gloomy adj.1.暗的,黑暗的,陰暗的。2.陰郁的,憂悶的;令...
adj. 1.暗的,黑暗的,陰暗的。 2.陰郁的,憂悶的;令人沮喪的;脾氣不好的。 3.沒希望的,前途暗淡的。 短語和例子take a gloomy view of 對…悲觀。 adv. -ily ,-iness n. “gloomy a“ 中文翻譯: 黑暗的;令人沮喪的“a gloomy face“ 中文翻譯: 沮喪的臉“a gloomy sky“ 中文翻譯: 灰暗的天空“dark and gloomy“ 中文翻譯: 沖濁; 晦暗“depressed; gloomy“ 中文翻譯: 沉郁“dim; gloomy“ 中文翻譯: 幽暗“feel gloomy“ 中文翻譯: 感到愁悶; 心情陰郁“gloomy complexion“ 中文翻譯: 面色晦暗“gloomy countenance“ 中文翻譯: 慍色“gloomy lanternfish“ 中文翻譯: 擬燈籠魚“gloomy mood“ 中文翻譯: 情志不暢“gloomy side“ 中文翻譯: 黑暗面“gloomy sunday“ 中文翻譯: 布達佩斯之戀; 傳染歌; 黑色的星期天; 黑色星期天; 黑色星期五; 絕望的星期天; 狂琴難了; 狂情難了; 殺人樂曲; 失望的星期天; 陰暗的星期天; 憂郁的星期天; 憂郁星期天“gloomy weather“ 中文翻譯: 陰晦天氣; 陰天“morning gloomy“ 中文翻譯: 陰郁的早晨“sunday is gloomy“ 中文翻譯: 星期天是黑色的; 星期天是絕望的; 星期天是失望的; 星期天是憂郁的“the weather is gloomy“ 中文翻譯: 天色陰郁“be dark, chilly and exceptionally gloomy“ 中文翻譯: 陰風森森“dark without light; be gloomy“ 中文翻譯: 慘淡無光“depressingly plain gloomy“ 中文翻譯: 極簡陋的“dim faint dismal gloomy“ 中文翻譯: 暗淡“look on the gloomy side“ 中文翻譯: 對事物抱悲觀態度“look on the gloomy side of things“ 中文翻譯: 對事物抱悲觀態度“our future seems gloomy“ 中文翻譯: 我們的未來似乎暗淡“glooming day“ 中文翻譯: 小 雨 天“gloomily“ 中文翻譯: 黑暗地; 幽暗地
“mrs. linton sat down by the fire, flushed and gloomy . 林頓夫人坐在爐火旁,兩頰通紅郁郁不樂。 |
glop |
I was astonished by this, imagining that the amahagger were much too gloomy a folk to indulge in any such frivolity . 這使我大為驚詫,我無法想象這些死氣沉沉的阿馬哈格人何以能愛好這種輕松愉快的活動。 |
The gloomy skies and the sulphurous odors from the mineral springs seemed to bode evil to those who settled in the area . 陰暗的天空,礦泉中的硫磺味,這一切對這里的居民來說似乎預示著災難降臨。 |
Difficult was it then and there to guess the causes why the tradition of the place wore so gloomy and stern a hue . 那時那地,人們很難猜到為什么那個地方的傳統總是帶著一種陰沉可怕的色彩。 |
The situation in the south in 1900 was so gloomy that leaders of the region wondered if there were any hope at all . 1900年南部的情況如此暗淡,以致這個地區的領導人物懷疑是否有任何希望。 |
Charlie sat in a gloomy agency and talked to a cross bearnaise and to a buxom breton peasant . 查理坐在一家陰暗的介紹所里,跟一個性情暴躁的貝亞內斯人和一個健壯的布列塔尼農民談了話。 |
He had seen grotesque children huddled upon door-steps, and heard shrieks and oaths from gloomy courts . 他看到怪模怪樣的孩子擠在門前的石階上,還聽到陰暗院落里傳來尖叫聲和罵詈。 |
The mountains on either side were high, rough and barren, very black and gloomy in the shadow of the clouds . 兩面的山高而險峻,草木不生,在云層的影子下顯得格外的黑暗和陰郁。 |
The high cold empty gloomy rooms liberated me and i went from room to room singing . 那些高傲的房間里,寒冷而陰郁,卻使我無拘無束,我唱起歌來,從一個房間跑到另一個房間。 |
It was a gloomy family that met that night in the swaying cabin for a supper of gruel and hard cheese . 這天晚上眾人在東搖西擺的小艙里吃麥片粥和邦硬的干酪,都悶悶不樂。 |
The pulse was being very fiercely-pen's face was haggard and hot-his eyes were bloodshot and gloomy . 脈膊跳得非常快;小潘的臉顯得憔悴,發紅,眼睛充血,沒有光彩。 |
Returning to his gloomy snowbound field headquarters he had to face some nasty facts . 他回到黑暗陰郁、冰天雪地的戰地司令部里,不得不面對一些棘手的事情。 |
Harry hopkins' bedroom in the white house was at one end of a long dark gloomy hall . 哈里霍普金斯在白宮里的臥室,是在一條黑暗陰沉的長走廓的盡頭。 |
There was a lurid, gloomy canopy above; the elmtrees drooped their heavy blackish green . 上面是一片蒼白又陰郁的蒼穹;榆樹枝葉郁郁蒼蒼地低垂下來。 |
The following morning saturday-the men went about their work in gloomy silence . 第二天--星期六的早晨,工人們干活時一個個愁眉苦臉,默不作聲。 |
It's a gloomy thing, however, to talk about one's own past, with the day breaking . 然而,在將近天明的時候談論個人自己的過去是不愉快的事。 |
He saw the patrol ahead in a gloomy vista of fatigue and danger and misery . 他感到這一去前途黯淡,等待著他們的不外是奔波勞累,艱危磨難。 |
The only person inside the gloomy building was a charwoman cleaning . 那個昏暗的建筑里面唯一的人,就是一個打雜兒的女人,在那兒打掃屋子。 |
He was robed in a wonderful dressing gown, and puffing his pipe in gloomy silence . 他穿著光怪陸離的晨衣,悶悶不樂地吸著煙斗。 |