
glaucous adj.1.淡灰藍色的,淡灰綠色的。2.【植物;植物學】...

glaucous gull

Leaves alternate , thinly leathery , obovate , narrowly obovate or oblong - obovate , 6 . 5 - 16 cm long and 3 . 5 - 6 . 5 cm wide , apex abruptly short acuminate , or acuminate , base cuneate or broadly cuneate , dark green and glossy above , glaucous beneath ; petioles 1 . 5 - 2 . 5 cm long , without stipular scars 葉互生,薄革質,倒卵形或長圓狀倒卵形,長6 . 5 - 16厘米,寬3 . 5 - 6 . 5厘米,先端驟狹短漸尖或漸尖,基部楔形或闊楔形,上面深綠色,具光澤,下面被白粉;葉柄長1 . 5 - 2 . 5厘米,無托葉痕。

Leaves tufted ; stipes stout , up to 1 . 2 m long , densely covered with golden brown hairs at base ; lamina up to 2 m long and 1 m wide , tripinnatifid ; pinnae alternate , sparsely spaced ; pinnules linear - lanceolate , to 15 cm long and 1 - 2 . 5 cm wide , short - stipitate ; ultimate lobes linear , more or less falcate , shallowly serrate , dark green and shining above , light green to glaucous below 葉簇生;葉柄粗壯,長可達1 . 2米,基部亦密被金黃褐色毛;葉片長可達2米,寬達1米,三回羽狀分裂;羽片互生,疏離;小羽片線狀披針形,長達15厘米,寬1 - 2 . 5厘米,具短柄;末回裂片線形,略呈鐮狀,邊緣有淺鋸齒,上面深綠色,有光澤,下面灰白色。

By the sandwichbell in screening shadow , lydia her bronze and rose , a lady s grace , gave and withheld : as in cool glaucous eau de nil mina to tankards two her pinnacles of gold . the harping chords of prelude closed 一位褐發淑女的嫻雅派頭,忽隱忽現而金發挽成高髻沉浸在冰涼而銀光閃閃的一片淡綠藍色150中的米娜,在兩位舉著大酒杯的顧客面前也是這樣。

I have struck , do you realize , incredible floridas where mingle with flowers the eyes of panthers in human skins ! rainbows stretched like bridles under the seas ` horizon , to glaucous herds 你可知我闖入怪誕的佛羅里達那兒花的顏色混合豹的眼珠在人的皮膚上!長虹如韁繩揮出套住海平面青霜的馬群!

Aggregate long ellipsoid , 13 cm long , 9 cm in diameter ; pericarp with glaucous lenticels 聚合果長橢球形,長達13厘米,直徑約9厘米,外果皮有蒼白色皮孔。