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glee club 合唱隊。


She bellowed at us , “ if there ' s anybody in this room who doesn ' t like to work , i suggest she or he go across to the glee club now because you ' re going to work your tails off here 她大聲的對我們訓斥著說:如果在這間教室里有任何人想要打混,我建議他現在就去加入對面的合唱團,因為在這兒你們得要努力不懈!

Founded in march 1987 , the inner mongolia youth glee club is an excellent glee club and well - known in both home and abroad for its performances of cappella with mongolian style 內蒙古民族歌舞劇院蒙古族青年合唱團創建于1987年,是中國擅長演唱無伴奏合唱的團體之一。

In 2000 , the glee club participated in the “ 2000 o1ympic choral contest ” held in austria and won three golden medals 2000年7月,該團赴奧地利參加“ 2000年奧林匹克國際合唱大賽” ,并獲三項金獎,同時赴荷蘭參加“ 2000年布魯薩姆國際民間藝術節”活動,演出大獲成功。