
gnostic adj.1.(相信神秘直覺說的早期基督教)諾斯替教派的,...

One scholar said of the odes , “ here are some of the most beautiful songs of peace and joy that the world possesses . “ bentley layton in the gnostic scriptures says that the odes were considered to be inspired scripture and were chanted by christians who lived in syria and mesopotamia about 2 , 000 years ago 在諾斯教派的經典中,班特雷bentley layton曾說過:在2000年前敘利亞和美索不達米亞mesopotamia區域,基督徒們認為這些歌賦是具有啟發性的經文,從而頌念它們。

This ancient library contains spiritual discourses from christian , gnostic , jewish , pythagorean , hermetic and other spiritual movements . what have been returned to us are the teachings of various mystics , gnostics who initiated their students into the “ mysteries of the kingdom of light , “ and wrote down descriptions of their otherworldly journeys into inner space 這個古老圖書館藏有基督教諾斯替教派猶太教畢達哥拉斯教派郝密士派煉金術以及其它教派的靈修開示,另外還有各種神秘教派和諾斯替教派的教理,包括他們為其弟子們傳授光之王國的秘密及他們神游內在其它世界的描述。

The gnostics : “ the way through all things . 諾斯替教派: “通過萬物的途徑。 ”


One scholar said of the odes , “ here are some of the most beautiful songs of peace and joy that the world possesses . “ bentley layton in the gnostic scriptures says that the odes were considered to be inspired scripture and were chanted by christians who lived in syria and mesopotamia about 2 , 000 years ago 在諾斯教派的經典中,班特雷bentley layton曾說過:在2000年前敘利亞和美索不達米亞mesopotamia區域,基督徒們認為這些歌賦是具有啟發性的經文,從而頌念它們。

This ancient library contains spiritual discourses from christian , gnostic , jewish , pythagorean , hermetic and other spiritual movements . what have been returned to us are the teachings of various mystics , gnostics who initiated their students into the “ mysteries of the kingdom of light , “ and wrote down descriptions of their otherworldly journeys into inner space 這個古老圖書館藏有基督教諾斯替教派猶太教畢達哥拉斯教派郝密士派煉金術以及其它教派的靈修開示,另外還有各種神秘教派和諾斯替教派的教理,包括他們為其弟子們傳授光之王國的秘密及他們神游內在其它世界的描述。

As early as august , 1912 , jung had intimated in a letter to freud that he had an intuition that the essentially feminine - toned archaic wisdom of the gnostics , symbolically called sophia , was destined to re - enter modern western culture by way of depth - psychology 早在1912年8月,容格在一封給弗洛伊德的信內已經表示他已經擁有一種直覺,本質上是諾斯替派女性本質似的智慧,象征性地稱為索菲婭,注定要通過死亡心理學的方式重新進入西方文化里面。

Buried under the sands of egypt for centuries , these censored and forgotten scriptures from the early years of gnostic christianity may impart to spiritual seekers of today , knowledge of several mystical traditions that once existed in the west 這些埋藏在埃及的泥土中長達數世紀的被刪改遺忘的經文,是基督教諾斯替教派的早期經典。今日的求道者可從這些經典得知西方一度存在過的神秘傳統。

Gnostic revelation is to be distinguished both from philosophical enlightenment , because it cannot be acquired by the forces of reason , and from christian revelation , because it is not rooted in history and transmitted by scripture 諾斯替的啟示不同與哲學的教化,因為它不能用強迫的理由和基督教的啟示獲得,因為它并不植根于歷史和由文稿傳播。

Eastern gnosticism took a somewhat different course . under the influence of traditional iranian religion , the semi - gnostic manichaeism developed an absolute cosmic dualism between soul and matter 東方的諾斯替主義有些不同的實踐。在伊朗傳統宗教的影響下,半諾斯替主義的摩尼教發展了一種絕對的宇宙二元(靈魂與物質論) 。

The origins of the gnostic world view have been sought by scholars in the dualism of iranian religion , the allegorical idealism of the middle platonic philosophers , and the apocalypticism of certain jewish mystics 諾斯替世界的起源可以從波斯宗教的二元論學者找到,寓言般的中期柏拉圖哲學的理想主義和猶太宗教的啟示論。

Eastern gnosticism took a somewhat different course . under the influence of traditional iranian religion , the semi - gnostic manichaeism developed an absolute cosmic dualism between soul and matter 東方的諾斯替派有些不同的實踐。在伊朗傳統宗教的影響下,半諾斯替主義的摩尼教發展了一種絕對的宇宙二元論,是靈魂與物質。

There are analogies also with egyptian and mesopotamian thought . it was only with the rise of christianity , however , that gnostic syncretism came to full expression 類似的思想也在埃及人和美索不達米亞人的思想里被發現。然而,直到基督教的興起,諾斯替思想在那里的融匯才得以完全的表達出來。

Manichaeism is a gnostic religion that originated in babylonia in the 3d century ad . its founder was a persian of noble descent called mani ( or manes ) , c . 216 - c . 276 摩尼教是一個諾斯替宗教,起源于公元三世紀的巴比倫。它的創立者是公元216 ? ?公元276年的波斯王子摩尼(或稱為曼尼) 。

Yet gnostic sects appear to have shared an emphasis on the redemptive power of esoteric knowledge , acquired not by learning or empirical observation but by divine revelation 至今諾斯替派的出現是共享一種深奧知識的救贖,并不是被后天知識或經驗主義的觀察而得到,而是由神的啟示。

The formulation of creedal symbols , the canonization of the new testament scriptures , and the emphasis on episcopal authority all were made necessary by the gnostics ' claims 明確表達的教義象征,對新約文稿的確認和強調主教制度的權威,所有一切都是由諾斯替派的主張而產生的需求。

There are analogies also with egyptian and mesopotamian thought . it was only with the rise of christianity , however , that gnostic syncretism came to full expression 類似的也發現在埃及人和美索不達米亞人的思想里,它開始了基督教的興起,然而,靈知的匯合進入了一種完全的表達上。

Evola asserts that it represents the dissolution of the body , or the universal serpent which ( to quote the gnostic saying ) ' passes through all things ' 伊沃拉斷言它代表了身體的分解(我覺得法性的分解比身體貼切些) ,或者宇宙的大毒蛇(引自諾斯替派的話語) “穿過了萬物” 。

The gnostic sects of the 2nd century made use of hebrew and christian religious writings , employing the allegorical method to extricate gnostic meanings from them 二世紀的諾斯替派使用希伯萊和基督教的宗教作品,使用諷喻的方式去從它們那里傳達出諾斯替的意義。

The gnostic sects of the 2nd century made use of hebrew and christian religious writings , employing the allegorical method to extricate gnostic meanings from them 二世紀的諾斯替派使用希伯萊和基督宗教的作品,使用諷喻的方式去從它們那里散發出諾斯替的意義。