我不罩著你的話,就等著黑老冒們吞掉你吧。就象大嚼特嚼一盤黑眼豆子一樣。 ”

For his first meal after having his feeding tube removed , bob gobbled up hibiscus flowers and roses 取除進食管后的第一頓飯,鮑伯狼吞虎咽地吃下了很多芙蓉和玫瑰花。

For his first meal after having his feeding tube removed , bob gobbled up hibiscus flowers and roses 喂食管拆除后的第一餐,它狼吞虎咽地吃掉了大量的芙蓉花和玫瑰花。

I don ' t protect you , then rugheads gonna gobble you up like a plate of black eyed peas “我不罩著你的話,就等著黑老冒們吞掉你吧。就象大嚼特嚼一盤黑眼豆子一樣。 ”

For his first meal after having his feeding tube removed , bob gobbled up hibiscus flowers and roses 作為拆除進食管的首餐,鮑勃狼吞虎咽地吃掉了芙蓉花和玫瑰花。

I should not gobble up my food . it is so embarrassing to have food at the corner of my mouth or in my hair 不要狼吞虎咽,吃到連嘴角或頭發也沾到食物,很失禮啊

For his first meal after having his feeding tube removed , bob gobbled up hibiscus flowers and roses 喂食管拆除的第一餐,鮑伯狼吞虎咽地吃了很多芙蓉和玫瑰花。

For his first meal after having his feeding tube removed , bob gobbled up hibiscus flowers and roses 喂食管拆除后的第一餐,他狼吞虎咽地吃光了芙蓉花和玫瑰。

I don ' t protect you , them rugheads gonna gobble you up like a plate of black - eyed peas 我不保護你,那些土匪們就會把你當成一盤黑眼豌豆一樣吃光