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global tectonics 【地質學;地理學】板塊構造(論)。

Professor jonathan aitchison , an expert on global tectonics , will conclude the lecture by speaking on “ are we at risk in south china ? “ 最后的一部份是由地球板塊活動專家艾赤心教授主講的處身華南地區的我們會否受到海嘯侵襲? 。

Professor jonathan aitchison , an expert on global tectonics , will conclude the lecture by speaking on “ are we at risk in south china ? “ 最后的一部份是由地球板塊活動專家艾赤心教授主講的處身華南地區的我們會否受到海嘯侵襲?

Professor jonathan aitchison , an expert on global tectonics , will conclude the lecture by speaking on “ are we at risk in south china ? “ 最后的一部份是由地球板塊活動專家艾赤心教授主講的處身華南地區的我們會否受到海嘯侵襲?

global village

Viewing from the global tectonics , the authors dynamically described the dialectical relationships between extensions and compressions in time special 4 - d , and pointed out the different tectonic deformation systems corresponding to different tectonic dynamical environments . considering the geological evolution of sichuan basin , from nine aspects , the authors proved that the tectonic dynamical environments of sichuan basin , after its formation , has experienced the early extension , middle transition and late compression environments . correspondingly , as the paper suggests , a considerable attention need to be paid to the comprehensive studies of the early extensional structures , middle inversion structures and the late compression structures of sichuan basin when analyzing its tectonics 從全球構造著眼,動態地從時間-空間四維闡述了拉張-擠壓構造動力學環境的辯證關系,指出了不同構造動力學環境對應于不同的構造變形系統。結合四川盆地地質演化歷程,從9個方面論證了四川盆地自其形成以來,構造動力學環境曾經歷了早期拉張中期過渡晚期擠壓的過程,相應地在對四川盆地進行構造分析時,要注意早期伸展構造中期反轉構造晚期擠壓構造的識別和綜合研究。

Professor jonathan aitchison , an expert on global tectonics , will conclude the lecture by speaking on “ are we at risk in south china ? “ 最后的一部份是由地球板塊活動專家艾赤心教授主講的處身華南地區的我們會否受到海嘯侵襲? 。

Professor jonathan aitchison , an expert on global tectonics , will conclude the lecture by speaking on “ are we at risk in south china ? “ 最后的一部份是由地球板塊活動專家艾赤心教授主講的處身華南地區的我們會否受到海嘯侵襲?

Professor jonathan aitchison , an expert on global tectonics , will conclude the lecture by speaking on “ are we at risk in south china ? “ 最后的一部份是由地球板塊活動專家艾赤心教授主講的處身華南地區的我們會否受到海嘯侵襲?

New global tectonics 新全球構造假說