
glib adj.(glibber, glibbest)1.能說會...


Albert had already made seven or eight similar excursions to the colosseum , while his less favored companion trod for the first time in his life the classic ground forming the monument of flavius vespasian ; and , to his credit be it spoken , his mind , even amid the glib loquacity of the guides , was duly and deeply touched with awe and enthusiastic admiration of all he saw ; and certainly no adequate notion of these stupendous ruins can be formed save by such as have visited them , and more especially by moonlight , at which time the vast proportions of the building appear twice as large when viewed by the mysterious beams of a southern moonlit sky , whose rays are sufficiently clear and vivid to light the horizon with a glow equal to the soft twilight of an eastern clime 弗蘭茲已經到斗獸場來夜游過十多次了,而他的同伴卻是第一次光顧維斯派森大帝的這個古跡,平心而論,雖然那兩個向導口若懸河地在他的耳邊喋喋不休,他的腦子里還是留下了很強烈的印象。事實上,要不是親眼目睹,誰都想象不到一個廢墟竟會這樣莊嚴宏偉,歐洲南部的月光和東方的落日余輝有著異曲同工之妙,在這種神秘的月光之下,廢墟的各部分看來似乎都擴大了一倍。弗蘭茲在廢墟的內廊底下走了一百步左右,懷古之情便油然而生,于是他離開了阿爾貝,反正那兩個向導總會照他們的老規矩,領他去看關獅子的洞,斗猩力士的休息室和凱撒大帝的包廂的。

The glib products of wishful thinking ? that a localised problem in subprime mortgages would never infect broader asset classes , let alone the “ real ” economy ; or that a newly resurgent asia would effortlessly decouple from a sagging north america ? have been shown to be pretty damaging 什么次貸局部問題不會影響更廣泛的資產類別、更不會影響“實體”經濟,什么剛剛復興的亞洲可以毫不費力地與衰落的北美脫鉤,事實表明,這些帶著一廂情愿想法的油腔滑調確實很害人。

Ad once been noted at the bar , that while mr . stryver was a glib man , and an unscrupulous , and a ready , and a bold , he had not that faculty of extracting the essence from a heap of statements , which is among the most striking and necessary of the advocate s accomplishments 有一回法院曾經注意到斯特萊佛先生盡管能說會道肆無忌憚沖動膽大,卻缺少從一大堆陳述中抓住要害的能力,而這卻是律師行當所絕不可少的最為觸目的才能。

Part of the electronic apparatus , medical equipment , spare part production and maintenance of the automobile , motorcycle , engine , aeroplane , metal press piese , oil , pump glib , compressor part and spinneret and washing , filtration of core of chemical fibre industry 應用范圍:電子電器零件、醫療器械、汽車、摩托車、機車、飛機零部件的生產與維修,金屬沖壓件、油泵油嘴、壓縮機零件及化纖行業的噴絲板與過濾芯的清洗。

Part of the electronic apparatus , medical equipment , spare part production and maintenance of the automobile , motorcycle , engine , aeroplane , metal press piese , oil , pump glib , compressor part and spinneret and washing , filtration of core of chemical fibre industry 電子電器零件、醫療器械、汽車、摩托車、機車、飛機零部件的生產與維修,金屬沖壓件、油泵油嘴、壓縮機零件及化纖行業的噴絲板與過濾芯的清洗。

This tutorial shows you how to use the glib collections to manage data efficiently and elegantly within your c programs . the glib collections are the result of many years of refinement and are used by numerous open source programs 當您完成注冊后,您可以使用您的ibm id和密碼訪問developerworks中國網站或developerworks全球網站上的任何教程,而無需在一個瀏覽器會話中重新輸入您的id和密碼。

Users across the country by car , the bearings , electronics , chemical fiber , electroplating , optical lens and glib pumps , magnetic materials , and other industries , has been unanimously praised by users 用戶遍布全國各地的汽車、軸承、電子、化纖、電鍍、眼鏡鏡片、油嘴油泵、磁性材料等行業,得到了用戶的一致好評。

Zodiac ' s nature : with a deep sense of justice , loyalty and responsibility . having a glib tongue . practical and realistic . they are also trustworthy and generous to others 《生肖性格》以維護正義為己任。矢志忠誠,責任感極強。伶牙利齒,實事求是,而且為人慷慨大方,贏得一致信任。

In particular , you ll see how to use glib s built - in data structures containers - linked lists , hash tables , arrays , trees , queues , and relations - to fill the need for them in c 特別地,您將學會如何在c中根據需要使用glib的內置數據結構/容器鏈表、散列表、數組、樹、隊列和關系。

She has a deep sense of justice , loyalty ( faithful ) and responsibility . she has a glib tongue , practical and realistic . she is also trustworthy and generous to people 以維護正義為已任,矢志忠誠,責任感極強。伶牙利齒,實事求是,而且為人慷慨大方,贏得一致信任。

And when cissy came up edy asked her the time and miss cissy , as glib as you like , said it was half past kissing time , time to kiss again 當西茜走上來時,伊迪問她幾點了。愛耍貧嘴的西茜小姐說,接吻時間已過了半小時,到了再接吻一次的時刻啦54 。

But the other night an old woman shattered my belief that a glib response could smooth over the rough spots of dealing with other human beings 但是,那天晚上,一位老婦人的出現徹底瓦解了我的信念:嘴巴乖巧并不意味著就能順利與人打交道。

Function creates a glib event loop , gets a connection to the session bus , and integrates the d - bus event handling into the glib event loop 函數創建一個glib事件循環,獲得會話總線的一個連接,并將d - bus事件處理集成到glib事件循環之中。

I do not have any special skill , has the determination which bears hardships and stands hard work , with a glib mouth . also some pair of industrious hand 我沒什么特長,就有一顆吃苦耐勞的決心,和一張能說會道的嘴。還有一雙勤勞的手。

Aggressive , glib , or showy talk should be completely avoided . it just lowers you in the esteem of your acquaintances 應該完全避免攻擊性的、伶牙俐齒的、華而不實的談話,這只會使認識你的人越加瞧不起你。

No glib works or tricky actions can change these basic facts , nor can it be changed by any unilateral action by any foreign country 任何巧言令色,外國任何單方面的行動,都不能改變這一基本事實。

The glib runtime and development libraries installed most modern linux distributions come with the glib runtime installed 安裝glib運行時和開發庫(現在大多數linux發行版都帶有glib運行時)

In this tutorial , learn how to use the glib collection data structures to effectively manage data within c programs 通過本教程學習如何在c程序中使用glib工具數據結構來有效地管理數據。

I m using glib to manage the bus so that i don t need to deal with the details of the bus connection myself 的信號。我使用glib來管理總線,以使得我不需要自己來處理總線的連接細節。