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glamour stock 〔美國〕熱門股票。

The article investigates shanghai list companies from 1998 year to 2002 year ' s data , and gets two models by the methods of correlation and step - wise regression . by comparing two models “ s response to good and bad earnings announcement in the difference level of market , the conclusion of this article is : ( 1 ) the price response to bad and good earnings announcement is asymmetry ; ( 2 ) the price response to bad and good earnings announcement changes as the relative level of the market changes ; ( 3 ) the notion that as the market rises , the asymmetry in the response to good and bad news becomes relatively more pronounced for glamour stocks is not applied to our security market 通過對1998年至2002年所有滬市上市公司五年的數據進行實證分析,運用相關性分析、多元逐步回歸等方法,得到兩個多元回歸模型,對比兩個模型在不同市場狀態下的反應,得到了以下結論: ( 1 )市場在年報好壞盈余信息的公布情況方面反應是不對稱的; ( 2 )市場對好壞盈利信息反應的不對稱性的程度主要依賴于整個市場所處的狀態; ( 3 )隨著市場不斷好轉,魅力股對壞盈利信息的反應并沒有變得更強烈,同時對好壞盈利信息的反應差別也不大。


In chapter three , the author adopt conventional risk indices including p , bp and full range , and such portfolios management evaluation ratios as jenson ' s alpha , treynor ratio and sharpe ratio to evaluate risk - adjusted investment performance and relevant risk indices of value stock portfolio and of glamour stock portfolio in buy - hold average returns ( bhars ) and average monthly returns ( amrs ) term 在文章的第三章,作者利用傳統的風險指標。 , ?刀,和全距以及夏普指數、特雷諾指數和詹森指數對上述持有期為一年的一維、二維等權和權重價值反轉投資策略的價值投資組合和魅力投資組合的風險和投資業績進行了計算,同樣從買入并持有收益率和組合月均收益率兩個角度入手。

This article based on local and foreign scholar ' s studies on earnings announcement and value / glamour stock , creates and uses the variable of different p / e to define the relative level of market , and chooses earnings announcement as the even for analyzing the market response to good and bad earnings announcement 本文在總結國內外學者關于盈利信息及價值股和魅力股的研究基礎上,采用事件研究法,選取盈利信息公布作為反應事件,運用相對市盈率劃分不同的市場狀態,針對我國證券市場在盈利信息公布的反應方面做了系統的分析。

The article investigates shanghai list companies from 1998 year to 2002 year ' s data , and gets two models by the methods of correlation and step - wise regression . by comparing two models “ s response to good and bad earnings announcement in the difference level of market , the conclusion of this article is : ( 1 ) the price response to bad and good earnings announcement is asymmetry ; ( 2 ) the price response to bad and good earnings announcement changes as the relative level of the market changes ; ( 3 ) the notion that as the market rises , the asymmetry in the response to good and bad news becomes relatively more pronounced for glamour stocks is not applied to our security market 通過對1998年至2002年所有滬市上市公司五年的數據進行實證分析,運用相關性分析、多元逐步回歸等方法,得到兩個多元回歸模型,對比兩個模型在不同市場狀態下的反應,得到了以下結論: ( 1 )市場在年報好壞盈余信息的公布情況方面反應是不對稱的; ( 2 )市場對好壞盈利信息反應的不對稱性的程度主要依賴于整個市場所處的狀態; ( 3 )隨著市場不斷好轉,魅力股對壞盈利信息的反應并沒有變得更強烈,同時對好壞盈利信息的反應差別也不大。

In addition , the author find that the two indices : c / p and e / p are not valid indices to distinguish value stock from glamour stock , and two - dimension indices have better ability to distinguish value stock from glamour stock than one - dimension indices , which is same as lsv ( 1994 ) . finally , the evidence of return mean - reverting from this chapter support the ideas of debondt & thaler ( 1985 ) on stock overreaction 而且作者發現c用和e護指標并不是劃分價值投資組合和魅力投資組合的有效指標。而且二維指標對價值投資組合和魅力投資組合的區分能力高于一維指標,這與lsv ( 1994 )的結論相同。最后,價值組合和魅力組合在組合形成前后的收益率反轉現象也支持了debondt & thaler ( 1985 )有關股票市場存在過度反應的觀點。

John specializes in buying glamour stock , particular in media , and entertainment companies 約翰專門購買由傳媒、娛樂公司發行的熱門股票。

John ecializes in buying glamour stock , particular in media , and entertainment companies 約翰專門購買由傳媒、娛樂公司發行的熱門股票。