
gnp GNP = gross national product...


The gnps is located at da keng , daya bay , about 45 km from the city centre of shenzhen , and about 50 km from tsim sha tsui , hong kong 核電站位于大亞灣的大坑,距離深圳市中心約四十五公里,距離香港的尖沙咀則約五十公里。

Whenever it is notified that a nuclear accident has occurred or may occur at gnps and or lnps through the following channels 天文臺會透過以下六種途徑收集有關核電站發生核事故的通報,或核電站可能發生核事故的資料。

Since economic reform began in 1978 , an average growth rate of almost 10 % a year has seen china ' s gnp nearly quadruple 中國地大物博,近年來經濟迅猛發展,這使得中國在現代國際經濟中成為一支越來越重要的力量。

Instead , happiness advocates make a scapegoat out of gnp and argue that economic growth is irrelevant or detrimental to happiness 因此,幸福感倡導者把gnp當作替罪羊,主張經濟增長與幸福無關,甚至有害。

So far , this ceiling has benefited only the united states , whose share of total membership gnp is approximately 27 per cent 迄今為止,因這一上限而受益的只有美國。美國的國產總值會費份額約為27 。

Because real gnp fell only slightly in 1974 , the demand curve for real money shifted only slightly to the left 由于實際gnp在1974年僅僅輕微下滑,實際貨幣需求曲線僅僅微小幅度左移。

As a result of this statistical development , the series of gdp and gnp statistics were revised 由于這項統計發展,本地生產總值和本地居民生產總值的統計數字已作出修訂。

The goal for the second stage is , by the turn of the century , to double the gnp of 1990 第二個十年,即從一九九一年到本世紀末,再翻一番,從發展趨勢看也是可靠的。

A recent study in namibia estimated that aids cost the country almost 8 % of gnp in 1996 最近的一項研究表明,估計納米比亞在艾滋病花費接近1996的gnp的8 % 。

S gnp in the third quarter of 2003 was estimated at $ 324 . 1 billion at current market prices , down by 以當時市價計算的3 , 185億元本地生產總值,則較去

Year - on - year change in percentage point of gnp in nominal terms for the year 2004 was - 0 . 1 % 以名義計算的本地居民生產總值按年變動百分率的變動百分點為

Year - on - year change in percentage point of gnp in nominal terms for the year 2002 was 0 . 2 % 以名義計算的本地居民生產總值按年變動百分率的變動百分點為

Year - on - year change in percentage point of gnp in nominal terms for the year 2001 was 0 . 3 % 以名義計算的本地居民生產總值按年變動百分率的變動百分點為

Year - on - year change in percentage point of gnp in nominal terms for the year 2003 was 0 . 1 % 以名義計算的本地居民生產總值按年變動百分率的變動百分點為

Politicians have always sought to achieve many things that are not designed to increase gnp 古往今來,政界人士想實現的許多目標,并非旨在提高gnp 。

Year - on - year change in percentage point of gnp in real terms for the year 2004 was 0 . 4 % 以實質計算的本地居民生產總值按年變動百分率的變動百分點為

Year - on - year change in percentage point of gnp in real terms for the year 2002 was 0 . 1 % 以實質計算的本地居民生產總值按年變動百分率的變動百分點為

Year - on - year change in percentage point of gnp in real terms for the year 2003 was 0 . 3 % 以實質計算的本地居民生產總值按年變動百分率的變動百分點為

Year - on - year change in percentage point of gnp in real terms for the year 2001 was 0 . 2 % 以實質計算的本地居民生產總值按年變動百分率的變動百分點為