
glamorous adj.富有魔力的,迷人的。


With the image of glamorous models at the back of her mind , chris went on a strict diet 指某件事或某個人在你的記憶里或意識里,但卻沒有引起你太多的注意。

Less ancient but more glamorous wonders are being unearthed in the 1st and 2nd century tombs 雖不算古遠,但在1 ? 2世紀的古墓里,另世人驚嘆的奇跡發現了。

Any girl can be glamorous . all you have to do is stand still and look stupid 任何一個姑娘都可以是迷人的,你所要做的就安靜的站著使得看上去傻傻的。

A schoolteacher who couldn ' t draw became the designer of hollywood ' s most glamorous costumes 一個不會作畫的老師,能成為服裝設計師嗎?她做到了。

Conclusion : bairun will be with you to create a glamorous future for the chinese food industry 結束語:百潤與您一起共同創造中國食品工業的輝煌!

It can bring myself to the united states , a glamorous land i have been longing to visit 書能把我帶到美國,那個我一直想去游覽的充滿魅力的地方。

The gritty suburbs of paris are getting a taste of the glamorous cannes film festival 砂石遍布的巴黎市郊同樣分享到了戛納電影節的影視盛宴。

The industry ' s most glamorous and powerful people will be there for the presentation 業界中最光鮮亮麗以及最有影響力的人將到此參加典禮。

Evenings of glamorous european football were becoming a feature of stamford bridge life too 此時,切爾西在歐洲足球中也開始嶄露頭角。

A glamorous performance at st . andrews cathedral with an attentive audience 于圣安德魯教堂演奏扣人心弦的中國樂曲,深深吸引著當地觀眾

So give your customers a touch of this elegant and glamorous trend this winter 因此,讓你的顧客接觸到這個典雅迷人的冬季流行時尚吧!

The passive and quiet so - yeon demonstrates a very different yet glamorous personality 凡此種種劇情都沒有闡明,頗令人搞不清真相。

Glamorous stars bedroom 璀璨星空臥室

I ' ll be flooded by invitations to a large number of glamorous parties 我會收到如洪水般的請帖數不清的迷人的晚會在向我招手

Trying to imagine what it was like when this was all still glamorous 我在試著想象當所有這些還都閃閃發光的時候是什么樣子

The peak : simply glamorous 太平山頂是

Richard : i like tall , glamorous women so my answer is easy 理查德:我喜歡個兒高的、迷人的女人,所以我的答案很簡單。

Of a more glamorous life 夢想著美好生活的人

Glamorous stars bedroom games 璀璨星空臥室小游戲