
glottal adj.1.【解剖學】聲門的。2.【語言學】自聲門發出的...

glottal stop

But it is not the same with surd or the alternation of sonant and surd . on the base of the acoustics , a whole linear time - varying discrete speech produce model is established through anatomising the factors including track , driving source and lip eradiation the mechanism of speech in this paper , and we draw a conclusion that the time between glottal closure is pitch period 本文從聲學理論出發,剖析了語音產生的機理,綜合考慮聲道、激勵源和嘴唇輻射三方面的因素,建立了一個完整的、線性的和時變的語音產生的離散系統模型,得出兩次聲門閉合事件之間的時間間隔就是基音周期的結論。

If the wavelet transform is directly implemented in pitch detection , comparing the glottal closure singularity of speech signal with image grey break , we will not obtain the anticipative result 將聲門閉合在語音信號中表現出相應的奇異性,與圖像邊緣的灰階突變進行等價對比,直接將小波變換用于聲門閉合奇異型的檢測,并不會得到預期效果。

Based on the speech produce model , we find the reason of periodicity disappearance and the extremum number increase by analysing the character of speech signal when the glottal closes 于是從語音產生模型入手,詳細的分析了聲門閉合時刻語音信號的性質,找到了濁音信號經過小波變換后周期性消失、極值點個數增多的原因。