
glove n.1.手套(一般指五指分開的。 cf. mitten)...

“ you cannot make a revolution with silk gloves . 你不能以絲手套來發動革命。

We “ wear “ clothes , including gloves and scarves , also belts , spectacles , even perfume on our bodies . 我們“穿”衣物,包括手套、圍巾、以及腰帶、眼鏡,身上的香水。

The nice gloves were pronounced a “perfect fit“ . 那副漂亮的手套被譽為“巧奪天工,正合適”。

glove box

“ you cannot make a revolution with silk gloves . 你不能以絲手套來發動革命。

Now , her mother ' s wedding dress fit like a glove 她穿上母親的婚紗,如手套般合身

On the job work clothes and gloves are provided 在上班時,還發給工作服和手套。

Protective rubber gloves for radioactive contamination 放射性污染防護用橡膠手套

Single - use polyvinyl chloride gloves for dentistry 一次性使用的牙科聚氯乙烯手套

I need a new pair of boots / gloves / stockings 我需要一雙新的靴子手套襪子。

Protective gloves for firefighters ; german version en 659 : 2003 消防員用防護手套

He remembered when his family was very poor and his mother had lost a pair of gloves which she treasured . 他想起當年自己的家境一度非常貧寒,媽媽丟了一副手套,就像丟了一件寶貝。

Among his other contradictory decorations he had the hat of bishop, and the little gloves of a baby . 他的別的穿戴也不倫不類,帽子就跟主教戴的那樣大,手套跟娃娃戴的那樣小。

I took off the gloves in the january 31 press conference when i announced the peace settlement in vietnam . 我在1月31日的記者招待會上宣布越南問題和平解決時就毫不客氣了。

He took his cigar out of his mouth and held the wet end between the fingers of his woolen glove . 他從嘴里取出正在吸的雪茄,把噙濕的煙頭夾在戴著毛織手套的兩個手指中間。

We “ wear “ clothes , including gloves and scarves , also belts , spectacles , even perfume on our bodies . 我們“穿”衣物,包括手套、圍巾、以及腰帶、眼鏡,身上的香水。

He pursues his lounging way with a heavy tread, beating the palms of his white gloves one against the other . 他拖著沉重的腳步踱來踱去,戴著白手套的手掌互相拍打著。

Rhoda's willowy figure, modish straw hat, and fuchsia gloves and shoes surprised janice . 羅達的苗條身材,時髦的草帽,紫紅色的手套和鞋使杰妮絲有些驚訝。

He declares that it is time for the good and true men to handle the impostors without gloves . 他宣稱,現在是那些善良誠實的人嚴厲處理那些騙子的時候了。

Well, that was war, and only fools thought it could be waged with kid gloves on . 嘿,戰爭就是這樣,只有傻瓜才會以為打起仗來還能那么溫良恭讓呢。