
glycogen n.【化學】肝糖,糖原。

“ for their discovery of the course of the catalytic conversion of glycogen 發現糖代謝中的酶促反應


With the conclusion of a burst activity , the lactic acid level is high in the body fluids , leaving the large animal vulnerable to attack until the acid is reconverted , via oxidative metabolism , by the liver into glucose , which is then sent ( in part ) back to the muscles for glycogen resynthesis 由于突發性行為的結果,致使動物體液里的乳酸含量上升,在乳酸通過氧化新陳代謝、在肝臟里形成葡萄糖、回落到正常含量前,動物往往具有較強的攻擊性,那些生成的葡萄糖(一部分)然后輸送回肌肉進行糖原二次合成。

The ultrastructure of the hepatocyte in bufo bufo gargarizans cantor between pro - hibernation and initial post - hi be rnation was studied in this paper . the results show that : 1 . the hepatocytes in pro - hibernation period have very plenty of glycogen granules , but nearly not glycog en granules in post - hibernation period ; 2 . the hepatocytes in pro - hibernation peri od have very developed rough endoplasmic reticulum , but a few scattered dilatant rough endoplasmic reticula in post - hibernation period ; 3 . the quantity of mitocho ndria , and the structure of nuclei and bile canaliculi in pro - hibernation period have not obvious difference from that in post - hibernation period ; 4 . two types o f hepatocytes in pro - hibernation were found . the significance of the results men tioned above is also discussed 冬眠前和出眠初期的中華大蟾蜍肝細胞的超微結構有如下特點: ( 1 )冬眠前肝細胞堆積有大量糖元顆粒,而出眠初期幾乎無糖元顆粒; ( 2 )冬眠前肝細胞的粗面內質網非常發達,而出眠初期的粗面內質網不發達,常呈零散膨大; ( 3 )線粒體的數量,細胞核和膽小管的形態結構在這兩個時期無明顯差異; ( 4 )冬眠前肝細胞可分為兩種不同的類型.對上述結果的生理意義作了討論

In contrast , n - acetyl - d - galactosamine , sucrose , d - glucose , glycogen , d - mannose , l - fucose and fetuin had no inhibitory effects on hemagglutination . so the lectin activity in the humoral fluids of amphioxus is sh group - dependent and is specifically inhibited by various d - galactosides . also , the humoral fluids obtained from e . coli - injected amphioxus showed increased agglutinating activity against human b and o , rabbit , grass carp and toad erythrocytes , but not against human a and chick erythrocytes , hinting that there might be two types of lectins in amphioxus humoral fluids 條紋斑竹鱉血清對懸浮在egta一mg一gvb緩沖液中的正常的兔血紅細胞、綿羊紅細胞、及部分哺乳動物、鳥類、兩棲類和魚類等代表動物的血紅細胞具有溶血活性;在gvbz十存在時對抗體包被的綿羊紅細胞具有溶血活性,而在edta一gvb緩沖液中不論是對正常的兔紅細胞或其他脊椎動物的紅細胞還是對抗體包被的敏感綿羊紅細胞都沒有溶血活性。

The result showed that sea encumber polypeptide have no obvious effect on body weight in mice , significantly prolong the time of loaded - swimming and rolling stick , strongly degrade the content of blood area nitrogen and increase the content of hepatic glycogen of post exercise mice , the study indicates that sea cucumber polypeptide has significant anti - fatigue effect 結果發現,海參肽對小鼠體重無顯著影響,能明顯延長小鼠的負重游泳時間和轉棒時間,顯著降低運動后小鼠的血尿素氮含量,提高了肝糖原含量研究表明:海參肽具有明顯的擾疲勞功效。

Clinical prove with the experiment , the rhizome of large - headed atractylodes can promote gastric bowel to secrete wriggle with alleviation stomach bowel , enhance diuresis , platoon sodium is chloric , increase albumin synthesis , fall blood sugar , and protective liver cell and prevent glycogen yuan reductive action 臨床與實驗證實,白術能促進胃腸分泌與緩和胃腸蠕動,增強利尿、排鈉氯,增加白蛋白合成、降血糖,以及保護肝細胞和防止肝糖元減少的作用。

The result showed that sea cucumber polypeptide has no obvious effect on body weight in mice , significantly prolongs the time of loaded - swimming and rolling stick , stringly degrades the content of blood urea nitrogen and increases the content of hepatic glycogen of postexercise mice 結果表明,低分子量海參肽對小鼠體重無顯著影響,但能明顯延長小鼠的負重游泳時間和轉棒時間,顯著降低運動后小鼠的血尿素氮含量,同時提高了肝糖原含量。

