glockenspiel n.【音樂】1.鐘琴。2.鐘組樂器,編鐘。
n. 【音樂】 1.鐘琴。 2.鐘組樂器,編鐘。 “siz glockenspiel“ 中文翻譯: 鐘琴“glocker“ 中文翻譯: 格洛克爾“glockenkurve bell-shaped curve“ 中文翻譯: 鐘形曲線“glockerite“ 中文翻譯: 纖水綠礬“glocken spiel“ 中文翻譯: 鐘琴“glockl“ 中文翻譯: 格勒克爾“glocken“ 中文翻譯: 格洛肯“glockle“ 中文翻譯: 格勒克勒“glockel“ 中文翻譯: 格勒克爾“glockler“ 中文翻譯: 格勒克勒; 格洛克勒“glocke iel“ 中文翻譯: 金屬片琴
The word “ glockenspiel “ , which means bell - play in german , is noted for its small , but bright and silvery bell - like tone 它音量雖小,卻極光亮和清脆,如同銅鈴的聲音。 |
glogg |
Our products cover several tens of varieties such as xylophone series , glockenspiel series , drum series ( bongo drum , conga drum , hall drum , tambourim drum , waist drum , floor tom drum , wave drum , tambourine , frame drum , rattle drum ) , maraca , egg shaker , headless tambourine , sand block , shaker , castanet , finger castanet , block series , wooden agogo , clave , triangle , hand bell , sleigh bells , wooden fish , guiro , cabasa , finger cymbal and so on ; to improve craftwork level , our products design aims the requirements from clients and the innovation in varieties ; to satisfy the clients ' requirements on various grades and various batch scales , our manufacture introduces advanced manufacturing process to control the procedure more rationally and guard the products quality more strictly ; to build a popular brand in market , we perseveres in a long term effort on service including that after sale and digs more latent clients ' requirements 本廠的產品涵蓋打擊琴類(木琴、鐘琴、兒童彩琴) 、鼓類(邦戈鼓、康加鼓、堂鼓、桑巴鼓、腰鼓、地鼓、印地安嗵嗵鼓、海鼓、鈴鼓、手鼓、波浪鼓) 、砂球、砂蛋、鈴圈、砂板、砂筒、響板、舞板、梆子、響筒、響棒、三角鐘、碰鐘、響鈴、木魚、魚蛙、卡巴薩、指镲等數十個品種;本廠的產品設計立足于滿足客戶需求,不斷創新,追求工藝品質;產品生產嚴把質量關,采取柔性制造工藝,合理控制生產流程,可以滿足客戶不同檔次規格和不同批量規模的產品需求;本廠注重產品的銷售及售后跟蹤服務,深度挖掘客戶潛在需求,力爭樹立優質、完整的市場品牌形象。 |
The glockenspiel used in marching bands is made up of a set of steel bars set in a lyre - shaped frame , while the modern orchestral glockenspiel is made up of two rows of steel bars , arranged roughly like piano keys 在軍樂隊里,定了音高的鐵片是架在一個抱琴形狀的鋼架上。但在現代管弦樂隊里的鐵片琴,鐵片則排列成兩行,如鍵盤樂器中的黑子白子一般。 |
T he band is composed of brass instruments ( trumpet , trombone , french horn , and tuba ) , wood - wind ( flute , saxophone , and clarinet ) and percussion instruments ( drum , timpani , and glockenspiel ) 我們的樂隊是由銅管樂器?如:小號、長號、法國號和低音號…等? 、木管樂器?如:長笛、薩克管與豎笛…等?與打擊樂器?如:大鼓、定音鼓與鐵琴…等?所組成的。 |
The modern xylophone is also equipped with perpendicular resonators underneath the bars . the playing technique is similar to that of the glockenspiel , with roundhead mallets made in various degrees of hardness and resilience 它們像鋼琴的黑白琴鍵那樣排成兩行,在每塊木片下,裝有開口的金屬共鳴器,藉以增強聲音的回響,使音量更大。 |
The xylophone is similar to the glockenspiel in construction , except that the bars of xylophone are made of rosewood instead of steel 木琴也是具有明確音高的鍵盤式敲擊樂器,其不同長短的硬木片是用線安置于一個水平的木架上。 |
The word “ glockenspiel “ , which means bell - play in german , is noted for its small , but bright and silvery bell - like tone 它音量雖小,卻極光亮和清脆,如同銅鈴的聲音。 |
Play - the sound of glockenspiel 播放-鐵片琴的聲音 |