gnosis n.【宗教】靈知,神秘的直覺。
n. 【宗教】靈知,神秘的直覺。 “gnosjo“ 中文翻譯: 格努舍“gnosia“ 中文翻譯: 認識能力; 直覺“gnospelius“ 中文翻譯: 格諾斯佩柳斯“gnoscopine“ 中文翻譯: 格諾茛菪品; 格諾莨菪品“gnossiennes“ 中文翻譯: 玄秘曲“gnosca“ 中文翻譯: 尼奧斯卡“gnostic“ 中文翻譯: adj. 1.(相信神秘直覺說的早期基督教)諾斯替教派的,諾斯替派教徒的。 2.〔g-〕 有靈知的;聰明的。 n. 諾斯替教徒。 “gnosall“ 中文翻譯: 諾斯爾“gnostic sensation“ 中文翻譯: 認識性感覺“gnorich“ 中文翻譯: 格內里希
The designation gnosticism , derived from the greek gnostikos ( one who has gnosis , or “ secret knowledge “ ) , is a term of modern scholarship 諾斯替主義的名稱,源自希望的靈智派(擁有靈知,或者“秘密知識” ) ,是一個現代的學術用語。 |
gnostic |
This teaching is to be found in the apocryphon of john ( early 2nd century ) and other documents of popular gnosis discovered near naj ' hammadi in upper egypt in the 1940s and in the pistis sophia , a 3rd - century gnostic work in coptic belonging to the same school 這種教導發現在《約翰的啟示》 (公元二世紀初)和其他四十年代發現在上埃及的納哈馬地文庫的通俗諾斯替文獻,還有《比提絲*索菲婭》 ,一本第三世紀的諾斯替派作品,也是屬于同一間學校上。 |
The learned gnosis of valentinus , basilides , and their schools presupposes this popular gnosis , which , however , has been thoroughly hellenized and christianized and sometimes comes very near to the views of middle platonism 然而,博學的亞倫丁,巴茲爾諾斯替派,他們的學派預料這種通俗的諾斯替(靈知) ,已經徹底的希臘化和基督教化,有時已變成十分接近中期柏拉圖主義的觀點。 |
The learned gnosis of valentinus , basilides , and their schools presupposes this popular gnosis , which , however , has been thoroughly hellenized and christianized and sometimes comes very near to the views of middle platonism 有學問的亞倫丁,巴茲爾諾斯替派,他們的學校預示著這種通俗的諾斯替(靈知) ,然而,通過希臘化和基督教化,有時候變成了十分接近中期柏拉圖主義的觀點。 |
Moreover , the tests that exist in gnosis utilities suffer from another flaw : you often need to understand the expected output in a fair amount of detail to even know whether a test succeeds or fails 不僅如此, gnosis utilities中現有的測試也受困于另一個缺陷:您經常需要在極其大量的細節中去推定期望的輸出,以確定測試的成敗。 |
This lets you continue to check xml other than the test case , and eyeball the result - either to find errors in what gnosis . xml . objectify does , or just to understand its purpose 這樣就讓您可以繼續分析測試用例以外其他的xml ,并只著眼于結果- -或者找出gnosis . xml . objectify所做事情中的錯誤,或者只是理解其目的。 |
It is similar to the cathar doctrine and he himself stated that he was restating the hermetic gnosis and explaining the misunderstood central quest of alchemy 它與卡特里派信條相似,他聲稱自己正在重新敘述秘傳的諾斯替派和解釋了對煉金術主要尋求的誤解。 |
But simon ' s gnosis remained essentially jewish and monotheistic , as did that of the gnostic circles to which later parts of the new testament allude 但是,西蒙的諾斯替主義本質上保留著猶太教和一神論的元素,諾斯替的盤繞也映射在新舊的后期部分。 |
Andrew blais , who has contributed several articles to developerworks , is a researcher and writer for gnosis , inc . , and does work in neural nets Andrew blais是gnosis , inc .的研究員和作家,他在developerworks已投稿多次,從事神經網絡方面的工作。 |
But mani was the greatest prophet who , as the paraclete , proclaimed a salvation by knowledge ( gnosis ) consisting of strict ascetic practices 但是,摩尼是一個最偉大的先知,作為一位辯護者,宣布拯救是通過知識(靈知) ,由嚴厲的禁欲修行組成。 |
Andrew blais divides his time between home schooling his son , writing for gnosis , and teaching philosophy and religion at anna maria college Andrew blais把他的時間劃分為在家教育他的兒子,為gnosis寫作,和在anna maria大學教授哲學和宗教。 |
The designation gnosticism , derived from the greek gnostikos ( one who has gnosis , or “ secret knowledge “ ) , is a term of modern scholarship 諾斯替主義的名稱,源自希望的靈智派(擁有靈知,或者“秘密知識” ) ,是一個現代的學術用語。 |
By studying the realms of the umbra , they learn to understand great secrets , increasing their mystical understanding or gnosis 通過了解影界世界,他們探尋那些大秘密、擴大對神秘世界的了解、增進靈知的力量。 |
I will probably move the function elsewhere within the gnosis package for later releases 在以后的版本中,我將可能會把這個函數移到gnosis包內的其他地方。 |
Gnosis and praxis too 并要表里如一。 |
To download the module by itself or as part of gnosis utilities 以下載該模塊本身或將其作為gnosis實用程序中的一部分。 |
Gnosis utilities as a whole 整個gnosis實用程序 |
David may be reached at mertz @ gnosis . cx ; his life pored over at 重溫模塊和在該系列第一個專欄中介紹的模塊。 |
His life may be poured over at http : gnosis . cx dw Daniel robbins居住在美國新墨西哥州的阿爾布開克。 |