With the conclusion of a burst activity , the lactic acid level is high in the body fluids , leaving the large animal vulnerable to attack until the acid is reconverted , via oxidative metabolism , by the liver into glucose , which is then sent ( in part ) back to the muscles for glycogen synthesis 譯文:那種性別比例能在最大程度上增加一個個體所能擁有的后代數量,并因此能在最大程度上增加所傳遞到后代身上去的基因復制品的數量。

Clinical consider to make clear with the experiment , angelica has protective liver cell , prevent glycogen yuan decrease , fall hematic fat , improvement circulates inside liver , fight malign anaemia , fight vitamin e lack , and demulcent , composed , diminish inflammation and bacteriostasis 臨床與實驗研究表明,當歸有保護肝細胞,防止肝糖元減少,降血脂,改善肝內循環,抗惡性貧血,抗維生素e缺乏,以及鎮痛、鎮靜、消炎及抑菌作用。

Based on the documentations from home and abroad , the elements that affect on the competition between phosphorus accumulating organisms ( paos ) and glycogen accumulating organisms ( gaos ) in enhanced biological phosphorus removal system were reviewed , and the future research areas were recommended 摘要根據國內外文獻的有關報道,綜述了在強化生物除磷系統中聚糖菌與聚磷菌相互競爭的有關影響因素,并指出了今后的研究方向。

Expression of nos and et were observed in experimental groups . microscope showed a characteristic change of ischemic cell damage for example : loss of glycogen . break clumping and margi - nation of nuclear chromations , mitochondria with the ap - pearnce of amorphous dense bodies ( 3 )免疫組化染色發現: et在1h組和2h組的缺血區和交界區為陽性表達,正常區和對照組為陰性表達。

Cytochemical methods : the testis was fixed in cold acetone , embedded in paraffin , sectioned at 6 u m , observed with olympus bh - 2 microscopy and dna was showed with feulgen , glycogen was showed with pas 細胞化學樣品以冷丙酮固定,常規石蠟包埋,切片厚度為6 m , feulgen反應顯示dna ; pas反應顯示糖原顆粒, olympusbh - 2型顯微鏡觀察。

Large heavy - weight protein muscles with lots of stored glycogen energy are desirable because they are strong and work efficiently . muscle tissue burns calories even when resting , promoting efficient metabolism 大量重量的蛋白質肌肉適合大量儲存的肝糖能量,因為它們強壯且運轉有效。肌肉組織甚至在靜止時燃燒熱量,促進有效的新陳代謝。

Abstract : fdp has many actions for mice , such as antifatigue , antioxygen - deficient , decreasing urinary nitrogen output of fatigue mice , improving glycogenesis and decreasing glycogen consumption 文摘:福達平( fdp )對小鼠具有抗疲勞、耐缺氧、降低疲勞小鼠血清中尿素氮質量濃度、促進糖原儲備、降低糖原消耗等作用。

During the initial few days of restricting energy intake , you will lose some water and glycogen ( a type of energy stored in your liver and muscles ) and not much fat 在開始節食的首數天,身體會失去水份和糖原(一種多醣儲存在肝臟及肌肉內,當身體需要時,糖原可以迅速分解為葡萄糖) ,另減去少量脂肪。

Prior to now , endurance athletes usually followed a high - carbohydrate diet with the rationale that enhanced glycogen stores are known to fuel superior training and marathon race performances 截至今日耐力型的選手通常遵循增加肝醣的存量可以提升訓練和比賽時體能的理論而采用高醣飲食。

The typical sperm of cipangopaludina chinensis , having spiral nucleus , long and spiral mitochondrion and a large number of glycogen granules , belongs to the modified sperm 中國圓田螺典型精子是一種修飾型精子,含有螺旋狀的細胞核,拉長并螺旋的線粒體和大量的糖原顆粒物質。

Developing your fat engine will increase the amount of energy you can generate , reduce the amount of carbohydrates you use , and stretch out the glycogen supply during long runs 長跑時,開發你體內的燃脂引擎能提高產生能量的總值,減少碳水化合物的消耗,延長肝醣的供應。

Virgin soil has stimulative blood to coagulate and hemostatic , contain iron to pledge and heart ' s - blood , and strong heart , diuresis , fall blood sugar , prevent glycogen yuan reduce effect 生地有促進血凝而止血,含鐵質而生血,以及強心,利尿,降血糖,防止肝糖元減少作用。