glower n.【電學】熾熱體;燈絲。
n. 【電學】熾熱體;燈絲。 vi. 怒視,凝視 (at). n. 怒視,凝視。 adv. -ingly “de glower“ 中文翻譯: 熾熱體“nernst glower“ 中文翻譯: 能斯特燈; 能斯特發光體; 能斯脫燈“glowing“ 中文翻譯: adj. 1.白熱的;通紅的;灼熾的。 2.(色彩)鮮明的,光輝的;強烈的。 3.熱心的,熱烈的。 4.臉色紅潤的,容光煥發的。 give a glowing account of 熱烈贊賞。 glowing cheeks 紅潤的兩頰。 glowing colours 光彩奪目的顏色。 a glowing example 光輝榜樣。 a glowing patriot 熱烈的愛國者。 adv. -ly “glowen“ 中文翻譯: 格勒文“glowing avalanche“ 中文翻譯: 白熱灰流; 熾熱火山灰云; 火山發光云; 灼熱崩落;火山灰流“glowdischargethyratron“ 中文翻譯: 輝光放電閘淋“glowing cathode“ 中文翻譯: 輝光陰極; 旁熱式陰極; 焰熱陰極“glowdischargerectifier“ 中文翻譯: 輝光放電整流“glowing ceramic rod“ 中文翻譯: 輝光磁棒“glowdischargelamp“ 中文翻譯: 輝光放電燈“glowing cloud“ 中文翻譯: 熾熱火山灰云; 熾熱火山云; 輝光云; 火山發光云; 鮮光云“glowdischarge“ 中文翻譯: 輝光放電
glowing |
Hard by the block stood the grim figure of the executioner , his visage being concealed in a tengallon pot with two circular perforated apertures through which his eyes glowered furiously 斷頭臺旁立著絞刑吏那陰森恐怖的身影,臉上罩著一頂可容十加侖的高帽子222 ,上面鉆了兩個圓洞,一雙眼睛從中炯炯地發出怒火。 |
Don ' t glower : encourage with gentle glances . don ' t be cruel : serve with gentle hands . don ' t scold : speak with gentle words . don ' t hate : uplift with gentle actions 眼不看不凈,常以善目鼓勵別人;身不做暴行,常以手腳服務大眾;口不說惡言,常以口舌美化社會;心不起?恨,常以柔軟溝通彼此。 |
Harry knew snape was thinking of their disastrous occlumency lessons of the previous year . he refused to drop his gaze , but glowered at snape until snape looked away 哈利知道斯內普又想起了他們去年那些災難性的大腦封閉術課.他拒絕低下眼睛,繼續凝視他直到斯內普移走了視線 |
Hilda only glowered at him without replying ; repartee was not her forte , nor connie s ; so she glowered , and he was much more uncomfortable than if she had said things 她同康妮一樣,隨曰答話不是她的能事。她只是不轉瞬地望著他,這使他覺得很難受,比她說什么都更難受。 |
Snape set his glass down upon the table and sat back again , his hands upon the arms of his chair , smiling into bellatrix ' s glowering face 斯內普把杯子放在桌上,身體往椅背上一靠,兩只手搭在椅子的扶手上,笑瞇瞇地看著貝拉特里克斯那張怒氣沖沖的臉。 |
So they stood , each with a foot placed at an angle as a brace , and both shoving with might and main , and glowering at each other with hate 于是他倆站在那兒,雙方都斜著一只腳撐著勁,用盡力氣想把對手往后推,兩個人都憤恨地瞪著對方。 |
Cobbled streets weave past baroque palaces , lively beer halls , glowering castles , and light - infused cathedrals 鵝卵石街道繞過巴洛克宮殿,活躍的啤酒城,怒目而視的城堡,以及燈火通明的大教堂。 |
Meanwhile , the infant ruffian continued sucking ; and glowered at me defyingly , as he slavered into the jug 同時,那小惡徒繼續吮著,他一邊向著罐子里淌口水,一邊還挑戰似地怒目睨視著我。 |
Narcissa murmured a word of thanks , whilst ( = while ) bellatrix said nothing , but continued to glower at snape 納西莎嘟噥了一句“謝謝” ,貝拉特里克斯什么也沒說,繼續狠狠地瞪著斯內普。 |
Connie s looking awfully unwell , she said in her soft voice , fixing him with her beautiful , glowering grey eyes 她用柔軟的聲音說道。她華麗的灰色的眼睛,不轉瞬的望著他。 |
Well , i expected them to be all glowering and stern , but they weren ' t 我本來以為他們都是神情肅穆嚴厲苛刻的,但是他們不是 |
10 one glower bias power 10燈絲偏壓一套 |
I expected them to be all glowering and stern , but they weren ' t . . 我本來以為他們都是神情肅穆嚴厲苛刻的,但是他們不是 |
9 one glower electric power 9燈絲電源一套 |
I expected them to be all glowering and stern , but they weren ' t 我本來以為他們都是神情肅穆嚴厲苛刻的,但是他們不是 |
Lovely gold glowering light 可愛燦爛的金光。 |
He sat glowering at his opponent 他坐在那里怒視著對手 |
So then let her glower at me . i ' m used to it 讓她沖著我來吧,我習慣了 |
Well , first he ' d probably glower a bit , right 那么,首先他多半會怒目而視一下,對么? |