glutamine n.【化學】麩醯胺酸,谷氨酰胺。
n. 【化學】麩醯胺酸,谷氨酰胺。 “acetyl glutamine“ 中文翻譯: 乙酰谷氨酰胺“glutamine (gln)“ 中文翻譯: 谷氨酰胺“glutamine acyltransferase“ 中文翻譯: 谷氨酰胺酰基轉移酶“glutamine dipeptide“ 中文翻譯: 丙氨酰谷氨酰胺; 谷氨酰胺二肽“glutamine synthetase“ 中文翻譯: 谷氨酰胺合成酶“glutamine transaminase“ 中文翻譯: 谷氨酰胺轉氨酶“glutamine transferase“ 中文翻譯: 谷氨酰胺轉移酶“glutamine transphosphoribosylase“ 中文翻譯: 谷氨酰胺轉磷酸核苷酶“glutamine-glutamyltransferase“ 中文翻譯: 谷氨酰胺-谷氨酰轉移酶“glutamine-hydrolysing“ 中文翻譯: 谷氨酰胺-水解化“hydroxyethyl glutamine“ 中文翻譯: 羥乙基谷氨酰胺“hydroxyphenyl glutamine“ 中文翻譯: 羥苯基谷酰胺“l-glutamine“ 中文翻譯: 谷氨酰胺; 左旋谷酰胺“methylene glutamine“ 中文翻譯: 甲叉谷氨酰胺“adenylylated glutamine synthetase“ 中文翻譯: 腺苷酰谷胺合成酶“glucose glutamine cycle“ 中文翻譯: 葡糖谷氨酰胺循環“glutamine cyclo transferase“ 中文翻譯: 谷氨酰胺環化轉移酶“glutamine glutamyl transferase“ 中文翻譯: 谷氨酰胺谷氨酰轉移酶“glutamine rich domain“ 中文翻譯: 谷氨酰胺富含區“glutamine side chain“ 中文翻譯: 谷氨酸鹽側鏈“glutamine-oxo-acid transaminase“ 中文翻譯: 谷氨酰胺氧化酸轉氨酶“glutamine-oxyacid aminotransferase“ 中文翻譯: 谷氨酰胺氧代酸轉氨酶“glutamine-pyruvate aminotransferase“ 中文翻譯: 谷氨酰胺丙酮酸氨基轉移酶“glutamine-synthetase adenylyltransferase“ 中文翻譯: 谷氨酰胺合成酶腺苷酰基轉移酶“glutaminate-asparaginate transaminase“ 中文翻譯: 谷氨酸一天冬氨酸轉氨酶“glutaminate alanine transaminase“ 中文翻譯: 谷氨酸丙氨酸轉氨酶
glutathione |
Aes contains a glutamine - rich ( q ) domain in its n - terminal , which sharing high homology with the amino terminal region of groucho / tle ( transducin like enhancer of split ) . the function of aes is not clear yet , while groucho / tle were found to be a family of transcription co - repressor and play impo rtant roles in notch signaling , wnt - 0 catenin signaling and other transcription regulation events Aes的n -末端約130個氨基酸中富含谷氨酰眩( q )殘基,形成一個q結構域,與轉錄協同抑制分子tle ( transducinlikeenhancerofsplit )的氨基端高度同源。 |
The eg cell culture media consisting of dmem medium supplemented with fbs , chicken serum , beta - mercaptoethanol , l - glutamine . hepes , chicken embryonic extract and cytokines etc . after 24 hours culture , the isolated pgcs were selectively attached on the gonadal stromall cells in the plates 加入新鮮的eg細胞培養液(含dmem 、胎牛血清、雞血清、 -巰基乙醇、 l -谷氨酰胺、 hepes 、雞胚浸出液以及細胞因子等成分)培養24小時以后, pgcs開始部分貼附于共培養的生殖原基細胞上。 |
The enhancing factors of eb formation were studied . fifty thousand es - d3 cells per milliliter were incubated in dmem - high glucose supplemented with 20 % fbs and 2mm glutamine . the influencing factors which included hyclone fbs and homemade green season fbs , feeder cell layer , culture containers and 3 - mercaptoethanol ( - me ) were investigated 以5x10 ’加的eso3細胞種入含20胎牛血清和zinm谷氨酚胺的高糖dmem中,觀察進口胎牛血清和國產胎牛血清、飼養層、培養器皿以及卜硫基乙醇對es士3細胞形成的4debs數量的影響。 |
The results showed that high concentration of 2 , 4 - d was required for callus induction from mature seeds of tall fescue , and combination of 8mg / l 2 , 4 - d with 2mg / l aba gave best induction effects . by slicing sterilized seeds longitudinally or cutting embryos , callus induction frequency was profoundly increased over intact seeds from one and half to eight times . adoption of ms basal medium and supplementation of 0 . 5g / l casamino acids and 0 . 5g / l glutamine in medium were found to help to facilitate callus induction 研究表明,高羊茅成熟種子愈傷組織誘導需要較高濃度的2 , 4 - d ,以8mg l2 , 4 - d與2mg laba配合能獲得最佳的誘導效果;種子滅菌后縱切或切胚,可使出愈率成倍提高;采用ms基本培養基和在培養基中添加0 . 5g l的水解酪蛋白與谷氨酰胺也有助于提高出愈率;低劑量( 10gy )射線輻照處理對成熟種子愈傷組織尤其是胚性愈傷組織形成有一定的刺激效應。 |
The results showed that the pronuclear embryo can be obtained at 24h after hcg injection , and the embryo developmental speed in vivo was higher than that in vitro . the pronuclear embryo was cultured with m16 , mm16 ( m16 + taurine + edta . na2 + glutamine ) and mczb . the results were that the cleavage of the pronuclear embryo was 69 . 90 % ( 72 / 103 ) , 94 . 91 % ( 317 / 334 ) and 63 . 16 % ( 60 / 95 ) respectively 與同一時間直接從體內獲取原核胚相比較,在注射hcg后24h體內出現原核胚的比例( 79 . 66 )大于體外培養至24h的數值( 77 . 02 ) ,但是,體外培養至26h時出現最大原核胚比例為( 92 . 74 ) ,與26h時直接從體內獲取的原核胚數值比例相比較差異極顯著。 |
