
glass n.1.玻璃,玻璃狀物。2.〔集合詞〕玻璃制品,玻璃器具...

“e“ glass does not have a defined composition . “E”玻璃沒有一個固定的成分。

glass blower

Heat the glass tube to the point that it can bend . 將玻璃管加熱,以能彎曲為度。

The method is to reclaim glass from old bottles . 辦法是回收舊瓶子用以再造玻璃。

He drained a glass of claret . 他一口喝干了一杯紅葡萄酒。

He inadvertently broke the glass . 他不經意把杯子打碎了。

Unfinished glass fibres become surrounded by water . 未處理的玻璃纖維被水包圍。

“e“ glass does not have a defined composition . “E”玻璃沒有一個固定的成分。

I have poured a glass of wine for you . 我給你斟了一杯酒。

He left not a dreg in the glass . 他把一杯水喝得點滴不剩。

The glass remained intact after being dropped . 那只玻璃杯墜地后依然完好無損。

She carried her glasses in her hand . 她手里拿了一副眼鏡。

Eyes bulged behind the glasses . 眼鏡后面的眼珠子突凸出來。

The flowers glass themselves in the pool . 花影映照在池中。

I put the broken glass to one side . 我把破玻璃杯擱在一旁。

He gave her the drink and they clinked glasses . 他把酒遞給她,他們碰了碰杯。

Give me some glasses please , jane . 簡,請給我幾只玻璃杯。

Half the room was littered with splintered glass . 半個房間都鋪滿了碎玻璃。

Pour milk out of the bottle into the glass . 把牛奶從瓶子里倒到玻璃杯里去。

The hunt for marry's glasses lasted one hour . 給瑪麗找眼鏡就找了一個鐘頭。