
glimpse n.1.一瞥,瞥見 (at; of)。2.模糊的感覺;隱...


By dint of effort she contrived to get a glimpse of the light of truth here and there, and hoped that scant ray might suffice to guide her . 她設法靠自己的努力來多少了解一點事實真相,希望所了解的那一點端倪足以指引她前進。

A shaft of sunlight smote the over-curl, and i caught a glimpse of translucent, rushing green, backed by a milky smother of foam . 一線日光沖破了高飛的浪花,我瞥見沖過來的半透明的綠色,掩映著乳白色的紛飛的浪花。

There were curtains of lace and a glimpse of red plush through the windows which gleamed warm against the cold and snow outside . 掛著花邊窗幔,從窗子里透露紅絲絨的顏色,對著窗外的寒冷和冰雪,映出和暖的光線來。

In these television broadcasts, the world caught some brief, inside glimpses of life aboard an orbiting spacecraft . 在這許多電視播送節目中,世界人士見到了一艘沿軌道飛行的太空船上一點簡短的,內部的生活片段。

He had lifted the veil for the first time, and allowed me a glimpse into the secret world which bound the ring of five together . 他已經首次拉開了帷幕讓我瞥一眼把“五人間諜網”結合在一起的那個秘密世界。

Here is sketched out the idea he returns to in moby dick, in the briefly glimpsed yet unforgettable figure of bulkington . 寥寥幾筆,勾畫了他在《白鯨》中又提到的那種人物巴金頓,驚鴻一瞥,但使人難忘。

Probably whoever first glimpses the new way will experience the excitement and even fright that comes to most discoverers . 大概誰首先瞥見了新的出路,就將體驗大多數發現者都要領略的那份興奮甚至驚懼。

Did you get a glimpse of her pleasant countenance or come close enough to her ear to sing in it the song she loves to hear ? 你沒有看見她那可愛的臉龐或偷偷靠近她把她平時最愛聽的那支歌唱給她聽嗎?

The factories were gone; the shops, the houses were thinning out, offering glimpses of a still shamefaced landscape . 工廠消失了,商店和住房也漸漸稀少,只有幾處可憐巴巴的風景。

The street out here is full of people, and others are roosting on the fences, waiting to get a glimpse of you . 外面街上站滿了人,還有許多人騎在柵欄,大家都在等著要瞧你一眼。

In the house on either side, startled faces appear at the windows to glimpse the disturber of the peace . 左鄰右舍的窗戶里,出現了一張張神色驚慌的臉,在看這個使四鄰不安的人。

The young man had no sooner placed himself behind a tree than he caught a glimpse of the arm of the indian . 小伙子剛把身子藏在一顆大樹后面,就看見一條印第安人的胳膊。

The garden was a wide enclosure, surrounded with walls so high as to exclude every glimpse of prospect . 花園是個很大的圍場,圍墻很高,把外邊的景色擋得一點兒也看不見。

Before us stretched a vista of the sluggish river, ending in glimpses of a reed-fringed lagoon . 我們的前面是一條緩緩流動的長河,注入那隱約可見的蘆葦環繞的湖泊之中。

The glimpse of the steamboat had for some reason filled those savages with unrestrained grief . 這些野人看見我們的汽艇后,不知什么原因使他們充滿了無限的悲傷。

Kids would peek into the windows in the hope of getting an early glimpse of the new fords of chevys . 小孩們會從窗口偷看,希望很早看上一眼新型的福特和雪佛萊。

I could catch glimpses of my face, white and ghastly, distorted with pain, in the cabin mirror . 偶爾從船艙的鏡子里瞥見自己的面孔,蒼白而陰沉,痛苦得走了樣。

It was with a touch of envy that i thought of the pleasant family life of which i had had a glimpse . 回想我剛才瞥見的這種幸福家庭生活,心里不無羨慕之感。

Then with the calmest indifference i arranged my collar and tie and took a glimpse at myself . 然后以最平靜的冷淡心情,理好我硬領扣領結,對自己瞥了一眼。