After 4 days of growth , the intact inner cell mass ( icm ) were separated with 0 . 05 % trypsin - edta and replated on feeder layer in dmem containing 15 % serum , 0 . 1mmol / l nonessential amino acids , 0 . 1mol / l 2 - mercaptoethanol , 2mmol / l glutamine , 100 units / ml of streptomycin and 100 units / ml of penicillin . after 4 - 6 days 5 es cell colonies were selected and expanded in which alkaline alkaline phosphatase was detected ( 2 )小鼠囊胚或內細胞的培養和es細胞的分離培養了156個不同品系的小鼠囊胚,經過3 ? 4天培養后,將增殖出來內細胞團用機械法結合胰酶- edta處理,離散后培養于mef飼養層上, 4 6天后有5例出現了es細胞樣集落。 |
In 96 - well plates , effects of nutritional factors including glutamine , pyruvic acid , iron citrate , silicon , rpmi 1640 and marine broth 2216 were examined on the viable cell density in primary cell culture of s . domuncula after 36 hours of inoculation 長期培養發現了adcp一p ~ orph中的骨針生長等現象,進一步證明了adcp一pri ~ orph中旺盛的代謝活動。通過兩種方式進行adcp一pri ~ orph傳代培養的初步探索。 |
The enzyme of microbial transglutaminase ( mtg ) can modify the structure and properties of proteins through catalyzing an acyl transfer reaction of a - carboxyamide group of glutamine residue in a peptide chain , resulting the cross - linking of proteins 摘要微生物谷氨酰胺轉胺酶( mtg )可通過催化蛋白質谷氨酰胺的酰基轉移反應改變蛋白質的結構和性質,是一種有廣泛應用前景的重要新型酶制劑。 |
Glu of cns mainly comes from glutamine and phosphate activated glutaminase ( pag ) can decomposed the glutamine to glu and ammonia and is the main source of the glu of the cns , so pag is used as the special marker of glutaminergic neurons 磷酸激活的谷氨酞胺酶( pag )能催化谷氨酞胺水解為giu和氨,是中樞內gill的主要來源。困此pag一直被作為研究gill能神經元的特異性標識物。 |
Some specific nutrients and drugs such as glutamine , rheum officinale , moist exposed burn ointment and essential nutrients for intestine can have very good effect on the restoration of impaired gastrointestinal mucous membrane barrier function 某些特殊的營養物質和藥物如谷氨酰胺、思密達、大黃、濕潤燒傷膏和腸內營養要素在胃腸粘膜屏障的修復中將起到良好保護和營養使用。 |
Nitrate is converted to ammonium by nitrate reductase and ammonium is then incorporated into glutamine and gluamate , either by the glutamine synthase - glutamate synthase ( gs - gogat ) pathway or by glutamate dehydrogenase ( gdh ) 硝酸鹽在硝酸還原酶作用下被轉化為銨,接著所產生的銨在谷氨酰胺合成酶-谷氨酸合酶( gs - gogat )或谷氨酸脫氫酶( gdh )的作用下與谷氨酰胺和谷氨酸結合。 |
These results indicated that molecules of tle family might play a role in gp130 signaling . the amino - terminal regions of aes and tle are highly homologous , both contains q ( glutamine ) domain 已知tle可通過q結構域形成四聚體,而且四聚體的形成對tle發揮轉錄抑制功能來說是必需的。 |
L - glutamine is a non - essential , neutral , genetically coded amino acid . occurring widely in plant and animal tissue and produced commercially for use in medicine and biochemical research 谷酰胺是一種非必需的中性氨基酸,大量的含于動植物組織,大量生產用于醫藥和生化研究。 |
Add 40 - 50 g of whey protein to each of these shakes , plus glutamine , creatine and arginine , if those supplements are part of your nutrition plan 在蛋白粉里加入40 - 50克葡萄糖然后搖勻,最好加入谷氨酰胺,肌酸和精氨酸,如果這些補劑是你的營養方案的一部分。 |
It inhibits the activity of glutamine synthetase ( gs ) which is necessary for the production of glutamine and for ammonia detoxification 草丁膦除草作用機理是抑制植物的氨基酸生物合成酶?谷氨酰胺合成酶( gs ) ,使雜草產生氨中毒。 |
Vander h r r w j , soeters p b . glutamine and the preservation of gut integrity [ j ] . lancet , 1993 , 341 : 1363 彭淑梅,王淑珍,高薇薇,等.西沙比利治療危重癥并胃腸功能衰竭的臨床探討[ j ] .臨床兒科雜志, 2002 , 20 : 343 - 345 |
In this article , the research progress and mechanisms of glutamine therapy for severe acute pancreatitis are reviewed 本文綜述了谷氨酰胺治療急性重癥胰腺炎的研究進展和作用機制。 |
Glutamine may prevent the bacteria translocation and strenthen gut barrier function in severe acute pancreatitis 加強腸黏膜防御功能,是治療急性重癥胰腺炎的有效制劑。 |
Parenteral nutrition effects of new crystal amino acid solutions enriched with glutamine dipeptide on traumatized rats 含谷氨酰胺二肽氨基酸對創傷大鼠腸外營養的效用 |