globular adj.1.球狀的,地球狀的。2.世界范圍的。3.由小球...
adj. 1.球狀的,地球狀的。 2.世界范圍的。 3.由小球聚集成的;有小球的。 4.完整的。 短語和例子globular masses of fish eggs 聚集成塊的球狀魚卵。 adv. -ly ,-ness n. “compressed globular“ 中文翻譯: 扁球形的“globular actin“ 中文翻譯: g集蛋白; 球肌動蛋白; 球集蛋白; 球型集蛋白; 球形肌動蛋白“globular aggregate“ 中文翻譯: 球狀集合體“globular albuminuria“ 中文翻譯: 紅細胞性蛋白尿“globular anemia“ 中文翻譯: 紅細胞性貧血“globular arc“ 中文翻譯: 球形弧“globular bomb“ 中文翻譯: 球形火山彈“globular bulb“ 中文翻譯: 球形燈泡; 球狀燈泡“globular calcification“ 中文翻譯: 球形鈣化“globular carbide“ 中文翻譯: 球狀碳化物“globular cementite“ 中文翻譯: 粒狀滲碳體; 氣體氧化法; 球狀滲碳體; 球狀炭化鐵“globular cenentite“ 中文翻譯: 球狀雪明碳鐵“globular chart“ 中文翻譯: 球面投影地圖。 “globular cluster“ 中文翻譯: 和球狀星團; 球星; 球狀星團“globular clusters“ 中文翻譯: 球狀簇“globular discharge“ 中文翻譯: 球形放電; 球狀放電“globular dna“ 中文翻譯: 球狀dna“globular embryo“ 中文翻譯: 球形胚“globular flow“ 中文翻譯: 球滴狀流動“globular graphite“ 中文翻譯: 球狀石墨“globular inclusion“ 中文翻譯: 球粒狀包裹體; 球狀夾雜物“globular interface“ 中文翻譯: 球形界面“globular jointing“ 中文翻譯: 球狀節理“globular leukocytes“ 中文翻譯: 球形白細胞“globulane“ 中文翻譯: 藍桉烷“globucid“ 中文翻譯: 磺胺乙基硫二氮雜環戊二烯; 磺胺乙基噻二唑; 球磺胺
A 13 - billion year old planet orbiting a pair of long - dead stars in a crowded globular cluster : even for the hubble space telescope , that ' s amazing 在一個擁擠的球狀星團中,一顆130億年的古老星球正圍繞著一對死寂多時的星星而運行,這事連見多識廣的“哈勃“都驚嘆不已 |
“ for their studies of the structures of globular proteins 研究了肌紅蛋白的結構 |
globular chart |
The optimum technological conditions for producing the globular activated carbon have been obtained , and the produced globular activated carbon has reached the quality standard for purification 得到了生產球形活性炭的最佳工藝條件,生產的球形活性炭達到了凈化用顆粒活性炭的質量標準。 |
The society has become an information society in 21 century . the globular economical competition is the warfare of the quality of person with competency in the final analysis 21世紀人類社會已進入信息時代,隨著全球經濟化程度的提高,各國經濟競爭歸根到底是人才質量的競爭。 |
Globular clusters are the oldest known objects in the milky way . the research of globular clusters has important significance for the study of structure and evolution of the galaxies 球狀星團是銀河系中最古老的天體類型之一,它的研究對理解星系的結構和演化有著重要意義。 |
Proteins are initially synthesized as long chains of amino acids and , for the most part , they cannot function properly until they fold into intricate globular structures 了解和預測主宰這一復雜折疊過程的規則(包括主體的折疊以及旁鏈的填充)是當今生物學的核心問題之一。 |
Tess still did no more than listen , throwing down one globular root and taking up another with automatic regularity , the pensive contour of the mere fieldwoman alone marking her 苔絲仍然只是靜靜地聽著,剛把清理好的蘿卜放下,就又拿起另外一個,像一架機器一樣有規律。 |
Most models that tried to explain the origins of globular clusters focused on conditions in the early universe and assumed that the process was a thing of the past 大部份試圖要解釋球狀星團起源的模型,都把焦點放在早期宇宙的條件,并假設此創生過程已經成為過去了。 |
The evolution time in our calculation is chosen to be 12 gyr , which is the mean value of globular cluster ages in the galaxy 恒星蒸發對小質量球狀星團的演化起著主導作用,大質量恒星的演化、銀河系核球和盤的沖擊加熱以及動力學磨擦則主要影響大質量球狀星團的演化。 |
A 13 - billion year old planet orbiting a pair of long - dead stars in a crowded globular cluster : even for the hubble space telescope , that ' s amazing 在一個擁擠的球狀星團中,一顆130億年的古老星球正圍繞著一對死寂多時的星星而運行,這事連見多識廣的“哈勃“都驚嘆不已 |
The roughly 200 globular clusters in our milky way galaxy contain some of the oldest known stars in the universe ; young inhabitants are nowhere to be seen 在我們的銀河系里,大約有200個球狀星團擁有宇宙中一些最古老的星球,不過,卻一直沒有發現年輕星球的蹤影。 |
Sem , tem and xrd experiments suggested that ; in comparison with zntpp , znftpp was prone to form globular nanocrystallites and uniform and smooth films 透射電鏡、掃描電鏡和x ?射線衍射研究結果表明: znftpp結晶以球狀微晶存在,容易形成均勻平整的薄膜。 |
They usually consist of old stars . some dwarf ellipticals have as few as 10 million stars , and make them not much different from a large globular cluster 它們通常包含較年老的恒星,有些矮橢圓星系只有約一千萬顆星,和大球狀星團相差不遠。 |
Interestingly , there is no evidence for massive black holes in the center of globular clusters , suggesting that these are fundamentally different from galaxies 有意思的是,球狀星系中心龐大質量黑洞沒有證據,暗示這些基本不同于銀河系。 |
Since we made this prediction , hubble and ground - based telescopes have analyzed the colors of the globular clusters in elliptical galaxies 由于我們做出了這樣的預測,哈伯望遠鏡及其他地面望遠鏡因而分析了球狀星團在橢圓星系里的顏色。 |
These are globular clusters ? groups of a million or so stars crammed into a volume that elsewhere would accommodate barely a single star 這些球狀星團是由上百萬顆星體聚集在一處,而同樣大小的空間,在其他地方卻只能容納一顆恒星。 |
Which is spherical and even larger than the galactic disk . the halo consists of old stars , some in the globular clusters , and interstellar matter 銀冕內主要為年老的星,它們有些在球狀星團內,有些則在星際物質中游蕩。 |
One way to demonstrate a link would be to identify two populations of globular clusters in old elliptical galaxies 要證明兩者彼此相關,其中一個方式,就是在古老的橢圓星系中,同時辨識出這兩類球狀星團。 |
The old age typical of the globular clusters in our galaxy has had a profound impact on the study of globulars in general 在我們星系中,這些典型的老年球狀星團對于一般球狀星團的研究影響深遠。 |