
gnarl n.(木材的)節,瘤。vt.1.扭,拗。2.使有節。vi...

It also boasts three gnarled and entangled ancient trees , which , along with the pool , are referred to by the locals as the “ four great sights “ 黑潭里還有三株盤根錯結古意盎然的老樹,與潭水合稱為黑潭“四絕” 。


It was the beginning of june when prince andrey , on his return journey , drove again into the birch forest , in which the old , gnarled oak had made upon him so strange and memorable an impression . the ringing of the bells did not carry so far now in the forest as six weeks before 已經是六月之初,正當安德烈公爵快要回到家中時,他又駛進那座白樺樹林,林中的這棵彎曲多節的老橡樹呈現著很古怪的模樣,令人難忘,真使他感到驚奇。

The curious sentience of the ancient wood manifests itself in many different ways , from the lithe and spiteful dryads , the legions of ephemeral spites , gnarled and tough tree kin , to the most powerful beings within athel loren , the mighty treemen 遠古森林奇異的感知能力展現在很多不同的方式,從身體柔軟而又充滿大量而又短暫惡意的森林女神,外皮粗糙堅硬的樹怪,到艾瑟洛倫最強壯的生物-強大的樹人。

Rooftrellen is aided by the forest itself , providing him with a thick living armor of vines and entangling nearby foes in a deadly embrace , allowing rooftrellen to pound his victims to dust with his massive gnarled limbs 森林是魯服崔倫的助手,提供他厚重的生體藤蔓裝甲并以致死的纏繞糾纏他附近的敵人,以他笨重多瘤的枝干搗碎敵人化成塵埃。

Pale male ' s nest was abruptly removed from its upper east side site last week after complaints from building residents about falling debris , including gnarled remains of pigeons 紅尾鷹“小白”的鳥巢建在大樓高層東側,上周,鳥巢突然被拆除了,起因是公寓住戶們抱怨上面總是往下掉各種垃圾,包括老鷹吃剩的扭曲的鴿子殘骸。

They are collected from the fields or are cultivated indoors . the penjing captures the shape and style of weather - beaten old trees with their coiled roots and gnarled limbs 它的特點是千變萬化,各具異趣;或挺拔雄偉,蒼勁健茂;或古樸自然,清幽淡雅;或枝葉扶疏,風韻瀟灑;或果實累累,奇麗多姿。

A celebrated red - tailed hawk evicted last week from his upscale new york digs , residents about falling debris , including gnarled remains of pigeons 一只著名的紅尾鷹上周被人們逐出了它居住的“紐約高級公寓” ,起因是公寓住戶們抱怨上面總是往下掉各種垃圾,包括老鷹吃剩的扭曲的鴿子殘骸。

With its huge , uncouth , gnarled arms and fingers sprawling unsymmetrically , it stood an aged , angry , and scornful monster among the smiling birches 它那彎曲多節的笨拙的巨臂和手指不對稱地伸開,它這棵老氣橫秋的鄙夷一切的畸形的橡樹聳立在笑容可掬的樺樹之間。

Usually , it is not necessary to be fastidious about color difference , live gnarls and texture , which constitute the natural attributes of wood 對木地板而言,售前主要包括咨詢測量售中主要包括送貨預約時間鋪裝與驗收售后主要包括保養與問題處理。

My caress provoked a long , guttural gnarl . you d better let the dog alone , growled mr heathcliff in unison , checking fiercer demonstrations with a punch of his foot “你最好別理這只狗, ”希刺克厲夫先生以同樣的音調咆哮著,跺一下腳來警告它。

They are usually middle - aged , working women in their everyday clothes , and gnarled elderly men . but the crowds are appreciative , if not particularly reverent 香港雖是彈丸之地,卻云集了世界各地的茗茶產品,綠茶茉莉花茶普洱烏等,應有盡有。

Holding out his work - gnarled hands , the old fisherman with a weather - beaten face started to tell us about the hardships of his life on the sea 這個看上去飽經風霜的漁翁伸出他那由于辛勞而布滿老繭的雙手,開始講述了他海上生活的艱難歷程。

The changes can be seen here in miaohe , where villagers have grown oranges from gnarled trees and farmed the area ' s steeply terraced rice paddies for generations 在廟河這個世代種植柑橘和梯田水稻的村莊,人們可以察覺到一些變化。

It have got a good tension strength , stable gnarl pitch , lower noise , small liberation , long life , excellent performance 該系列履帶采用了國際先進的生產技術,抗拉強度大,節距穩定性能好,噪音低,震動小,壽命長,性能優越。

As soon as she was beneath the gnarled arms of the cedars , she knew she was safe froom observation from the house and she slowed her swift pace 她一到達雪松粗糙歪扭的手臂下,知道已逃脫了屋子里的監視,便放慢腳步。

For centuries , the gnarled feet of farm laborers have played a vital role in the making of the finest port wines 幾個世紀以來,在制作最優質的波爾圖紅葡萄酒的過程中,農場工人粗糙的雙腳一直扮演著極其重要的角色。

It also boasts three gnarled and entangled ancient trees , which , along with the pool , are referred to by the locals as the “ four great sights “ 黑潭里還有三株盤根錯結古意盎然的老樹,與潭水合稱為黑潭“四絕” 。

China is a land of opposites ? ancient pagodas and buddhist temples mingled with steel high - rises and gnarled expressways 中國是兩極共生之地?千年寶塔、古剎與鋼筋大樓、縱橫交錯的高速公路相呼應。

Of the knotted fingers , the gnarled excrescences , the aged grief and mistrustnothing was to be seen 無論是彎曲多節的指頭,無論是傷痕,無論是昔日的懷疑和哀愁,都看不見了。