
glandular adj.1.腺的,含腺的,有腺的特征[功能]的。2.天生...

The colonic mucosa of active ulcerative colitis shows “ crypt abscesses “ in which a neutrophilic exudate is found in glandular lumens 急性潰瘍性結腸炎結腸顯示粘膜隱窩有小膿腫,腺腔內可見中性粒細胞滲出。

glandular cancer

Chronic fatigue syndrome is most commonly triggered by an acute illness , like glandular fever , and it is the severity of this illness that decides whether you will develop the syndrome , the research found 研究發現,慢性疲勞綜合癥最常見的觸發因素是像傳染性單核細胞增多癥等的急性病,這種急癥的嚴重性決定了人們是否會患上慢性疲勞綜合癥。

Chronic fatigue syndrome is most commonly triggered by an acute illness , like glandular fever , and it is the severity of this illness that decides whether you will develop the syndrome , the research found 研究發現,慢性疲勞綜合癥最常見的誘因是傳染性單核細胞增多癥等急性病,這種急癥的嚴重性決定了人們是否會患上慢性疲勞綜合癥。

When the body is due to a cold , over - exertion , a sharp drop in blood tonsil , glandular secretion decline , resulting in decreased local resistance , the bacteria break caused tonsil infection , acute laryngitis 當機體因受涼、過度勞累時,扁桃體血流銳減,腺體分泌減少,造成局部抵抗力下降,細菌乘虛而入引起扁桃體發炎、急性咽喉炎。

In the day 4 afternoon and midnight , stat3 expression and nuclear translocation of tyrosine - phosphorylated stat3 became stronger in the glandular and luminal epithelium of the potential implantation sites 第4天下午及午夜,胚胎將要著床處子宮的腔上皮和腺上皮中stat3表達繼續增強,酪氨酸磷酸化stat3的核轉位明顯增強。

There were strong stat3 immunostaining in the glandular epithelium and weak nuclear translocation of tyrosine - phosphorylated stat3 in the luminal epithelium containing a blastocyst in the day 4 morning 第4天上午子宮腺上皮中的stat3免疫染色較強,且在胚泡所在處的的子宮腔上皮中有弱的酪氨酸磷酸化stat3蛋白的核轉位。

A broken metatarsal in december 2005 put him out of the reckoning at chelsea and last season came to a premature end when he was diagnosed with glandular fever in march 2005年12月的跖骨骨折讓他沒能參加核切爾西的比賽,而在被查出患有傳染性單核白細胞增多之后,他的整個賽季也在3月過早的結束。

It has long been considered a healing stone to help lungs , heart , spleen , stomach ulcers , intestines and eyesight . peridot balances the glandular system and aids tissue regeneration 我國河北省張家口地區萬全縣大麻坪發現的橄欖石,重量236 . 5克拉,取名為“華北之星” ,是我國橄欖石之最。

We will test the machr antibodies in causing decreased glandular secretion . we also use patients sera to screen a phage display - library in order to identify other autoantigens autoantibodies 我們將利用蛋白體學,分子細胞學,免疫組織學及生理學研究方法來研究唾液線分泌減少之致病機轉。

Tis inculdes cancer cells confined within the glandular basement membrane ( intraepithelial ) or lamina propria ( intra - mucosal ) with no extension through the muscularis mucosae into the submucosa 腫瘤細胞局限在腺體基底膜(上皮內癌)或固有層(粘膜內) ,沒有超過粘膜肌層侵及至粘膜下層

But you will need to find out why you are fatigued , so i recommend a medical check - up to eliminate any underlying medical causes such as diabetes or glandular fever 不過,他同時指出,您應找出疲倦的原因,因此建議您做一個身體檢查,否定患上糖尿病和腺熱等疾病的可能性。 。

The glandular clusters hae punched out lumens . the cytoplasm is clear or pale eosinophilic . the nuclei are uniform and lack nucleoli . basal cells can be clearly seen 簇狀分布的腺體已經突入腺腔。胞漿透明或蒼白,呈嗜酸性染色。胞核大小均勻,核仁不明顯。基底細胞清晰可見。

In ra uterus , expression of ppar6 mrna was gradually decreased in the luminal epithelium and increased in the glandular epithelium from day l to 5 of pregnancy 在大鼠中,從妊娠第1天到第5天, ppar mrna在子宮腔上皮上表達逐漸減弱,腺上皮上表達逐漸增強。

The mris were especially helpful in women with dense breasts , which have more glandular and connective tissue ? and less fat ? than normal 尤其是對于那些含有較多乳腺小葉以及結締組織而質地較韌的乳房來說,核磁共振檢查更是一項很有幫助的檢查。

Association between type and type venom glandular cells of in dorsal fin spine of stonefish ( inimicus japonicus ) was studied by light microscopy and electro microscopy 日本鬼背鰭棘毒腺中有兩種類型毒腺細胞? ?型細胞和型細胞。

Presence of focal or een extensie malignant squamous and / or glandular epithelium ( seen here ) is not uncommon in typical urothelial carcinoma 腫瘤組織中可見到局灶性和或惡性鱗狀和或腺上皮。這種情況在典型的尿路上皮癌中并不少見。

Based on poor glandular formation , necrosis , cellular atypia , nuclear pleomorphism , invasion of soft tissue and bone , and vascular permeation 主要基于腺管的結構分化不良,壞死,細胞異型性,核多型性,軟組織和骨浸潤以及血管浸潤。

Peridot balances the glandular system and aids tissue regeneration . it has beneficial influence on the heart , pancreas , spleen , liver , and adrenals 橄欖石有助舒緩緊張情緒,令人心曠神怡,也可使睡眠安穩,與外界更加融洽。

The expression of stat3 mrna in the luminal and glandular epithelium was considerable stronger on day 1 of pregnancy , and weaker on days 2 to 3 妊娠第1天的子宮腔上皮和腺上皮中,有較強的stat3mrna表達,在第2 3天較弱。