
glamor n.〔美國〕= glamour.

This special glamor of tv news and workers ' unique intellectual products are inseparable , so the tv journalists are expected to have high - toned thought and professional quality , and are enquired to precisely make sure the “ scale “ of news propagation , so that correctly win the functions of consensus guidance of the tv news 而電視新聞的這種獨特魅力是與電視新聞工作者獨具慧眼的創作分不開的,故作為一名電視新聞工作者需要具備較高的思想和業務素質,準確把握新聞宣傳的“度” ,以正確發揮電視新聞的輿論導向作用。

“ most women do not go to a counselor for advice ; they look to seventeen or glamor magazine instead 敏茲說: “多數女性不向咨詢師進行咨詢,而是看17歲或魅力等此類的雜志。

This year “ s cannes film festival , which ended sunday , brought plenty of glitz , glamor and hollywood moments 今年的戛納電影節于上周日正式落下帷幕。

glamor boy

This special glamor of tv news and workers ' unique intellectual products are inseparable , so the tv journalists are expected to have high - toned thought and professional quality , and are enquired to precisely make sure the “ scale “ of news propagation , so that correctly win the functions of consensus guidance of the tv news 而電視新聞的這種獨特魅力是與電視新聞工作者獨具慧眼的創作分不開的,故作為一名電視新聞工作者需要具備較高的思想和業務素質,準確把握新聞宣傳的“度” ,以正確發揮電視新聞的輿論導向作用。

Some emphasized intelligence , while others tested the children s observational skills , patience , or concentration . there were also various innovative events , such as a costume party , where contestants competed in terms of glamor . also worth noting were several traditional children s games that reflected the ideas and wisdom of ancient people , for example , bamboo - wind - thunder , 有場面大氣氛緊繃考驗反應力的游戲有益智的有考驗細心耐心與定力的也有發揮創意比酷的化妝舞會還有不少集古人的創意與智慧的傳統童玩,如竹風雷猜謎語捏面人打陀螺等。

Having said all these problems of the film , i don t mean this film is totally worthless . lee jung - jae displays his glamors as usual . he constructs the shy and timid image of u - in convincingly , though i still think this character is quite freaky you ll agree with me if you have seen his behavior in the film 男主角李政宰和觸片一樣內向,但不及該片角色的可愛,相反有點變態,如躲在女廁偷聽別人小便看咸網和合成相自瀆等,是內向得有點可怕的人物,如果極端發展下去很可能會成為偷窺狂和色魔。

Chongqing is not a stylish city , and this is , of course , a pity to its girls , but with god ' s favor , they are born to have bright eyes , white teeth and a forthright character , which result in their strong personality , infinite glamor , burning passion and proper behavior 重慶不是一個時尚的城市,這對重慶美眉來說,當然有些遺憾,不過,上帝的偏愛給予她們天生的明眸皓齒和爽直的性格,使她們個性十足,魅力十足,熱情似火而又拿捏有度。

Therefore , the interpretation of these two foregrounding features will help us to grasp the motif and glamor of the story from a new point of view 解讀小說的這兩個前景化特征就可以從一個全新的角度透視小說的主旨與魅力。

She ' s real pretty , but i bet she has a boyfriend . / since she started college , all of a sudden she ' s miss glamor 她真漂亮,但我打賭她已經有男朋友了. /她上了大學后,一下子變得很時髦

“ most women do not go to a counselor for advice ; they look to seventeen or glamor magazine instead 敏茲說: “多數女性不向咨詢師進行咨詢,而是看17歲或魅力等此類的雜志。

This year “ s cannes film festival , which ended sunday , brought plenty of glitz , glamor and hollywood moments 今年的戛納電影節于上周日正式落下帷幕。

What glamor , what cheer 真迷人,真快樂

What makes television distinctive is its glamor and its reach 使電視具有特色的東西是它那迷人的魅力以及傳播范圍之廣。

You ' re gonna see fake glamor 你會看到紙醉金迷

They pay for glamor magazines that are 90 percent ads 他們支付百分之90的廣告的魅力雜志。

Her beauty was never more resplendent than when she cast a parting glamor at the youth . 最后,她向年輕人瞥了一眼,她從未有過象向他投過這一瞥時那么楚楚動人了。

The glamor of the east was brought to international prominence by the russian national school . 俄羅斯民族樂派使東方的魅力產生了國際性的影響。

For ramona it evidently surrounded him with glamor . 而在雷蒙娜的心目中,這卻明顯地使他蒙上了一層誘人的魅力。

He was caught by the glamor of the antarctica . 他被南極的迷人景色吸引住。