
glume n.【植物;植物學】穎,穎片。 an empty glu...

glume spot

Changes in chloroplast composition non - leaf organs have fewer and smaller chloroplasts than leaves . glumes and awns are organs directly exposed to light but they contain more grana per chloroplast , bigger granal stacks and more thylakoids per granal stacks and therefore their chloroplasts are more simi 4明顯高于旗葉;若以放氧為標準,比較功能葉和非葉器官的光合活性,發現以葉綠素為單位,非葉器官的放氧速率與旗葉相當,或甚至高于旗葉;以單穗為單位,最高可相當于旗葉的28 。

In normal greenhouse condition , coda - transgenic wheat lines ( to ) had the same plant morphorlogy and pollen i2 - ki staining rate as untransformed control plant . after treating with 300 mm of 5 - fc , however , changes in configurations of spikelet , floret and anther have been observed in the transgenic lines but not in the control , and 50 % gus - positive lines displayed outside - opened glume , abnormal stamen , smaller and thinner anther , shorter filament , and failure of selfing . in parts of 5 - fc - treated transgenic lines , the pollen staining rate by i2 - ki was much lower than that of untransformed control 溫室栽培的轉基因小麥苗( t _ 0 )未噴5 - fc處理時植株外部形態和花粉碘-碘化鉀染色的著色率與未轉基因的對照沒有差異;用300mm的5 - fc處理后,發現有50 gus陽性株系與對照有明顯的區別,表現為小穗穎殼外張,花絲短縮,花藥發育不良,較小、黃白色且花粉粒少,自花不授粉,無外來花粉授粉則不結實。

In my present study , changes in structure and function of all parts of non - leaf organs ( culms , paleae , lemmas , awns , and glumes ) were investigated during a series of developmental stages and in various cultivars . characterization of the culms of lodging - resistant wheat varieties lodging is a potential cause of yield reduction in cereal crops ( crook et al , 1994 ) 其中,比較分析了非葉器官葉綠體超微結構的差異,測量了非葉器官的放氧和低溫熒光等生理指標,嘗試從結構與功能相結合的角度,探討非葉器官在提高作物產量中所起的重要作用。

The results showed that under copper and cadmium stresses sulfur and organic fertilizer fertilization increased the amounts of re - transported storage matter and nitrogen and the rate of transported storage matter and nitrogen in the leaves , leaf sheaths , glumes and spike stalks of wheat and the total amounts of re - transported storage matter and nitrogen and the total rates of transported storage matter and nitrogen in winter wheat before flowering compared with their own controls and the fertilizations with high sulfur and organic fertilizer rates did not presented a remarkable regular effect 結果表明,與各自對照相比,銅、鎘脅迫下低施硫和有機肥的處理增加了小麥葉片、莖鞘、穎殼穗軸等營養器官花前貯藏物質、氮素的再運轉量和運轉率以及營養器官花前貯藏物質、氮素的總再運轉量和總運轉率,高施硫和有機肥的銅、鎘處理則規律性不明顯。

In the grasses bracts are borne in pairs below the spikelets and are called glumes 在禾本科植物中苞片成對生長在每一個小穗的基部,稱為穎片。