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go upon 1.據…來判斷(行動)。2.著手。

go west

In short , i took all possible caution to preserve my effects , and keep up my plantation ; had i used half as much prudence to have look d into my own intrest , and have made a judgment of what i ought to have done , and not to have done , i had certainly never gone away from so prosperous an undertaking , leaving all the probable views of a thriving circumstance , and gone upon a voyage to sea , attended with all its common hazards ; to say nothing of the reasons i had to expect particular misfortunes to my self 總之,我采取一切可能的措施,竭力保護好自己的財產,并維持種植園的經營。但是,如果我能用一半的心思來關注自己的利益,判斷一下應做和不應做的事情,我就決不會放棄自己正在日益興旺的事業,把發家致富的前景丟之腦后而踏上這次航行。要知道,海上航行總是兇險難測的,更何況我自己也清楚,我這個人總是會遭到種種不幸。

Always the same impassable member of the reform club , whom no incident could surprise , as unvarying as the ship s chronometers , and seldom having the curiosity even to go upon the deck , he passed through the memorable scenes of the red sea with cold indifference ; did not care to recognize the historic towns and villages which , along its borders , raised their picturesque outlines against the sky ; and betrayed no fear of the dangers of the arabic gulf , which the old historians always spoke of with horror , and upon which the ancient navigators never ventured without propitiating the gods by ample sacrifices 他也不去看那些紅海兩岸的奇異古城,那浮現在天邊的城影簡直就象是美麗的圖畫。他也不想一想那些在這阿拉伯海灣可能發生的危險:古代多少史學家如斯特拉朋艾里安阿爾得米多艾德里西等人一提起這里,無不談虎色變。從前,路過此處的航海家若不給海神奉獻祭品,祈求旅行安全,他們是決不敢冒然航行的。

With high morale , rational undertaking as well as the ambitious courage , the effective and decisive nafine people go upon the historical stage , and establish the flag of national detergent industry with her infuriation and legend tune like noah s ark , casting a great romaunt for the world . 高效務實的南風人以高昂的斗志充滿理智的堅持以及敢為天下先的勇氣矗立在世人面前,用她刑天舞劍般的悲壯與諾亞方舟式的傳說擎起了中國洗滌業的民族大旗,鑄就著一個為世人稱道的傳奇故事。

In order to analyze the base stress of such a new type pavement whichasphalt surface goes upon lean concrete base , calculating the load stress without asphalt surface through fem firstly , and then analyzing the effecting of asphalt surface ' s thickness based upon elasticity theory , and finally the formula of calculating load stress of lean concrete base with asphalt surface worked out according to the previous data 摘要為分析貧混凝土基層瀝青路面新型路面結構的基層應力情況,通過有限元分析方法計算貧混凝土基層的荷載應力,并利用彈性層狀體系理論分析瀝青面層厚度對其影響,由此推導出基層荷載應力的計算公式。

Brother tung , a kingpin in hong kong s underworld , is arrested for manslaughter . he is supposed to be put in jail immediately . but the female cop who catches him lets him go upon knowing brother tung s wife is dying from cancer and agrees to arrest him only after his wife s death 董哥任達華乃江湖上舉足輕重的人物,卻因為一次錯手殺人而被捕,本應需即時入獄,然而,拘捕他的女警得悉董哥妻子欣洪欣身患末期癌癥,一時動了慈心,答應讓他們共渡最后一段日子,才將董哥輯拿歸案。

The proposal was too advantageous to be refused , the more so as the person for whom the yacht was intended had gone upon a tour through switzerland , and was not expected back in less than three weeks or a month , by which time the builder reckoned upon being able to complete another 唐太斯愿出六萬法郎買下它,條件是必須立刻把船交給他。定造這艘游艇的那個人已到瑞士去旅行了,要過三四個星期才能回來,在這期間,船商估計可以另造一艘。

I spent great part of this day in perplexing my self on these things ; but at length seeing the ship almost dry , i went upon the sand as near as i could , and then swam ings i wanted exceedingly for this work , viz 十月一日清晨醒來,只見那只大船隨漲潮已浮起,并沖到了離岸很近的地方。這大大出于我意料。使我感到快慰的是,大船依然直挺挺地停在那兒,沒有被海浪打得粉碎。

When they went , they went upon their four sides ; they turned not as they went , but to the place whither the head looked they followed it ; they turned not as they went 輪子可以向四方移動,移動的時候,不必轉向;基路伯面向哪一個方向走,它們就跟著移動;移動的時候,不必轉向。

When they went , they went upon their four sides ; they turned not as they went , but to the place whither the head looked they followed it ; they turned not as they went 結10 : 11輪行走的時候、向四方都能直行、并不掉轉、頭向何方、他們也隨向何方、行走的時候并不掉轉。

At last , there had been so many partings that there were no children left , and only the traveller , the gentleman , and the lady , went upon their way in company 最終,他們最后一個孩子也離去了,只剩下旅行者、男子以及他妻子繼續走他們的路。

In order to start our research , we must first understand how those newly emerged nses began to go upon the stage of china ' s economy 要研究非國有企業對體制變遷的影響,需要首先了解非國有企業是如何在改革開始后進入中國經濟舞臺的。

And so the case fell to pieces , said sir henry gravely . we could not take the risk of arresting jones with nothing to go upon “因此案子就擱淺了, ”亨利爵士陰沉地道, “我們不能冒險在沒有任何進展的情況下拘捕瓊斯。 ”

He went upon the stage , and took his place beside the rest who were to compose the base of the car of juggernaut 這時,路路通就走上了舞臺,和那些跟他一樣要為“羅漢塔”墊底的伙伴們站在一起。

Gen 7 : 18 and the waters prevailed , and were increased greatly upon the earth ; and the ark went upon the face of the waters 創7 : 18水勢浩大,在地上大大地往上長,方舟在水面上漂來漂去。

And the waters prevailed , and were increased greatly upon the earth ; and the ark went upon the face of the waters 18水勢浩大,在地上大大地往上長,方舟在水面上漂來漂去。

Every department ' s manager acted as a presentation person went upon the stage again 這是份榮譽也是份責任,看到他們一副受寵若驚和興高采烈的樣子,也可以想象他們的心情。

And the waters prevailed , and were increased greatly upon the earth ; and the ark went upon the face of the waters 水勢甚大,在地上大大上漲,方舟就在水面上漂來漂去。

All fowls that creep , going upon all four , shall be an abomination unto you 21只是有翅膀用四足爬行的物中,有足有腿,在地上蹦跳的,你們還可以吃。

All fowls that creep , going upon all four , shall be an abomination unto you 只是有翅膀用四足爬行的物中,有足有腿,在地上蹦跳的,你們還可以吃。