
gmt GMT = Greenwich mean time 格林...

“ the portal must be available to all users from 7 am to 7 pm gmt . “門戶從早7點到晚7點(格林尼治標準時間)對所有用戶必須是可用的。 ”


Hsia calendar with reference to prc purple mountain observatory s calendar for gmt 8 area 中國科學院紫金山天文臺的歷法為依據由至年

“ the portal must be available to all users from 7 am to 7 pm gmt . “門戶從早7點到晚7點(格林尼治標準時間)對所有用戶必須是可用的。 ”

If you specify a time with no time differential , you are specifying the time in gmt time 如果指定不帶時差的時間,即是指定gmt時間。

Wu s knitting gmt fty 模范針織廠

Fibre - reinforced plastics - methods of producing test plates - moulding of gmt stc 纖維增強塑料.試驗板的制備方法. gmt stc的模制

Time : 5 . 5 hours earlier than gmt ; 2 . 5 hours later than beijing time 時差:比格林尼治時間早5個半小時;比北京時間晚2個半小時。

Determine the gmt time 確定gmt時間

Time : 7 . 5 hrs earlier than gmt ; half and hour later than beijing time 時差:比格林尼治時間早7小時30分;比北京時間晚半小時。

Gmt fiber - to - the - office 光纖到辦公室

Reinforced thermoplastic moulding compounds - specification for gmt - designation 增強的熱塑塑料模塑復合材料. gmt規范.名稱

Gmt greenwich mean time 格林威治標準時間

Time : 10 hours earlier than gmt ; 2 hours earlier than beijing time 時差:比格林尼治時間早10小時;比北京時間早2小時。

Seasonal information of this software is based on gmt 8 time zone 示當天是否正在實施夏令時間,如果在提示的地區出生,

Time : 3 hours later than gmt ; 11 hours later than beijing time 時差:比格林尼治時間晚3小時;比北京時間晚11個小時。

Time : 7 hours later than beijing time ; 1 hour earlier than gmt 時差:比北京時間晚7個小時;比格林尼治時間早1小時。

Time : 5 hours later than gmt ; 13 hours later than beijing time 時差:比格林尼治時間晚5小時;比北京時間晚13小時。

Time : 1 hour earlier than gmt ; 7hours later than beijing time 時差:比格林尼治時間早1小時;比北京時間晚7個小時。

Time : 1 hour earlier than gmt , 7 hours later than beijing time 時差:比格林威治時間早1小時,比北京時間晚7小時。