
gnomic adj.1.格言的,用格言的,愛寫格言詩的。2.【語法】...

Dali hardware tools co . , ltd locating at furong town owned come ofdrill “ is a joint venture company with singapore gnomic far east ate ltd 大力五金工具有限公司,地處“中國鉆頭之鄉”芙蓉鎮,是一家與新加坡遠東企業合資成立的中外合資公司。


If before going to the d urbervilles she had vigorously moved under the guidance of sundry gnomic texts and phrases known to her and to the world in general , no doubt she would never have been imposed on 要是苔絲還沒有去德貝維爾家以前,就努力按照她自己和一般人所知道的各種各樣的警句格言前進的話,她肯定是不會上當受騙的。

Dali hardware tools co . , ltd locating at furong town owned come ofdrill “ is a joint venture company with singapore gnomic far east ate ltd 大力五金工具有限公司,地處“中國鉆頭之鄉”芙蓉鎮,是一家與新加坡遠東企業合資成立的中外合資公司。

Moreover , the pithy sayings in gnomic style such as what you introduced here seem more suitable for children 而且,較之我所介紹的冗長故事而言,您所展示的這類箴言式的短句可能更適合孩子的胃口。