
gleeful adj.極高興的,開心的;令人愉快的。 gleeful ...


Edy straightened up baby boardman to get ready to go and cissy tucked in the ball and the spades and buckets and it was high time too because the sandman was on his way for master boardman junior and cissy told him too that billy winks was coming and that baby was to go deedaw and baby looked just too ducky , laughing up out of his gleeful eyes , and cissy poked him like that out of fun in his wee fat tummy and baby , without as much as by your leave , sent up his compliments on to his brandnew dribbling bib 西茜也告訴他說,伙伴眨巴眼兒快來了,娃娃該睡啦。娃娃看上去簡直太可愛了,他抬起一雙喜氣洋洋的眼睛笑著。西茜為了逗樂兒戳了一下他那胖胖的小肚皮,娃娃連聲對不起也沒說,卻把他的答謝一古腦兒送到他那嶄新的圍嘴上了。

The results of whitman s knowledge of the oneness of his individual self and the true self are the end of his absorption in maya , the expansion of his soul , and a gleeful sense of empathy with all that exists . readers familiar with descriptions of the higher realms beyond the physical can recognize the feeling of bliss and ecstatic inner illumination expressed in these further lines from 惠特曼鍥而不舍地幫助病人和不幸的人,以及對自然移情的描述,也顯示出他擁有開悟者所具有的領悟力,了解萬物一體,并能夠對各種形式的生命,包括最小的螞蟻以及小草等眾生,表達關愛和憐憫。

On the contrary , the whole failure was to his thinking entirely due to the departures that had been made from his theory , and he used to say with his characteristic gleeful sarcasm : didnt i always say the whole thing was going to the devil ? pfuhl was one of those theorists who so love their theory that they lose sight of the object of the theoryits application to practice . his love for his theory led him to hate all practical considerations , and he would not hear of them 他用自己特有的幸災樂禍的諷刺口吻說: “ ich sagteja , dass die ganze geschichte zum teufel gehen werde ”普弗爾是那種理論家之一,這種理論家如此偏愛自己的理論,以致于忘掉了理論的目的應用于實際,他們由于偏愛理論而憎恨一切實際,連了解也不愿意。

Every one in the hall was , in fact , looking with a smile of delight at the gleeful old gentleman . standing beside his majestic partner , marya dmitryevna , who was taller than he was , he curved his arms , swaying them in time to the music , moved his shoulders , twirled with his legs , lightly tapping with his heels , and with a broadening grin on his round face , prepared the spectators for what was to come 誠然,大廳里的人都含著歡快的微笑打量那個愉快的老人,一個比他高大的顯赫的女士瑪麗亞德米特里耶夫娜站在他身旁,他那手臂蜷曲成圓形,合著拍子搖晃著,舒展開雙肩,兩腳向外撇開,輕盈地踏著拍子,他圓滾滾的臉上越來越眉開眼笑,讓觀眾準備欣賞將要出現的場景。

On the evening of the day on which i had seen miss scatcherd flog her pupil , burns , i wandered as usual among the forms and tables and laughing groups without a companion , yet not feeling lonely : when i passed the windows , i now and then lifted a blind , and looked out ; it snowed fast , a drift was already forming against the lower panes ; putting my ear close to the window , i could distinguish from the gleeful tumult within , the disconsolate moan of the wind outside 在我看見斯卡查德小姐鞭打她的學生彭斯的那天晚上,我照例在長凳桌子和笑聲不絕的人群中間穿來穿去,雖然無人作伴,倒也并不寂寞。經過窗戶時,我不時拉起百葉窗,向外眺望。雪下得很緊,下端的窗玻璃上已經積起了一層,我把耳朵貼在窗上,分辯得出里面輕快的喧嘩和外面寒風凄厲的呻吟。

