
globalism n.〔美國〕(看問題等著眼于全世界)全球性,全球觀念;全...

This part mainly covers the theory of the media criticism of the four important stages and figures of “ frankfort school “ , “ mcluhan “ , “ later modem “ , and “ globalism “ . through their logical connection and development process , it brings into light their common spirit and tradition , and provides the following with theoretic background and principle standpoint 這一部分主要對“法蘭克福學派” 、麥克盧漢、 “后現代”以及“全球化”等四個重要階段和人物的媒介批評作一個理論的廓清與梳理。尋找其中的邏輯聯系和發展脈絡,并揭示其共同的精神與傳統,為下文探求傳媒的本質、追尋傳媒的意義提供一個理論背景和原則立場。


In the new hisloric stage , the modern environmental design must grasp the favorable turning point that globalism make human society taking advantage of technological achievement and intelligent harvest in china . we must creatively reconstruct contemporary regional environmental art culture and facilitate the multiform structure of the architectural culture of the world 在新的歷史時期,中國的現代環境設計必須抓住全球化給人類社會共同利用科技成果和智慧結晶創造了良好的契機,創造性地構建具有時代特征的地域性、環境藝術文化,促進世界建筑文化的多元構成。

As a new airlines company with high development in the china civil aviation , hainan airlines group is facing both the internal and the international competition in the economic globalism . it is very urgent for hna group to draw up a development strategic plan , allocate the resources and strengthen the competitive ability 海航集團做為中國航空界迅速發展起來的最新銳航空集團,面對經濟全球化的國際競爭和經濟市場化的國內競爭,如何制定企業發展戰略,實現企業資源的最優化配置,增強企業的核心競爭力,是當前海航集團所面對的一項重要課題。

To do so successfully , we will need to find effective ways to deal with a changing and at times contradictory country - - a country that embraces globalism at times , and at other times encourages intense nationalism ; a country that wants to join the world trading system but also keeps in place protectionist barriers . we will hold china to its bilateral and international commitments 正如國務卿鮑威爾所說,我們希望同中國的現任領導人和下一代領導人一起努力。為取得成功,我們需要找到同這個不斷變化、有時還充滿矛盾的國家交往的有效方式。這是一個有時贊成全球化,有時又鼓勵強烈的民族主義的國家;一個希望加入世界貿易體系,但又保有保護主義壁壘的國家。

Regionalism was gradually replaced by globalism during this period , which was manifested by the following changes : geographic scope and commitment of development cooperation has expanded , common strategic goals and policy framework were established , the fields of development cooperation were diversified , and concerted policies at all levels were emphasized 這種變化表現在四個方面:援助地理范圍擴大,承諾額增加;擁有統一的戰略目標和政策框架;發展合作領域多樣化;注重多層次的政策協調。 90年代后,全球主義的發展合作政策占據上風的原因有內外兩個方面。

The initiative phase was from 1957 to the early 1970s , during which regionalism was so prevalent that development assistance from the eu was only transferred to the countries in africa which had special ties with the member states and trade privileges were the main channel to supply such assistance . the second phase began at the early seventies and lasted to the end of 1980s . during this period , the number of countries and fields which involved in development cooperation activities with eu had increased , which embodied to some extent the influence of globalism on the policy of development cooperation 本階段的發展合作政策完全屬于區域主義性質,其對象只限于與歐共體成員國有特殊關系的非洲國家,提供貿易優惠是主要實現方式;從70年代中期到80年代末是歐共體初步嘗試全球主義發展合作政策階段,援助對象、關注領域都有所擴大,但區域主義仍占據主導地位;第三階段開始于80年代末90年初,全球主義的發展合作政策逐漸取代了區域主義的發展合作政策。

This part mainly covers the theory of the media criticism of the four important stages and figures of “ frankfort school “ , “ mcluhan “ , “ later modem “ , and “ globalism “ . through their logical connection and development process , it brings into light their common spirit and tradition , and provides the following with theoretic background and principle standpoint 這一部分主要對“法蘭克福學派” 、麥克盧漢、 “后現代”以及“全球化”等四個重要階段和人物的媒介批評作一個理論的廓清與梳理。尋找其中的邏輯聯系和發展脈絡,并揭示其共同的精神與傳統,為下文探求傳媒的本質、追尋傳媒的意義提供一個理論背景和原則立場。

According to the latest current of innovation about the international financial market , the article indicate that the western area may appropriately us financial engineering tools in the course of project financing to adapt the historical tideway of financial globalism 同時,根據國際金融創新的最新趨勢,指出西部地區在項目融資過程中可以適當運用新的金融工具,以適應金融全球化的歷史潮流,這是本文的重要理論創新之處。

Regionalism and globalism have become the developing tendency in the world . regionalism regarded as practicing globalism and the middle link of nationalism leading to globalism is playing increasingly important roles 區域主義與全球主義已成為了當今世界發展的潮流,區域主義作為實踐的全球主義與國家主義走向全球主義的中間環節,正發揮愈來愈大的作用。

Bilingual teaching is the new requirement in accordance with the current trend of education globalism and e - education . it is strategic needs to develop the innovation of education as well as promoting the coming economic increment 雙語教學是世界教育國際化和信息化發展對教育提出的新要求,也是深化教育改革、促進新一輪經濟增長的戰略需要。

The regional traditional culture will confront with the acid test . globalism is a great challenge to regional culture and racial culture . it will brings severe consequence that global culture incline to conformity 毋庸諱言,全球化對地域性和民族性文化是一個極大的挑戰,如果不采取有效措施,它將帶來全球性文化趨同的嚴重后果。

The rise of globalism on development cooperation policy resulted form outside and inside factors . the changes of international structure and of the development view are the outside factors for its rise 從外部因素看,冷戰結束后國際格局的變化是前提, 90年代后國際上發展觀的變化是重要原因。

To develop multiculturalism in the background of globalcsm , the conflict between cultural globalism and multiculturalism should be dealt with to reach the state merging but difference 在全球化的背景下發展多元文化,需要正確解決文化全球化與多元文化的悖論,做到“和而不同” 。

As for the inside factors , the need to develop economy of the european union and to expand the united europe are the decisive factors for the rise of globalism 從歐盟內部看,經濟發展和歐洲統一進程的需要是歐盟采取全球主義發展合作政策的最終決定因素。

Now , the world is the times in which globalization melt with localization parallel development , and globalism and localism mutual prominent emergence 當今世界已是一個全球化和地區化并行發展、全球主義和區域主義共同崛起的時代。

Chinese hi - tech industry technology standard international export strategy under new globalism 條件下中國高科技產業技術標準國際化輸出戰略研究

Globalism and socialism 全球化與社會主義

On the characteristics of the international politics under the anti - globalism background 反全球化背景下的國際政治特性

The making of the advanced chinese culture in the globalism of economy 經濟全球化背景下中華民族先進文化的建構