
globalize vt.使全球化;使成為世界范圍,使在全世界應用。n.-i...


The innovation to the contemporary construction of morals in china with the globalizing trend 全球化態勢下當代中國道德建設的創新

Cultural integration and national cultural innovation in context of globalized culture 文化全球化語境下的文化整合與民族文化創新

Chinese chinese culture and literature studies of chinese culture and literature in globalized context 中國的文化研究和文學研究

These classes are useful for writing globalized internationalized applications 這些類對于編寫全球化(國際化)應用程序很有用。

On the construction of undergraduates ' sanity personality under globalized background 全球化背景下的大學生健全人格建構淺論

Aims at helping our clients to face the competition in this globalized world 致力幫助客戶面對來自全球一體化的各種挑戰。

Chinese urban spatial culture and its practice in the globalized language context 全球化語境下的中國城市空間文化及其實踐

By using an exact penalty function , we globalize the proposed method 此外,我們利用不可微精確罰函數對算法進行全局化。

The construction of chinese contemporary literature theory in the globalized context 全球化語境中的中國當代文論建設

How to avoid enterprise ' s financial risk of exchange rate under globalized market 市場條件下企業財務匯率風險的規避

Informatization caused the globalizing city ' s industrial structure developing 信息化促進了國際化城市產業發展。

Chinese economy is getting more globalized . bilingual is prefered 中國的經濟越來越全球化,這需要人們學會使用外語

Globalized network structure 全球化的網絡結構

A globalizing world and japan 國際化世界與日本

Ambiguity of the border of chinese in the globalized language context 全球化語境下漢語疆界的模糊與文學史的重寫

Globalizing and localizing applications globalizing and localizing applications 對應用程序進行全球化和本地化

Globalize your embedded apps 將嵌入式應用程序全球化

A globalized view on western philosophy and chinese philosophy 全球化視野下關于西方哲學與中國哲學關系的思考

Date and time play an important role in globalized apps too Date和time在全球化應用程序中也扮演著重要角色。