
glint vi.1.閃耀,反射;發微光。2.(箭一樣)飛出,掠過。...

I don t need a job , and there s the proof of it . “ he emptied the hundred gold pieces into her lap in a glinting , tinkling stream 他把那一百枚金幣倒進了格特露的裙兜里,金幣閃閃發亮,發出叮叮當當的脆響。

“ i love the darkness of your skin more , but the moon is nice , too . “ he smiled . her eyes glinted back at him “我更愛你皮膚的黑色,不過月亮也不錯。 ”他笑道。她的眼睛閃動著光芒,含情脈脈的回頭看著他。

Ken ' s visor glints as he turns in his chair . “ jun , can you get a lock on that thing ? 當他在他的椅子中轉向的時候,肯恩的面頰閃耀。 “六月,你能得到在那一件事物上的一個鎖嗎“


Nothing can be compared , he maintains , with the first cockcrow , the twittering of birds at dawn , the sight of the rising sun glinting on the trees and pastures 他堅持認為,凌晨雄雞第一聲啼叫,黎明時分小鳥吱喳歡叫,冉冉升起的朝陽染紅樹木、牧場,此番美景無與倫比。

The angle measurement of monopulse technique , the problem of angular glint and the acquirement of high resolution range are introduced at length in this paper 文中從單脈沖天線的發展出發,詳細介紹了單脈沖測角技術,角閃爍的問題以及單脈沖距離的高分辨率的獲取。

They were all pale , flabby , sunken - eyed , hollow - chested , with eyes that glinted and shone and lips that were a sickly red by contrast 他們全都面色蒼白皮肉松弛,眼眶凹陷胸脯扁平,但眼睛卻閃閃發亮,而且相形之下,嘴唇紅得像是在發燒。

She was a cold , self - centred woman , with many a thought of her own which never found expression , not even by so much as the glint of an eye 她是一個冷酷自私的女人,喜歡把許多想法藏在心里,面子上一點不露聲色,連眼色也不透露出一點。

Major features appearing on the image include deep clouds ( white ) , low clouds ( grayish yellow ) , land or sun glint ( yellowish green ) and sea ( dark ) 圖中可見厚云(白色) ,低云(灰黃色) ,地面或太陽反輝區(黃綠色)及海(黑色) 。

Abstract : angular glint error ( age ) is the main factor affecting angle tracking of millimeter wave ( mmw ) radar seeker so must be suppressed 文摘:角閃爍誤差是影響毫米波導引頭末制導階段雷達跟蹤精度的主要因素,必須對其進行抑制。

Now , and for the next six weeks , researchers will take turns scanning the horizon for any glint of snout and fin sticking through the water 從現在起之后的六周,研究者們輪流在地平線上頻頻眺望,尋找水中白暨豚的蛛絲馬跡/蹤影。

Major features appearing on the image include deep clouds white , low clouds grayish yellow , land or sun glint yellowish green and sea dark 圖中可見厚云白色,低云灰黃色,地面或太陽反輝區黃綠色及海黑色。

I don t need a job , and there s the proof of it . “ he emptied the hundred gold pieces into her lap in a glinting , tinkling stream 他把那一百枚金幣倒進了格特露的裙兜里,金幣閃閃發亮,發出叮叮當當的脆響。

“ i love the darkness of your skin more , but the moon is nice , too . “ he smiled . her eyes glinted back at him “我更愛你皮膚的黑色,不過月亮也不錯。 ”他笑道。她的眼睛閃動著光芒,含情脈脈的回頭看著他。

A dainty , self - conscious swaying of the hips by a woman was to him as alluring as the glint of rare wine to a toper 對他來說,一個女人風騷巧妙地擺動臀部的姿勢就像美酒的色澤對酒徒那樣具有吸引力。

He watched and waited , until he feigned a wild rush , which he stopped midway , for he had seen the glint of metal 他觀察著等待著終于佯裝了一個猛攻卻中途收拳,看見有金屬的光一問。

Sunlight glints on the bearded face of gangotri glacier high in the himalayas at the source of the ganges river 在恒河的源頭,陽光閃爍在喜瑪拉雅山高處甘戈特里冰川布滿冰須的表面。

It is mathematically proved that angular glint linear deviations are independent of radar observational range in far - field region 理論分析和數值計算表明,在幾何光學條件近似下。

Ken ' s visor glints as he turns in his chair . “ jun , can you get a lock on that thing ? 當他在他的椅子中轉向的時候,肯恩的面頰閃耀。 “六月,你能得到在那一件事物上的一個鎖嗎“

In chapter 3 , the glint theory is presented including the forming mechanism and modeling of the glint 第三章首先介紹了角閃爍的形成機理、主要理論模型和處理方法。