
gloaming n.黃昏,薄暮。 in the gloaming of ...


While such honey - dew fell , such silence reigned , such gloaming gathered , i felt as if i could haunt such shade for ever ; but in threading the flower and fruit parterres at the upper part of the enclosure , enticed there by the light the now rising moon cast on this more open quarter , my step is stayed - not by sound , not by sight , but once more by a warning fragrance 我認為一個下人把工作做得跟你自己一樣出色時,她就有權要求雇主給予一點容易辦到的小小幫助。其實我從未來的岳母那兒聽到一個適合你去的地方。就是愛爾蘭康諾特的苦果村,教迪奧尼修斯奧加爾太太的五個女兒,我想你會喜歡愛爾蘭的。

The bride who was given away by her father , the m conifer of the glands , looked exquisitely charming in a creation carried out in green mercerised silk , moulded on an underslip of gloaming grey , sashed with a yoke of broad emerald and finished with a triple flounce of darkerhued fringe , the scheme being relieved by bretelles and hip insertions of acorn bronze 她穿著款式新穎的綠絲光綢長衫,跟里面那件素淡的灰襯衣一樣可身。腰系翠綠寬飾帶,下擺上鑲著顏色更濃郁的三道荷葉邊。在這樣的底色上,襯托以近似橡子的褐色吊帶和臀飾。

Every day may be costful and they may settle the brilliant sunshine 、 gorgeous gloaming 、 brimless water and green grassland in their souls 每一天對它們大約都是珍貴的。燦爛的陽光,絢麗的黃昏,無邊的闊水和碧綠的草地? ?大概它們心中都會留有這美好的印痕和足跡吧。

She comes from the other world - from the abode of people who are dead ; and tells me so when she meets me alone here in the gloaming 她是從另一個世界來的從死人的住所來的,而且在黃昏碰見我一個人的時候這么告訴我。

Dawn comes and you see its path - the glistening leaf , the gloaming stem , the limp , blackening garden vine 拂曉時分,你隨處可見它的蹤跡,在閃亮的葉子上,朦朧的莖干上,盤曲黝黑的藤蔓上。

Coming along the highroad in the deep quiet of the gloaming , he had meditated a fierce course of action 在來這里的路上,在暮色蒼茫的寂靜中,他邊走邊想,他要采取暴力手段。

The square tower of a church loomed through the gloaming . 在薄暮中隱約可以看見一個教堂的方塔。

Another girl wiggles by in the brooklyn gloaming . 又是一個姑娘扭著腰肢在布魯克林的暮色中走過。