He moment i received masters exciting news about the worlds spiritual elevation , i suddenly heard a clear , child - like , gleeful shout within that extended into a smooth , glistening , melody similar to that of an eighteenth - century western classical symphony 當我獲知師父提升世人意識等級的大好消息后,內心突然聽到清晰孩童般快樂的歡呼,而這歡呼聲竟綻放著光芒,并流瀉出美妙的旋律,彷佛十八世紀西方的古典交響樂。

Not all japanese , however , were likely to be equally gleeful about the birth of a boy , which is expected to scuttle prospects for a reform that would have allowed aiko to become japan ' s first reigning empress since the 18th century 但是,并非所有的日本人對這個男嬰的出生感到高興,因為如果法律修改成功,愛子公主便能成為18世紀以來日本歷史上的首位女天皇,但這名男嬰的出生則讓這個愿望破滅了。

And swinging his riding - whip , he rode off at a gallop , accompanied for the first time during the whole campaign by gleeful guffaws and roars of hurrah from the men as they moved out of rank . the words uttered by kutuzov were hardly understood by the soldiers 他把鞭子一揮,策馬疾馳而去,這是他在整個戰爭期間第一次策馬疾馳,他離開了已經亂了隊列,高興得縱聲大笑高喊著“烏拉”的士兵們。

Videotape of starving somalis on cnn forced president bush to send in the marines , goes this refrain , and pictures of an american corpse being dragged through the streets of mogadishu by gleeful somalis forced president clinton to bring the marines home 當數百萬人的生活發生危險時,世界最強的國家不可袖手旁觀。美國人民不會允許這么做,那是他們的榮譽。

Where reality exists , but ten times faster . mousy erotic writer charlotte sylvie testud in another gleeful role and her pianist mother are constantly moving apartments , despite the cargo load of stuff they accumulate 當今舉足輕重手法多變的女性導演艾嘉曼,離隊拍紀錄片三年后重拾劇情體裁,拍出與沉溺的前作captive大異的半自傳故事。

Was i very gleeful , settled , content , during the hours i passed in yonder bare , humble schoolroom this morning and afternoon ? not to deceive myself , i must reply - no : i felt desolate to a degree 今天上午和下午我在那邊四壁空空簡陋不堪的教室里度過的幾小時,難道自己就快樂安心知足嗎,為了不自欺欺人,我得回答沒有。

Bagration recognised him , and uttered a few words , awkward and incoherent , as were indeed all he spoke that day . count ilya andreitch looked about at every one in gleeful pride while bagration was speaking to his son 伊利亞安德烈伊奇伯爵正當巴格拉季翁跟他兒子談話時,他把那欣喜而矜持的目光朝著大家環視一番。

Supporters of the kyoto protocol were gleeful after australian elections left the united states in the wilderness as the only major economy to boycott the un ' s climate pact 京都氣候議定書的支持者在澳洲國會大選后都萬分歡喜,因為美國現已成為全球唯一杯葛這項聯合國氣候公約的主要經濟體。

Non - profits , however , are usually gleeful if they can cover their direct costs , a reaction that bars them forever from achieving any significant progress financially 而非營利組織如果能夠保住直接成本就已經心滿意足了,正是這種反應妨礙了他們取得任何顯著的經濟進步。

Many in this second camp , who have despaired of mr yushchenko ' s indecisiveness , were gleeful over the dissolution 曾對亞努科維奇的猶豫不決感到絕望的第二陣營的人們,現在對他的解散令感到十分高興。

“ the castle in the forest ” is a gleeful hodgepodge of ideas , held together by this satanic conceit 《林中城堡》是一本令人愉悅的觀點大雜燴,以這種邪惡怪誕的想法拼湊在一起。

Finished , finished ! the gleeful shriek of little natasha was heard above all the rest 在一片歡樂聲中,小娜塔莎的喊聲蓋過了所有的人。

There were gleeful smiles on the faces of all the young soldiers watching him 年輕的士兵們都看著莫雷爾,臉上露出快樂的微笑。

There was a gleeful smile on the babys broad face and open , toothless mouth 孩子咧著嘴,沒有長牙的寬臉上浮起愉快的微笑。