glenn n.格倫〔姓氏,男子名〕。
n. 格倫〔姓氏,男子名〕。 “glenn branca“ 中文翻譯: 葛林布蘭卡“glenn campbell“ 中文翻譯: 葛倫坎伯“glenn chaika“ 中文翻譯: 格蘭・柴卡“glenn close“ 中文翻譯: 等夫妻檔,及女星葛倫克羅斯; 葛倫克蘿絲; 格蘭高絲; 克羅絲; 蓮高絲“glenn conroy“ 中文翻譯: 格林・康洛伊“glenn cornell“ 中文翻譯: 格倫“glenn danzig“ 中文翻譯: 格倫澤“glenn doman“ 中文翻譯: 格連杜曼“glenn donnelson“ 中文翻譯: 奈爾森“glenn ficarra“ 中文翻譯: 費凱拉“glenn fine“ 中文翻譯: 督察長范恩; 檢察長法恩“glenn ford“ 中文翻譯: 格倫福特“glenn frey“ 中文翻譯: 格林佛萊; 格倫弗雷“glenn godfrey“ 中文翻譯: 格倫戈弗雷“glenn gould“ 中文翻譯: 格林古爾德; 格倫・古爾德; 顧爾德“glenn hagel“ 中文翻譯: 格倫哈格爾“glenn hoddle“ 中文翻譯: 格連荷度; 荷度“glenn howerton“ 中文翻譯: 格倫・豪爾頓“glenn hughes“ 中文翻譯: 格倫休斯“glenn kessler“ 中文翻譯: 凱思樂“glenn loovens“ 中文翻譯: 格倫洛文斯“glenn maguire“ 中文翻譯: 馬博文“glenn medeiros“ 中文翻譯: 葛倫麥德羅斯; 格蘭梅德羅斯“scott glenn“ 中文翻譯: 史考特・葛倫; 史考特葛; 斯考特・格林; 斯科特・格林; 一位新士官長“glenn b maguire“ 中文翻譯: 興業銀行亞太區首席經濟師馬博文“glenmuirite“ 中文翻譯: 正沸綠巖; 正橄沸煌巖
“ all that goes on in a single day in america is hard to imagine , “ said glenn king , chief of the census bureau 該調查局局長格倫?金說: “這些事在美國都發生在一天之內,真是難以想象。 |
He added : “ owen was one of the main names mentioned when glenn roeder sold the club to me 他還表示說: “當羅德說服我來紐卡的時候,歐文的名字是他提起最多的。 ” |
Loussier is known as “ mr . play bach “ glenn gould commented : “ play bach is a good way to play bach “ 德國《韋斯巴登快報》路西耶有玩奏巴赫先生之稱。 |
glenoid |
Magpies boss glenn roeder was bowled over by duff ' s passion to move to the north - east , spurning other advances from tottenham and liverpool 喜鵲隊的老板被達夫想要轉會到紐卡斯爾聯隊,并因此放棄了更好的利物浦和熱刺的熱情打動了。 |
I recently heard a story from stephen glenn about a famous research scientist who had made several very important medical breakthroughs 最近我聽到一個有關史蒂芬?葛雷的故事。他是個曾經有過重要的醫學成就的科學家。 |
Glenn stump is a senior solutions architect for ibm s websphere business partner enablement team in rtp , nc Glenn stump是北卡羅萊納州ibm rtp的websphere business partner enablement小組的一名高級解決方案架構師。 |
Jose mourinho faces a mini injury crisis ahead the clash with anderlecht as claude makelele and glenn johnson are doubtful 穆里尼奧在與安德萊赫特隊一戰前面臨一場小型隊員傷病危機,馬克萊萊和格蘭約翰遜上場成疑。 |
Reverend glenn silver said it was touching to receive love and care from faraway places and that it was truly a blessing from god 葛倫席佛牧師說,收到來自遠方的愛和關心,真是感動,這的確是來自于上帝的恩澤。 |
Manager glenn roeder gave owen the weekend off after the 27 - year - old worked overtime on the training pitch and in the gym last week 在上周的訓練場上和器材室里加班加點的訓練之后,羅德給了歐文一個周末的休假。 |
Glenn quentin . the golf pro at the snowden hills country club . the man you had recently discovered was you wife ' s lover “格蘭?昆丁。斯諾頓?希爾斯鄉村俱樂部的職業高爾夫球手,你最近發現他是你妻子的情夫。 ” |
One e - mail was a test message and the other was to john glenn during a space shuttle commemorative flight 克林頓所發的這兩封電子郵件,一封是測試郵件,另一封是發給當時正在進行紀念性太空飛行的宇航員格林的。 |
Newcastle boss glenn roeder admits michael owen is in the best shape he has been in since joining the club from real madrid 紐卡的主教練羅德承認邁克爾歐文現在是狀態是他從皇馬歸來加入紐卡后的最好狀態。 |
But united boss glenn roeder insists that owen was merely preparing supporters for a worst - case scenario that is hugely unlikely 但是紐卡教練羅德堅信歐文只是準備給他的支持者一個最壞的最不可能的情況 |
The film stars michael douglas as a philandering husband and glenn close as the crazed woman who stalks him 電影大腕麥克道格拉斯飾演一位玩弄女性的丈夫而格勒克雷斯扮演的是跟蹤丈夫的瘋狂女人。 |
And for newcastle boss glenn roeder and under - fire england chief steve mcclaren , this day could not have come soon enough 對于紐卡的主教練羅德已經英格蘭主教練麥克拉倫來說,這天來的太遲了些。 |
Glenn graduated from pennsylvania state university in 1982 with a degree in computer science Glenn于1982年在賓夕法尼亞州大學( pennsylvania state university )完成了計算機科學學位的學習。 |
“ all that goes on in a single day in america is hard to imagine , “ said glenn king , chief of the census bureau 該調查局局長格倫?金說: “這些事在美國都發生在一天之內,真是難以想象。 |
Consider the runner glenn cunningham , who was severely burned in his youth and told he might never run again 像長跑手格林克寧漢,他年少時曾遭嚴重燒傷,被告知可能永遠無法再跑步。 |
When most people think of space , what come to mind are names like john glenn and neil armstrong 很多人想到太空時,首先在腦海中出現的名字不是約翰?格林就是尼爾?阿姆斯特朗。 |